Music film: Interesting Facts about the shooting


In 1981, the film "Men" came to Soviet screens, who immediately hit the leaders of film distribution. According to the plot, Pavel teeth took responsibility for three children in exchange for personal happiness.

The script repeats the story of the life of the author Valentina Dyachenko, who pseudonym Mikhailov took a mysterious coincidence that he gave rise to rumors about related ties with the actor. How the film was filmed and what other curiosities and interesting facts of kinocartines remained behind the scenes - in the material 24cm.

Some Boltun.

According to the plot of Ryganenok Stepka - Smey and spoke to the final, frightened fights with dogs. However, the actor Misha Buzylev-Cruzo was the exact opposite of the hero. The talkative boy at 4.5 years often forgot in the frame, which should be silent than spoiled a lot of expensive color film.

Kindergarten resting

Young performers began friends on the set and still continue to communicate. Peter Wings, who performed Pavlik, was half a year older than a film. A calm boy quickly picked up the mood of Misha, and the shooting turned into a kindergarten.

To set the children to the episode, I had to wait for them to play and was naugh. The director of the film Spark Babich reassured the boys in the mother. And as a promotion, the children received old gramophone records, which Mishet-Zawned seemed beautiful. And since the boy often beat gifts, then the reason to behave well appeared regularly.

Scary taxi driver

When the forces at the film crew were on the outcome, resorted to extreme measures and scared the boys with a taxi driver, which was performed by a real driver from Stavropol. Later, Mikhail Buzilev-Creszo admits: "I don't know why we were afraid of him - he was not terrible. Just serious such, thoughtful. " Nevertheless, intimidation of the taxi driver was an effective measure during the shooting process.

Instead of "electronics" - in the village

In the career of Irina Ivanova, who performed Polina, the film "Men" turned out to be the first and only. The actress was approved for a role without a film. A suitable girl, adult, not by year, the director found in the archives of the documents left after the filming of the TV series "Adventures of Electronics", in which Irina did not pass the casting.

Then the urban child did not understand the experiences of the heroine when she took the cow. Nevertheless, the young performer coped to the role of an independent teenager.

Parents in the frame

Parents of young performers also attended the set and even participated in the filming. Peter Wings - Son Actress Faith Leskova, who performed the role of saleswomen in the film.

In the frame, Dmitry Buzilev-Cruzo appeared in the frame, who played the colleague Pavel Zudov, who came to visit the Others-Single. By the way, participation in the film of the boy's father delivered a lot of trouble. Seeing a close man at the table, Misha joyfully shouted the "dad" present, spoiling 5 doubles.

But in the scene of feeding Rex Pope's pies turned out to be an assistant. Stepka refused to look into the dark booth. To make a double, the rear wall had to be disassembled, and to put the boy's dad in the coneer. Misha gladly looked at the booth, and looked like a hero is interested in a dog.

Run, Rex, Run!

The key role in the film was performed by the yard Dog Rex - an adult dog from the village of Tatarka, who understood from a half-clow. The nickname did not change. However, it was difficult with him when a friend of man refused to run behind the car in the episode where children left the village.

To force the hero to run a dog marathon, the hostess was put on the back seat of the Volga. The dog hit the car, and the hostess was worried, would the heart withstand with a pet. Fortunately, everything ended well.

NonTe Prize

According to the memories of eyewitnesses, the plot touched not only ordinary spectators, but also the Kremlin officials. Leonid Brezhnev and Leonid Brezhnev turned out to be among the fans of the movie.

The film "Men" was appreciated by the State Prize of the RSFSR for directing work. And Alexander Mikhailov and Mikhail Buzilev-CRRCO issued a premium: 5000 and 500 rubles, respectively.

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