Ivan Krasko: 2020, biography, personal life, wife, children, films, in youth, now


He made a very much like actor theater and cinema, becoming, according to individual fans, a lively symbol of St. Petersburg, although it was not born in the city on the Neva. His name is now hearing, but not due to the former merits, but because of a series of scandals associated with the past and real family life of the elderly artist.

On September 23, 2020, Ivan Krako met his 90th anniversary. On interesting facts from the personal life and the creative biography of the actor - in the material 24cmi.

1. "Wonderful years" and surname

The childhood of the future artist is difficult to call rainbow. When he was 10 months old, because of Sepsis, Anastasia Ivanovna Krasko died, after the wedding, who changed the surname to the man. This sad circumstance has adversely affected the father - Ivan Afanasyevich was firmly rushed. Drunkenness undermined the health of the man, and at the age of 5, Ivan Krasko, then, however, the truth that was called the Bauzhalov, remained without a second parent.

After what happened to the upbringing of the boy and his two brothers, Nikolai and Vasily, her grandmother was engaged in his father - senior Vladimir, who died during the war years on the front, took to her mother's mother. Krako future actor after the war, when he returned from the front of the mother's brother and adopted the child.

2. Path to the scene

For the first time, the tendency to the hysticiary Ivan Krako showed in childhood. Rustic life did not please the variety of entertainment. And the main among them was chosen by film, which were twisted in the local rural club. The future artist did not miss any new items, and after the event retells the events in faces, which had fun at the screen, than a lot of fun and entertained those who were accompanied by such improvised views.

Despite all the listed, get rid of the timidity before that in his youth seemed a unrealized dream, the Krazko managed not immediately. So, instead of the theater university after school, the documents he filed to the Naval School. However, and there did not get rid of their passion. Therefore, leaving the reserve in the rank of captain-lieutenant, decided to become a certified actor.

3. And Reader and Reaper

Ivan Krasko did not limit his creative activity by acting. In the late 2000s, two books were published, written by an artist, "My friend Peter Shelokhonov" and "Bikes. And not only". Both are the works of autobiographical, telling about the life and theatrical activity of the author himself, as well as its partners in the scene. The artist and now shelters the idea for another work in the plans.

In addition to literary exercises, Ivan Ivanovich managed to try himself and as a director, putting his hand to the production of Telplexacle "Honoring", which is based on the work of the American Bernard Slade. The company in this case was Mikhail Kozakov.

4. The first among equal

In the list of folk artists of the Russian Federation, Ivan Krako is listed by the first person, officially gained the title after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This significant event happened in February 1992 - from the moment of the cessation of the existence of the Great Empire, there was no month.

5. In the frame and for the scenes

Despite the relevance in the theater, real fame to the artist has come thanks to the cinema - in the filmography of Ivan Ivanovich there are about one and a half hundred film and teleboth. And such a long way to the cinema began for the actor with the role of a nameless pilot in the film Vladimir Wengerov "Baltic Sky".

By the way, the artist was able to work out on the voice acting - he gave the voice of the characters of foreign militants and cartoons, as well as grandfather Oktavia from the computer game "Roman Roman Empire", published in 2012.

6. Koronnit early

In 2019, rumors were crawled that Ivan Krasko allegedly gathered to move to the house of veterans of the scene. However, the actor gossip is denied, stating that while "in the active phase" is not going to leave the theatrical layouts. Although it does not exclude the opportunity to subsequently become an old elderly entity. He says, if the circumstances are so described, it will always be going to go.

7. Wives

The family life of the artist was saturated. With the first wife, Ekaterina Ivanova, who gave her husband to her daughter Galina, Krasko divorced in 4 years - she demanded to choose between family and profession, and the actor did not agree to betray the dream.

Marriage with the second chief launched the whole 40 years - Kira Petrova, who born two children, the son of Andrei and daughter Julia, died in the 97th.

The next wife of the artist was Natalia Vyazha, who worked as an artist in the costumes and former than 47 years old, the sons of actor Ivan and Fyodor appeared in this 10-year-old union.

The fourth companion of the Matra, despite the difference in age, was Natalia Shevel, born in 1990. This marriage was short and collapsed 3 years of living together.

Ivan Ivanovich also had a relationship with Darya Gorshkova for some time, but the son of Andrei, who chose the acting travel father, expressed sharp discontent with this connection. The novel between the young girl and the former older than her for 40 years the actor stopped, but Marina appeared on the light at this time, which Ivan Ivanovich helped as his own daughter for 20 years.

In 2018, the transfer "In fact" was announced that Daria Gorshkova girl gave birth at all from the artist. However, after the emerging information, Ivan Krasko did not change his attitude towards Marina.

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