Alena Lein - Biography, Personal Life, News, Atelier, Photo 2021



Among those who trust their style of a workshop of a classic costume, founded in 1997 by Talented Alena Lein, is completely stars. TV presenter Vladimir Pozner, Hollywood actors Eric Roberts and Carey Hiroshuki Tagawa, showman Alexander Revva, rapper Vasily Vakulentko (Basta) and Timur Yunusov (Timati), Bone-Bone Dzu, Igor Vernik and Leningrad Grouping Leader Sergey Shnurovs willingly apply to outfits Created by a trendy house. However, and not a celebrity can order an individual tailoring of the outerwear, shoes and accessories.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the autumn of the 1970s, November 11, a joyful event occurred in the Moscow family of Great, the daughter of Elena (Alena) appeared. Father Vladimir Egorovich worked in the Diplomatic Security Service and External Intelligence of the First Main Department of the KGB of the USSR. Valentina Pavlovna's mother (in Maiden Lyubov) held the position of senior employee of the Institute of Chemical Physics named after Nikolai Semenov RAS.

Traction for knowledge has always been present in the girl. To acquire the certificate of maturity, the graduate entered the metropolitan MTY, where the highest art education and specialty of the fashion designer received.

In the piggy bank of Russian universities, Alena has two academies - diplomatic Foreign Ministry and foreign trade. In the list of foreign educational institutions - Italian Nuova Accademia Di Belle Arti, French IFA Paris, Mexican Instituto Borghese Moda & Diseño. Subsequently, they were joined and created in the middle of the zero school of the Skolkovo Management School.

The founder of the workshop of the classic costume pleases subscribers not only in curious facts from the history of fashion and design, but also a personal biography. In April 2020, the businesswoman participated in Challenger and published his children's photo in "Instagram", accompanied by reflection:

"I remembered my childhood without high-speed communications, which actually removed, and did not bring together people. There were strong families, real friendship, deep faith and the joy of knowledge through experience, and not "Wikipedia". Being now in the absence of direct communication, we may understand the true value of life. "

Personal life

The Moscow Technological Institute presented the Beauty-student not only the necessary knowledge, but also acquaintance with the future husband. In 1988, Roberto Palacios Fernandez, the only son of the Spanish Historian-Restorer and Citizens of the USSR, and Alena played a wedding.

In the future, the man became famous as an artist, sculptor, an expert on the history of military costume and the founder of the magazine "Tseykhgauz".

On September 1, 1989, the spouse took congratulations on the birth of the first penny Antonio. Soon the boy appeared the younger brother Ramon. Unfortunately, the children did not bore the marriage, and in 1992 their parents decided to divorce. Subsequently, the heirs became the main assistants of the mother in business, contributing to the prosperity of the Mastersuit brand and holding leadership positions in Atelier.

"From the Assistant's boy, I went through the commercial director and co-owner of the Organization, in which new businesses of business development appear. Among the clients there are friends who implement ideas and help develop, but it would be impossible to implement without tremendous work and work, "says Antonio.

The spectacular blonde is not divided into details of personal life, limited to concise information, which is civil marriage. Among her hobbies - horse riding, stand shooting, fencing, golf, painting, literature and cinema.


Before you to establish together with the companions of the studio on tailoring, Alena managed to acquire several professions.

The woman worked as Baier and the designer in famous companies and in factories, including international. And also easily coped with the tasks of the financial consultant of the trade missions of Vietnam, the MFA of China and the Consulates of Latvia.

In 1997, there was a turn of the workshop of a classic costume, which is located in the historic mansion on the Smolensk Embankment in the center of Moscow. Its main rule is an individual approach to creating the elements of the wardrobe, taking into account the client's preferences.

Partners Leine are well-known enterprises of the Luxury segment, and suppliers are foreign manufacturers of ITALY, France and England. In 2004, Lein acquired a full package of shares of the company, made restructuring and rebranding and became the general director.

On the official website of the company it is indicated that it is 150 employees by the 2020th. Number of buyers (among them officials, stars, entrepreneurs, first persons of the country) over the entire period of activity exceeded 15 thousand people.

Alena Lein now

Lein continues to create new collections of clothing and offer customers for sewing, repairing and cleaning costumes, jackets, shoes, accessories, etc. To make an order, who wish can contact the Boutique Atelier, working every day from 11:00 to 20 : 00, as well as meet with masters in a convenient place for yourself.

Alena, who manifested himself and as an organizer of events for charitable foundations, festivals, premiums of business clubs and business communities, successfully develops its blog in "Instagram". For its new publications with advice in the field of fashion, style and design, the thousands of subscribers are observed.

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