Regina Zbarskaya: 2020, biography, personal life, death, in youth, Lion Zbarsky, in old age


Her life thanks to the cinematographers, who fit the model's biography into the plot of the pseudocumental series "Red Queen", has in recent years in recent years. That is true that there was an unknowing employee of the Soviet podium and in life.

September 27, 2020 marks 85 years from the day when Regina Zbarskaya was born, world famous in the 60-30th mannequin from the USSR. About the tragic fate of the stars and facts from her personal life - in material 24cmi.

1. Mystery of birth

In the life of Regina Kolesnikova - the surname Zbar's mannequin received from the artist's husband - there is enough dark spots, to figure out which years and historians and historians and historians. Even the circumstances of the birth of celebrities remain unexplained.

According to one of the versions, the little regina as a child came to the Leningrad orphanage, since her Yugoslav parents who worked as acrobats in the circus, during one of the numbers were broken from under the dome and crashed to death.

On the other, Regina Zbar zoom from Vologda, and was born in the family of a retired officer and a simple maid. And in the guidance of the shadow on the woven, first of all, the Kolesnikov-Zbars, who preferred not to frank his own life was noted.

2. Dreaming is not harmful!

Like many of its peers in those years, Regina Kolesnikov since childhood dreamed of a career of film actresses. And even entered VGIK. True, go to the acting faculty did not work - there was no profile training, because the girl in theatrical circles was not engaged. However, Regina was not confused and submitted documents to the economic department.

However, it was simply impossible to notice a charming girl, so in the cinema regina was still tried, and repeatedly. True, it was possible to reveal only a couple of times - in the films "Sailor with" Comet "and" On Farm Point ". But Regina brought acquaintance with the designer model of faith, Aralova, who invited the girl to try his hand on the podium.

3. The second "name"

"The most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin" - so in the youth dubbed Zbar's regina in Paris, where the prominent Russian model used impressive success. In addition to this, the nickname was the famous mannequin and the other, stuck to the Regina after Vyacheslav Zaitsev had worked on it.

The young then the Fashioner was still able to solve the issue of turning Zbar to the reference Italian beauty that comparisons with the famous singer and actress Regina were simply not avoided. "Soviet Sophie Lauren" - so in the overseas printing nicknamed the girl, seeing in a new image.

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4. Stage to Glory

Unlike the mass of his colleagues by profession, the model business of Regina Zbarskaya was not shy. Although for the latter and there were reasons, for in the USSR, the work of mannequins was not considered honorable. The girls were assigned the specialty of the working fifth discharge, and since their generation did not apply to the number of heavy, they paid little. However, Zbarskaya considered the podium of the springboard, able to bring it to new heights.

5. With greetings from Pisa, or the history of Soviet boots

It is said that it was on Regina Zbar, the whole world first saw boots with zipper along the entire length of the top of the top, which developed Vera Aralov. Modesty across the planet with delight perceived the original and stylish contrast, but the idea has hurriedly borrowed more damifest colleagues of the Soviet fashion designer - a patent from the USSR "took".

6. Step into the abyss

Regina Zbarsa visited only one day. The chief of celebrities, with whom the star of the Soviet Podium wanted to live in the mountain and in joy, in the heyday and in old age, became Felix-Lion Zbarsky, artist and son Boris Zbarsky, who led the biochemical laboratory with Lenin's Mausoleum.

Family happiness did not work out - on the contrary, the husband in his actions in the end brought his wife to the nervous breakdown. So, when Regina became pregnant, Zbar pushed the spouse to make an abortion. I woke up because of killing a child, the feeling of guilt the model was trying to be tried by medicine-psychotrops. But further shocks were too heavy so that even tranquilizers with their consequences coped.

The spouse of Regina first started a novel with one actress of cinema and theater - Mariana Vertinskaya. And then went to another - Lyudmila Maksakova. After the experience of Regina Zbarskaya for the first time he fell into a mental hospital - the depression made itself felt.

7. Under the severity of the sorrows

After staying in the psychiatric clinic, Zbarskaya returned to the podium - she accepted Vyacheslav Zaitsev who closed his eyes to the model gained due to the treatment of a kilogram. The life of celebrities began to strain, and she even started a novel with a Yugoslav journalist. However, the beloved turned out to be "with Gnitza" - Zbarskaya used to meet his own creative ambitions.

They say, Yugoslav wrote a book in which not only in detail illuminated the features of an intimate life with the Soviet star, but also supplemented spicy episodes with stories on how Zbarskaya worked on the KGB, writing the denominations on their fellow mannequin colleagues and other unconfirmed facts.

Regina Zbarskaya after the scandal that followed the release of the book tried to impose on his hands and was again in a psychiatric hospital. Subsequently, the former model setting up after discharge from the hospital to the House of Fashion was a cleaner, there were two more attempts to suicide, the latter of which ended with her death.

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