Victor Monday - biography, cause of death, personal life, football player, photo, died



Victor Monday is the legendary Soviet footballer, who brought the USSR team to the victorious goal in 1960 in the final match of the European Cup. The athlete did not part with football, even when she finished his footballer's career - began writing books about his own experience in a popular game. Viktor Vladimirovich showed a beautiful productive game at competitions, honed technique.

Childhood and youth

The Soviet athlete was born on May 22, 1937 in Rostov-on-Don. Vladimir Father worked as a journalist in the newspaper, and Sophia's mother was engaged in Nursing. As the football player himself noted, the family name of the Father appeared after the cancellation of serfdom in Russia in 1861. When the ancestors of the peasants were on Don, the clerk designated the current day of the week in the column "last name".

When the Great Patriotic War began, Victor and Mother moved to Tbilisi. Here the boy first met with football, and also learned Georgian. At the end of the war, the son and mother returned to Rostov-on-Don.

Personal life

Personal life has developed for a football player. Viktor Vladimirovich married Arina Rastorgueva. In marriage, three children were born - Victoria's daughter (1961) and Anastasia (1979) and Son Valentin (1962). They gave the football player of Sergey's grandchildren, Irina, Valery and Andrei.


The player's football career began in the "Petrel" circle. In 1956, the young man entered the Rostov Torpedo, then renamed Rostselmash, speaking in the class "b". For the first year of the game, the young athlete scored three goals in five matches. From 1959 he played for the Club of the Military District. The first football player's output was held here on the field with a class A team. In the same year, he scored a goal in the Gate of CSK MO.

The promising young man was invited to the USSR national team. In 1960, Victor spoke at the European Championship, held in France. Playing the final match, the Soviet team at the beginning of the meeting was inferior to the opponent - the national team of Yugoslavia with a score of 0: 1. When the second half began, the score managed to compare thanks to the scored glory hung goal.

In an additional half of the tense game in the 113rd minute, Victor sent the ball to the gate of Yugoslavov. This brought the USSR team victory, and the golden goal of a young player entered the history of football. That same year, the athlete was among the best players of the season of the USSR Championship, on this list Monday then remained for three years. In 1961, Victor entered CSKA in Moscow. But in the new team he did not participate in the games and returned to the native SKA in Rostov, where he was playing until 1965.

In parallel with the games in Ska, the football player continued to speak for the USSR national team. In 1962, the team reached the 1/4 finals on the World Cup, which was held in Chile. In 1964 at the European Cup in Spain, the national team won silver. Monday demonstrated a beautiful game, but health problems broke a successful career. In 1966, the sharp attacks of Asthma did not give an athlete to participate in the World Cup, held in England. In the same year, the player moved to the "Spartak" team in Moscow, but never went to the field.

The footballer decided to complete his career. From 1956 to 1966, the athlete played in 217 meetings, sending balls to the opponent team gates 86 times. As part of the USSR national team, Viktor Vladimirovich participated in 29 games, scoring 20 goals in them. Completing his career, Monday spent a farewell match - his team graduated from the battle with the GDR team with a score of 2: 2.

From 1966 to 1969, the athlete took the position of coach in Rostovsky Rostselmash. Then he continued his father's case - I tried myself as a sports browser. At first, the player performed the duties of the chief editor of the football department in the popular newspaper Soviet Sport, and then took the place of the editor in the publication "Football Hockey". He is known to fans not only as a talented and experienced athlete, but also as a writer. Viktor Vladimirovich became the author of several books, among which the "confession of the central striker", "the ball - in the gate" and others.

Excellent physical data (power, 180 cm growth) made a football player with a favorite of the Soviet public, the photo of a young man fell on the pages of sports newspapers and magazines. In the games athlete spoke at number 9, under which the central strikers were usually put. It is known that Victor did not like to beat the penalty, calling himself "fisherman, but not a hunter shooting in a defenseless animal."

Monkey on the field

Interesting in Monday's career was the myth that a man killed a monkey during the match. The story that occurred in the player's sports biography was turned into a folk legend, a bike, moving from the mouth to the mouth and proof of non-existent details. The canonical version of the myth tells about the fact that in one of the African football clubs, coaches taught a monkey to catch balls. To check the animal skills, Viktor Vladimirovich was invited.

According to the legend, the animal managed to catch the ball of the striker, but the blow was so strong that the primacy died. From that moment on, the footballer was forbidden to beat in full force, and to control the player's foot, a warning bandage should now be put on so that the judges follow the actions of an athlete.

In reality, the story with a "fatal blow" looked different. In 1963, SKA conducted a series of matches with teams from Africa. In the role of the captain of the team performed Monday. In the memoirs, the footballer noted that when the Mali national team went out on the field, he saw a monkey with a chain of a goalkeeper. Posted by the animal on the crossbar of the gate, the goalkeeper began the game. During the match, the Soviet striker sent a distant strike on the goal of the opponent. The ball hit the crossbar on which the primacy was.

From surprise, the animal fell to the ground and remained fixed. The African national team immediately interrupted the game, rushing to the victim. Chaos began on the stands, different items flew in the Soviet athletes, and the players were forced to hide in the locker room. It turned out that the monkey was Mali's talisman, which is present on each home game team. If Primate died, it is unknown, whatever fate would expect SKA. But the story was not over.

The match was attended by a journalist of the French newspaper L'Équipe, who wrote articles about passing games. The information stated by them about the incident in the USSR was incorrectly translated, putting Monday the "Killer monkey-goalkeeper". An erroneous hyphen, who fell into the text, also served the appearance of a bike about trained to catch the balls of the animal. The situation in the end turned out, but the story of the "killing of Primate" quickly went into the people.


December 5, 2020, the legendary Victor Monday died. He was 83 years old. The football player bequeathed to bury himself in his native Rostov-on-Don.


  • 1960 - World Cup (USSR national team, gold)
  • 1964 - European Cup (USSR national team, silver)

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