Pericles - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, statesman



Pericles, whose name in ancient Greece meant "surrounded by glory," was an outstanding figure, a speaker and the leader of the Athenian regiments. A man became famous as the founder and a supporter of an ancient democracy, as well as a man who built Acropolis, the Temple of Hermes, propellera and Parfenon.

Childhood and youth

The pericles was considered the son of Xantippa, born about 494 BC. NS. In the family, where the representatives of glorious childbirth were united in the past. The men's line took the beginning from the respected dynasty of the Buzigov, and the female was connected with alkmeonides, known for a number of light minds.

The father of the future commander and speaker became a prominent military and political figure, who headed Athenian groupings, in antiquity involved in the Trojan War. The mother, which was the name of Agarist, raised the children of pericla and arithront, as well as a girl, rumored with native brothers on a par.

Since from the generation to the generation of the ancestors of the future ruler belonged to an ancient Greek aristocracy, they did not remain indifferent to the alarming setting of the ancient centuries. At that time, the Persian threat to Athens was intensified by the folk parties of feminist, interested in the exile and ruin of dedicated families and authoritative clans.

The father and uncle of the descendant of alkmeonids were subjected to the procedure of Ostarakism and, having earned the contempt of society, went to reference for 10 years. These events put a fingerprint to the early biography of Pericles and, according to researchers, left the wound in the children's soul and an indelible mark.

Without male attention, the boy could not get a decent education, because, as most of the aristocrats, happily looked at the teachers. He listened to the superficial course of philosophy, literature and the theory of music, according to the memories of the historian of Plutarch, who described the lives of famous people.

Without acquiring outstanding abilities in the youth, the pericles waited for the return of exiles, which were earlier than the deadline of arrived in Athens thanks to the intervention of the highest strength. Together with them, the young man joined the supporters of Kimon's policies, who dealt with the emerging democracy and became a recognized hero.

Personal life

According to the statements of historians, a number of beautiful beloved who claimed the role of wives were present in the personal life of the famous ancient figure. The first of these was the religious and pious Deva telezippa, but due to the atheistic views of the pericla, this marriage was doomed.

Having arranged the future of the boning chosen, Greek was engaged in the upbringing of blood offspring in the hope of making from Xanthip and the pale formed and decent husbands. But the idea failed due to the appearance of the beautiful native of the Milestone aspasia, who gave a democrat and commander a lot of joyful and happy days.

Unfortunately, strict laws banned the pericla to marry a girl, because she was not a full-fledged citizen of Athens. But thanks to the dominant position in society, the 3rd illegitimate son was able to achieve the status of a citizen who did not get a mother.

In no one who has no known reasons, the Greek quarreled with the eldest son, and in time, Xantipp began to hate her father. Tied fate with the daughter of Tisandra, the pericles only once met with the pace, when the middle child and sister died due to the epidemic.

After these sad events, the Greek became close to Alkiviad, a cousin, who was regarded as a decent receiver, in contrast to the only one. But the ambitious young man did not meet the hopes of benefactor and the educator, since she showed a tendency to tyranny and despised ordinary people.


In the area of ​​472 BC. The pericles headed the group of alkmeonides, since thanks to military service it was already able to declare himself. Turning from tyranny to democratic views and a fierce struggle with the ruler Kimon influenced the future of Greek and played a decisive role in his fate.

Covering opposition activity by sponsoring the Athens Theater, a man, according to some researchers, became the successor of glorious husbands. He collaborated with the author of the reforms of Areopagu with Efialt and welcomed the transfer of functions by the People's Assembly. Over time, he became an outstanding citizen and recognized as the leader of the ancient policy.

Speaking at the open conflict with Sparta, the adherent of democracy became a strategist, but the Athenians suffered a number of defeats during a brutal unequal war. Despite this, the commander supported aristocrats and ordinary citizens, glorious scientists, philosophers, writers and other enlightened minds.

Thanks to this, the heyday of an ancient Greek culture began, associated with the name of the sculptor Fidiya, whose busts filled Parfenon over the years. The ruler of the capital ordered to build propelleans and the statue of Athens, as well as the temple of God Gefesta and the musical treasury - Odeon.

In politics, over a number of years, the Pericles continued the traditions of Solon, and the Greek capital became overnight the economic center of the country. The love of citizens who received unprecedented rights and freedoms from the state began along with the welfare of a worthy reward for the work.

In the last decade, the Pericles reached a heyday as a speaker due to the spiritualized speeches spoken in the fields of the Peloponnesian war. The Greeks have successfully opposed to the Spartans with the support of democratic policies, but the story sent a kara's troops in the form of a deadly "Athenian plague."

The ruler has lost political influence, tilling failures with a generic curse, and then was accused of financial fraud and other grave sins. Nevertheless, his name was revered in Greece over the next decades, and thanks to the efforts of biographers was captured in centuries.


The tragedies, experienced by the man in recent years fruitful life, suggested the health of the Democrat and weakened the aged organism. In 429 BC NS. After the next election, the Greek strategist briefly believed in his future and felt optimism.

According to the memoirs of Plutarch, on the eve of death for unknown reasons, familiar and friends gathered around the bed of the glorified policy. They spoke about his merits as a commander and ruler, whose fate was already given to the hands of gods and nonsense.

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