Alien (Character) - Pictures, Photo, Film, Actress, Sigurnie Weaver, 1979


Character History

Alien is an alien creature, the main antagonist of the tetralogy "Alien" and film crossovers. This iconic character was also popularized in comics and computer games.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​creating an alien monster came to Dan O'Bannon still in student times, and after graduating from the university, he decided to write a script for a horror film, offering Ronald Shusset's cooperation.

Dan O'Bannon prepared the introductory part, but faced the problem of the visual image of the creature. The image preparation mission was proposed by the Swiss artist Hans Rudi Gigeru, who by that time had already demonstrated talents in the field of fantastic realism. The incarnation of the appearance of someone else's Giger was taken with delight. As a result, the artist not only engaged in this character, but also the design of the spacecraft.

For a long time, the creators of the film were looking for a director. Walter Hill's candidates, Jack Meniton, Peter Yetsa. But none of them agreed to participate in the project-horror. The producers drew attention to the unknown British director Ridley Scott, the same agreed with pleasure. Ridley, when creating scenaries, inspired by the pictures from "Star Wars", meanwhile, wanting to make a cash film in the horror genre, and not fiction.

The scripts described the characters so that they could play them, both men and women. As a result, the actress Sigurnie Weaver became the main character of the film, who was trying to the role of Ellen Ripley the last.

Spectacular scenes led to the success of the project. Some emotions of the actors became the result of the manifestation of real fear. So, the moment when Kane crashes someone else's chest, it was not described in detail each, so the reaction to such an surprise was natural. Interestingly, one double took this scene to shoot this scene.

The success of the film exceeded all expectations. In the film awards of the religious painting of 1979 - the Oscar Award, Saturn, as well as a number of awards for the best director's work, production, female role, music and many other premiums and nominations.

Obvious prerequisites for shooting Sicvel forced Ellen Ripley fans waiting for 7 years. The continuation was removed the director James Cameron, who had already received fame after the release of the cult film "Terminator". The painting "Aliens" demonstrated the features of the "life" of these creatures, and introduced to their queen.

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The third part has become debut work for David Fincher. David continued the idea of ​​opposition to Ripley with alien monsters now in the conditions of the prison complex. At the end, Ellen dies, but it is returned to life in the final film of the classical tetralogy "Alien: Resurrection."

The popularity of the cosmic creature spawned a number of computer games and comics. Also based on the franchise in 2004, a crossover "Alien against the Predator" was released.

The image and history of someone else's

The second name of the alien monster is xenomorph. The main difference of others from any other space character is that it does not apply to highly developed creatures.

The only things that inspire the antagonist on activities are instincts. This is a predator that seeks to reproduce, destroying everything in his path, which will consider danger. However, it is impossible to call a predator unreasonable, because it is capable of temporarily suspended development before the onset of favorable conditions.

Before becoming an adult person, xenomorph passes through a number of stages. The first is an egg that postphes the queen. After disclosure, the shell gets out the licycle - something is spoofed, which is moving quickly. At this stage, the carrier captures with the help of a supreet (man, dogs - any living being).

Thus, the parasite object becomes a container for embryo. Lyinglasp with time is dying, and the carrier first feels healthy, experiencing, the truth of the attacks of hunger. The embryo is developing in the body of the carrier, adopting its physiological features. For example, if the licycle captured the dog, then someone else will quickly move.

When the embryo is growing up, then leaves the "host" is not the most pressing way, for which he got the name of the grudge. In this case, the carrier dies, and the creature continues to develop rapidly. So, an adult person reaches 2-3 meters of growth, gradually gaining embossed features of the face and body.

Alien in films and games

Dan O'Bannon placed in the center of the plot of "space truckers", i.e., ordinary work, performing a standard space flight. And the last thing heroes were expected to meet, it is a dangerous and tricky person, against which it is impossible to resist.

Together with them also flew android Ash, which was played by actor Ian Hill. His mission was to forward someone else's Corporation "Wayland Yutani". However, Ripley learned about the person of the colleague too late. As a result, the entire team turned out to be killed, except Ellen, which was able to escape on the shine.

