Lera Kudryavtseva: 2020, biography, personal life, 25 years old on TV, instagram, Million secret


In 2020, Lera Kudryavtseva celebrates his professional anniversary - 25 years on TV. Teediva is known as a woman without age, who managed to establish a personal life and become a mom after 40 years. She trusts the secrets of the show business stars, and she is ready to share revelations only with the subscribers of instagram account. Other curious facts from the biography of the favorite TV presenter are in the material 24cm.


Lera Father Kudryavtseva dreamed of a son. But fate ordered otherwise. Pope of the future celebrity thought and said that the child would call Valera, and after began to raise the girl in the best male traditions. Hunting, fishing, chess, football and hockey got into hobbies.

Therefore, in childhood, Lera Kudryavtseva regretted that he was not born a boy. "I am a kid, a woman with eggs," - recognized the TV presenter, for which the "Male World" is understandable as well as female.

On style

For 25 years, the appearance of the charming blonde did not touch the year, and the figure remained touched. She does not recognize diet, but adheres to the rules of rational nutrition that helps to preserve harmony.

By the way, the services of a stylist media person also does not use and independently choose a hairstyle, makeup and details of the wardrobe, which over the years has become a recognizable star style.


The program "Alone with all" the star admitted that he envies the artists who worked a couple of songs and free. As a TV host, she has to stand on stage for 6-8 hours, while it is necessary to look good, smile and not stuff during speech.

Therefore, after each transmission or concert, the celebrity cannot talk to fatigue. But it is precisely the ability to withstand such a "marathon" and is considered, according to Kudryavtseva, professionalism.

Hold on the plan

In a career, beauties did not always have cloudless days. Immediately after the birth of a son in 19 years old, Lera scored 18 kg and trusted frustration from his own appearance in alcoholic beverages. But then she was independently managed to overcome the dependence.

Later, enthusiasm by the work again drove the TV presenter, and somehow she woke up with the thought that he did not want to live. The situation was saved by a friend who worked as the head of the clinic of neuroses.

Two weeks Lera needed to utter. Then work began with a psychologist, and it turned out that the TV presenter could not openly talk about their problems that were sitting in herumbering and expressed in fear of the child and the future. Fear again to be in this state pursues Kudryavtsev so far.


Behind the visible femininity of celebrities is hidden incredibly strong character. Somehow actor Vyacheslav Manucharov careless expression almost provoked the conflict between Leroy and her girlfriend Yana Rudkovskaya. The TV presenter expressed its indignation emotionally, having broken offenders with his hands and legs. The showman realized the mistake and brought a finely apology.

Strong weak woman

In one interview, the star said that her audience was mostly women, and men were afraid. The second husband of the star was a criminal, and one of the fans was an abuser. Reminister "Criminal Past" the celebrity does not like, but admits that some things do not forgive.

As a strong woman, Heaters the star gives frank confessions and doubt the soundpiece replies that she became pregnant at 47 years old on the third attempt to Eco and herself took a child. The leading program "Secret by Million" stressed that two months were preparing for an interesting position and a minimal dose of hormones in the stomach.

And after the daughter gave birth, Lera asked for forgiveness from the Son Jean, named after Jean-Claude Van Damma, for paying so little attention to the heir.

Stars on the sky

The celebrity more than once became a victim of fraudsters and robbers: from her cards they shot a large amount of money, and the car was rocked several times. However, it is not in a hurry to use the provision and is counting on problematic situations for their own strength. And in an interview, Lera Kudryavtseva admitted that he hates the word "star" and himself refers to the category "Just recognizable people."

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