Michelle Morgan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Michelle Morgan is a French actress, which has gained the love of millions of viewers. It belongs to the star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory" and the status of the most beautiful eye of cinema, which informally assigned fans. Morgan was a movie icon of 1950-1960, had romantic relationships with famous artists, realized in the theater, journalism and painting.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the artist is Simon Ren Russel. She was born on February 29, 1920 in Nyui-sur-Sene and became the eldest of the four children of the businesswoman Louis Riessel. The man worked in a shopping house, which was engaged in exporting perfumery. The company, where his father worked, broke, and the family moved to Diepp. There, the entrepreneur opened the grocery shop, but, being a unfortunate merchant, soon lost her.

Simon since childhood dreamed that her biography would be related to acting skills. She went to his hometown, where she lived with her grandparents. When Rene turned 15, she went to conquer Paris. In the capital, Russels with emergency persistence attended numerous castings and starred in the crowd until she smiled at luck. The will of Fate Rena received a small role in the painting "Mademoiselle Mozart", which Ivan Nae was removed.

The director estimated the dramatic potential of a beginner artist. He advised to do dramatic craft at a professional level. Roussell entered the conservatory of dramatic art. The performer took the alias Michel Morgan and became a student of dramatic courses. Already a year later she signed their first contract and starred in the picture "Sumphyl".

Personal life

The first love lasted Michelle on the set film "Embankment of Tumanov". Her project partner was Jean Gaben. Noting the attractiveness of the girl, the artist contributed to the emergence of feelings, and a novel between his colleagues began. Their connection was doomed to the gap, as Gaben was married to Jeanne's dancer.Embed from getty images

In his youth, Morgan was incredibly good for himself, which provided her in demand in the frame and the attention of men. When the girl began with the relationship with William Marshall, a musician and actor, Michelle seemed that she had gained happiness in his personal life. The wedding of lovers took place a month after the acquaintance, but the marriage turned out to be disappointment. The husband was constantly jealous, tried to make a housewife from a popular actress, and the mother-in-law tried to control the daughter-in-law.

In 1944, the Son Michael was born in the spouses, but he did not resist Michelle from flight. As soon as Paris was freed from the occupation, the actress left the house of her husband and returned to his homeland. The artist immediately indulged in the shooting and development of a career.

Anri Vidal, a partner with whom she starred in Fabiola tape was becoming the new chosen one. Passionate novel prevented Marriage Michel. Her spouse hired detectives and filed for a divorce. Marshall managed to win the process and get custody over the son. For some time, Michelle and her child lived separately, and in 1965 Michael decided to move to France.

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Getting rid of the bonds of past relations, Morgan married Vidal. The wedding took place in 1950. At first, the performer refused to share the film from the spouse, since personal relationships prevented professional relationships. Then his role was played by the narcotic dependence of the chosen. He died in 1959.

Already in 1958, the last year of her husband, Michel consisted of relations with Gerarr Uri. The director and screenwriter appreciated the femininity of the actress during the shooting process of the "double mirror". Marriage with Vidal has exhausted himself, but Morgan felt guilty for his feelings for Uri. After the death of the spouse, she even tried to part with his beloved, but in the 1960s their relations were officially confirmed. The connection was similar to the novel of lovers, as creative people lived apart. Gerard visited Michel only on the weekend.


After the "duplicate" Michelle received an invitation to participate in the Bury tape, where he worked in a duet with Charl, Bayee. In 1938, the premiere of the painting "Embankment of Tumanov" took place. She became the classic of world cinema and gave fame actress with expressive eyes. With Jean Gaben, the artist worked on the creation of the films "Coral Reef" and "Tugs". Shots of the second project found the beginning of hostilities in France. Gaben went to the front, and Morgan went to conquer Hollywood.

The creative biography of the actresses in the United States developed gradually, but it enjoyed success. Recovering in the films "Jeanne Paris", "Law of the North" and "Two Tickets to London", Michelle Morgan attracted the attention of the public and critics. Then followed the image of the blind Gertruda in the "Pastoral Symphony" tape. Going out on the screens in 1946, the picture brought the performer of the "silver branch" of the Cannes Festival.

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Morgan filmography replenished the tapes "Fallen Angel", "Glass Castle", in which she starred with Jean Mare. Then the premiere of the film "Pride" and the paintings "Large maneuvers", created with the participation of Gerard Philip. In the tape "Ghostly happiness" of the partner of the performer became Burvil. Among the historical heroines embodied by the artist in the frame, Jeanne D'Ark, Josephine Bogarne and Maria-Antoinette were found.

The innovations that the new era brought to the cinema demanded the loyalty of actors and the ability to quickly respond to changes. Not everyone was capable of this, and many artists went out into circulation. At the same time, Morgan continued to be filmed. She worked on the landscape of Kinokartin "Landrew", "Cat and Mouse", "they are fine."

Having discovered the prospects for theatrical scene, Michel went to the stage at once several theaters in Paris. In 1999, she starred in the rival tape, and after 2 years, officially announced the completion of the career.


After the death of the Son and Gerard Uri Michel Morgan settled in the honey. In the old age, the popular actress led the recovery lifestyle and communicated only with relatives.Embed from getty images

In 2016, the celebrity died. The cause of death has become health problems caused by old age: Michelle Morgan was 96 years old.

The grave of the artist is located in the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris.


  • 1938 - "Embankment of Tumanov"
  • 1942 - Jeanne Parisian
  • 1950 - "Glass Castle"
  • 1951 - "Seven mortal sins"
  • 1955 - "Napoleon: the path to the top"
  • 1956 - "Maria Antoinette - Queen of France"
  • 1962 - "Landrew"
  • 1975 - "Cat and Mouse"
  • 1986 - "Illusions of Love"
  • 1999 - "Rival"

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