Kotofey Ivanovich (character) - pictures, fox Patriyevna, fairy tales, cartoons


Character History

Kotofee Ivanovich is a character of the Russian folk fairy tale, which entered the many collections of Soviet authors. The image of a tricky domestic cat, adapting to live in the forest, absorbed folklore representations of the people about the character and habits of these animals.

History of character creation

Rarely what hut in ancient Russia did without a gentle cat-hunter. And today it is an amazing animal in almost every home. No wonder that the cat has become one of the most popular characters in oral creativity. Fairy tales with this hero are filled with fantastic and incredible adventures.

Which is characteristic of Russian folklore - this is the choice of forest inhabitants. Beasts are talking, go on two paws and in their own way. If you analyze all sorts of parables about cats, it turns out that each of them is unique. For example, Côtefeevich cat is a brave, smart and true friend, it can be rejected at a difficult moment. But Kotofey Ivanovich exhibits completely different qualities.

The hero penetrates the sayings, proverbs and phraseologists, such as "take a cat in a bag" or "Cat weed." Being one of the closest people, this animal is trying on the most unexpected role. As a result, such versatile characters like Baun, Vaska and many others appear.

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"Fox and Cat" is part of the Collector of Folklore Bulatov Mikhail Alexandrovich, a collection "Mount of Gemstod". The author became famous for the processing of texts of folk fairy tales. The first publication of the book took place in 1957. Bright pictures on the pages of the publication demonstrate characters in folk costumes. Fox wears a beautiful sundress and kokoshnik, and her newly new husband is a red caftan with long sleeves.

The first Soviet screening of the work became a hand-drawn cartoon "Fear of the eye is great." Here the main character is shown a panting, which was thrown into the forest. Elizabeth Patriceevna, using the fact that none of the inhabitants are familiar with the animal, intimidating everyone. The role of Kotofey Ivanovich voiced Grigory Spiegel.

In 2004, Konstantin Bronzite released a colorful children's hand-drawn film "Cat and Fox", which was included in the "Mount of Gems" cycle. Voiced key characters painting actor theater and cinema Oleg Kulikovich.

Image and biography Kotofey Ivanovich

The hero of the fairy tale lives with the owner, often getting into disfavor because of his own tricks. He is voracious, Skodia and in every way disrupts peace: "I could not stand the man and decided to get rid of the animal. Put it in the bag and took it into the forest. "

And there on the thrown cat stumbled upon Lisa. She never saw such a beast, so asked who he was and from. The unlucky guest was not confused and introduced himself as a governor from Siberian forests.

But the red fox will not spend - even though the creature brave everything, she realized that there was no danger. The cunning with a fluffy tail decided to take advantage of the situation for his own well-being.

The tender voice of Elizabeth Patriceevna offered Kotofoy to marry her and live together. The idea came to taste the hero, because he did not know how to behave and how to survive in a hostile district. I agreed to the wedding and moved to Izbo to my wife.

In the meantime, she launched a rumor that she lives a terrible beast. So cruel and ferocious that even look at him dangerous. Wolf Levon Ivanovich and Bear Mikhailo Ivanovich Throw the new resident. Cleaning bulls and rams and went to visit the fox.

Put the tribute near the huts, and they themselves hid. Kotofee Ivanovich saw food and rushed to her, breaking meat with claws and teeth. Bear and wolf were surrepended in bewilderment, because quite a cat did not resemble a terrible villain or an increase or appearance.

Suddenly, the Kotofey heard the rustle of the leaves - this Levon Ivanovich tried to look out of the ambush. The new forest inhabitant thought that was a mouse, and rushed right there, clutching into the nose wolf. Heated from pain a gray predator and rushed outdoor. And the "Grozny Beast" and frightened himself, so so that the habit took off to the nearest tree.

By chance, a bear was sitting at the top. Mikhailo Ivanovich thought that this kotofee would eat him, and jumped down to avoid a terrible fate. And Elizabeth Patriceevna, laughing in his voice, shouted the animals who carried the feet to felt faster, and then her husband would catch up and squinzed.

Steel spouses live further in honor and respect. And the forest inhabitants tried to bypass the sip, so as not to get anger of a terrible predator.

Analysis of the fairy tale perfectly demonstrates the essence of a well-known proverb "Fear of eyes is great." The tricky fox convinced the neighbors that her husband was dangerous and strong. Therefore, even the bear was afraid of the type of the meowing animal, when he went to the gift. The owner of the forest was heard "little", and he was surprised how much this terrible beast is.

Such a scenario can be traced in the poem of the root of Chukovsky "cockroach", in which the hippos and elephants began to bow before the buckash. But Chukovsky had a hero, a sparrow, who did not listen to the rest, and the eyes confessed. In the fairy tale "Fox and Cat" this did not happen, so the Kotofey adapted to live in wilders, without understanding how it happened.

Hence the main idea of ​​the work: be stronger, above, more beautiful or smarter, to enjoy the respect of others, do not need. A person is able to create a necessary opinion about himself, not possessing certain qualities.

As for Kotofey Ivanovich, he called himself a warlord, and his wife contributed to this legend to gain believable features.

Like any other Russian folk tale, this story includes and educational moments. There can be many such characters in life. Do not demonstrate sympathy based on a person's opinion about a person.

It is much more important to live by your own mind and judge impartially about others. And if you believe rumors or high speeches, there is a weighty chance to enjoy such a cowardly bear, which is scared of a cat from himself.


"My name is Kotofey Ivanovich. Sent me from the Siberian forests to you by Voivod "." Marry? And what about you call something? "." Well, Elizabeth, perhaps I get married to you. "


  • 1957 - "Fox and Cat"
  • 1984 - "People's Russian Tales" (A. N. Astafiev)


  • 1946 - "The eyes of the eyes are great"
  • 2004 - "Cat and Fox"

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