Timur Sidelnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



In the era, when young people stopped watching TV, the blogosphere became a space where young, daring and ambitious spoke at the full voice. Professionalism and experience here sometimes inferior and self-confidence. But to take possession of the attention of a large audience, you must at least learn how to produce original content. Timur Sidelnikov succeeded: for his Yutiub-channel about technologies, food, entertainment and travel, millions of subscribers are followed.

Childhood and youth

Balker was born on April 20, 1994 in Vladivostok in the family of Russian nationality. His childhood passed in the Far East. He was growing a regular boy who, like everyone, went to school, walked with friends and played computer games. Addiction to gadgets was the first bridge for the future profession. Timur loved to take pictures, and on the 18th anniversary I bought myself a video camera. From this, attempts began to create an original video.

The guy fully captured the process: he liked to shoot, mount, impose sound tracks. Yes, and the result was fully satisfied and found a response among friends and acquaintances. True, the layout of the material to the network did not bring the success - the sidelnikov had no idea how to interest the audience in Vkontakte, from which he began his conquest of the Internet. For some reason, what seemed ridiculous and interesting to himself and his friends, outsiders left indifferent.

Personal life

Bloggers have now gained such popularity that their personal life is interested in the public no less than news from the world of show business. Subscribers takes not only content that produce their idols, but also their biography, earnings and relationships. Despite the fact that many videocloggers are open by default, sociable and broadcast about the details of their life of non-stop, some of them prefer to leave a personal space in secret.

Sidelnikov belongs to their number. The guy almost daily lay out on the channel new videos, of which it becomes clear what it eats, where he left to travel and what a gadget acquired, but the hearts do not apply. "Instagram" blogger also does not shed light on the fact, if he has a girl, or he is still in the search. Here Timur regularly lays out fresh photos, some of which wears advertising and echoes the topics of the video blog.


The first video guy began to shoot, still without a beard. Timur fans found thanks to the service "Thank you", and in 2012 launched the channel on YouTube and laid out a roller, where Pepsi and Coca-Cola compared. So there was a show of comparisons, where, in addition to the comparison of the "orbit" with Dirol, the reviews of weapons, television channels and cities were offered.

The popularity has acquired rollers in the style of "expensive against the cheap", where the blogger tried "Dashirak" for 6 and 60 rubles, trying to feel whether the taste in the mouth leave these products. In general, food is the favorite theme of Sidelnikov, no wonder he dedicated her a whole show. "Flexit" is dedicated to the tasting of fast food and rapid nutrition reviews. During the years of shooting, Timur managed to try the Bigmaki from around the world and visit all the establishments of Burger King and McDonalds, which was found on the way.

Over time, on the blogger's channel, more and more information about gadgets began to appear. Subscribers watch such videos with pleasure, although colleagues that take off the technoblogs belong to them with skepticism. Sidelnikov's exclamation "sounds plausible" with the filing of Stas Vasilyeva even became a membrane, causing laughter among aware-informed in the technosphere.

In addition, Timur regularly represents the analysis of Chinese goods, tells about contests and ways to win in them, shoots video from travel, tests cars, shares the novelties of video games and reveals the secrets of photography on the smartphone.

Timur Sidelnikov Now

In 2020, Timur continues to work on the channel, adding fresh videos there, which in a matter of days is gaining hundreds of thousands of views. It doesn't matter what the blogger tells about the new monitors, "Iphona" or about the trip to Maldives, loyal subscribers will gladly watch the content, leaving thousands of Likes and hundreds of comments.

The guy continues to make reviews for gadgets, shoot comparison of products and rollers from travel. In his plans, creating a new show that has no analogues on YouTube, but the details of the Sidelnikov project does not yet apply. A young man lives in Odintsovo, travels a lot and calls a profession's blog that brings good income. Considering the experience gained on the set, Timur could work as a operator in the cinema, but the future is not thinking about the future, since I am satisfied with the current state of affairs.


  • "Comparisons"
  • "Flexite"
  • "Travels"
  • "Less than five"
  • "What to play on a smartphone?"
  • "Chinese"
  • "Be sure to view!"

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