Lyudmila Maksakova: 2020, biography, personal life, children, in youth, now, husband


She had a chance not only to shine on the screen - the individual circumstances of the life of the actress were worthy of being immortalized in cinema, although it is not about things that are pleasant. Fate presented her a considerable talent, which won the recognition of millions of viewers, but did not save from family problems.

September 26, 2020 celebrated the 80th anniversary of Lyudmila Maksakov. On curious facts from the personal life and the creative biography of the artist - in the material 24cmi.

1. Alien patronymic

Considerable interest is the story associated with the patrols of the artist. The biological father of the actress was the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Alexander Volkov, from which the girl Soviet opera diva Maria Petrovna Maksakova gave birth to the girl. Despite this, Lyudmila since childhood is the patronymic of Vasilyevna.

Among the main versions of this discrepancy is as follows: since the girl's father in 1942 preferred to go to the West, subsequently received American citizenship, the mother did not want the daughter of the fate of the enemy of the people. And persuaded a good acquaintance - a high-ranking officer of the Pelenter of the Interior of Vasily Novikov - to record a child for yourself.

However, options are possible. As the fact that Alexander Volkov initially refused to admit his daughter. So that Vasily Novikov, in fact, was the father of Lyudmila Maksakova, whose mother, by the way, was also attributed to the novel with Stalin himself. Moreover, some lovers gossip Iosif Vissarionovich, who allocated by the favorable attention of Maria Petrovna, called the true parent of the little Luda. Which of the options closer to the truth is not clear now.

2. In pursuit of a dream

Lyudmila Maksakova immediately determined for her daughter a further fate - that was to come to the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​after school (afterwards Moris Toren Mc), to get a diploma diploma at the end of training.

But the youngest Maksakova herself did not share parental opinion. Insitiously rotating in the artistic environment, surrounded by friends and acquaintances Maria Petrovna, Lyudmila from ornamental years has decided on career preferences. And the desire to follow the dream turned out to be so strong that the future actress first went to the mother's opposite, always distinguished power and holding her daughter in a fist, entered instead of "INAZ" in "Pike".

3. Love on notes

In his youth Lyudmila Maksakova studied to play the cello. This fact separately emphasized Andrei Voznesensky in the title of the collection of poems dedicated to the charming actress, "Cello oak leaf." Moreover, the actress itself recalls the period in life as a natural cortea: and the cello was not easy, and the classes had to wear it with them, and the cover was frankly ugly, made from some old cloth - there were no fashionable covers in those years .

The only welcome for the future artist was the teacher Svyatoslav Knushevitsky, in which the young girl immediately fell in love. After the adoration object left the music school, abandoned classes with Cello and Maksakov herself.

4. "Semistry" from close

In his youth, Lyudmila Maksakova consisted of friendly relations with Vladimir Vysotsky and presented with an artist one of his seven-time guitars. Having come to visit, Bard drew attention to a strange, closed to a rare silk fabric hanging from a familiar wall in a restroom, which was the mentioned musical instrument. The poet asked to give him a guitar and did not get a refusal.

5. Two attempts

Lyudmila Maksakova twice was married. The first spouse actresses became Felix-Lion Zbarsky - an artist, the son of the leader of the world proletariat Boris Zbars in his time for embalming the leader. The artist gave birth to her husband's son Maxim - shortly after this event followed a divorce, and the former beloved actress was departed first to Israel, and then further - to the United States.

For the second time, Ludmila Vasilyevna tied his life with a led from West Germany, a diplomat and entrepreneur Peter Ingenbergs, from which Mary's daughter gave birth.

6. Oh, these kids!

Children of artists from both husbands, each at one time, distinguished themselves - in the negative meaning of this word. So, the son of Lyudmila Vasilyevna Maxim was convicted on charges of embezzlement of 260 million rubles from budget funds allocated by the state to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle.

And the daughter of Mary, first excluded from the United Russia party for concealing dual citizenship, then went even further - I decided to betray my own biological grandfather of Alexander Volkov's own biological grandfather. True, because in importance to the progenitor did not reach, instead the United States had to settle on the territory of Ukraine.

7. History for the film

Lyudmila Maksakova, who consisted in the period in a romantic relationship with Mikael Tariverdiev, was with him in the car on the day when the car of the famous composer knocked the crowded passenger.

Mass of people are confident that it was actress in reality that was driving a vehicle at the time of the accident, although later Tariverdiev and convinced the law enforcement agencies in the opposite, taking the blame for himself. The incident put an end to a love connection. And the story that Lyudmila Maksakova spokes up completely differently, not recognizing the charges, then borrowed for the film "Station for Two" Eldar Ryazanov.

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