According to chronology, at the beginning of the second series, it is explained that the woman from the state of Anabiosis awakened in 57 years. All because the shuttle fell on a closed orbit. When Ellen is trying to tell about the whereabouts of xenomorph, she does not believe. Moreover, the lieutenant is offered to fly on the planet Ahern, where a colony is built, and personally make sure that there is no danger.

Ripley does not remain anything, but the cosmic journey turned around the real tragedy. The colony is destroyed, people are dead, and the number of adult individuals leaves no chance to survive. A woman manages again to leave the winner in an unequal fight. Ellen burns hundreds of new eggs, fights with a female queen and managed to explode to leave the planet together with Android Bishop and several more team members on board the Sulako ship.

In the third part, the story is tied at the fact that Ellen misses the moment that one licycle remained on board the ship. It landed on the Fiorina-161 planet in prison, where the parasite is being introduced into the dog. By the end of the film, filled with a description of the terrible scenes of the murder of prisoners by xenomorph, Ripley understands that herself bears an embryo. A woman commits suicide by falling into molten metal.

The director of the fourth part decided to go on the laughed and resurrect the main character. 200 years after the above-described events of Ripley and the Queen of Xenomorphs are trying to clone, as a result of which they exchange DNA. Ellen awakens, but does not remember anything from the past. The end of the film forced fans to think about 5 parts of the franchise, because Ripley remains alive, but feels like "someone else's".

The project and the truth was developed, but in 2017 official information was held, which would not be another series. In addition, according to quotations from an interview with Sigurney Weaver, the actress refused to participate in the shooting. The name that was given by the film in the draft scenario sounded as "Alien: Awakening."

Based on the first part released a number of computer games. Close to the plot of the film - Alien 1984, where the task is to kill xenomorph. In 1996, Ellen's gaming character in Alien Trilogy examines space jockey - an ancient spacecraft, where, of course, faces an alien creature.

Interesting Facts

  • Rottweiler, to which the liding in the third part joined, had to shave some parts of the muzzle for a plausible image.
  • The first sketch of xenomorph was a translucent creature with a translucent blood system and a skeleton.
  • In "Alien 3" a part of the runner was presented, as the liderust was parasitic on the dog.


  • 1979 - "Alien"
  • 1986 - "Aliens"
  • 1992 - "Alien 3"
  • 1997 - "Alien: Resurrection"
  • 2004 - "Alien against the Predator"
  • 2007 - "Aliens against the predator: Requiem"
  • 2012 - "Prometheus"
  • 2017 - "Alien: Covenant"

Computer games

  • 1982 - Alien.
  • 1984 - Alien.
  • 1992 - Alien 3
  • 1993 - Alien 3: The Gun
  • 1996 - Alien Trilogy
  • 1997 - Alien Resurrection
  • 2013 - Aliens: Colonial Marines
  • 2014 - Alien: Isolation


  • 1979 - "Alien" (Alan Dean Foster)
  • 1986 - "Aliens" (Alan Dean Foster)
  • 1992 - "Alien 3" (Alan Dean Foster)
  • 1992 - "Aliens: Alien Hagthe" (Robert Shekley)
  • 1992 - "Aliens: earthly hive" (Stephanie Perry, Steve Perry)
  • 1993 - "Aliens: Noshmarov's shelter" (Stephanie Perry, Steve Perry)
  • 1993 - "Aliens: Women's War" (Stephanie Perry, Steve Perry)
  • 1994 - "Alien against Predator: Mining" (Stephanie Perry, Steve Perry)
  • 1994 - "Aliens: Genocide" (David F. Bishof)
  • 1996 - "Aliens: Music of Death" (Ivonna Navarro)
  • 1997 - "Alien: Resurrection" (Ann Carol Crispin)
  • 2004 - "Alien against Predator" (Mark Cerassini)
  • 2005 - "Aliens: Originarian Sin" (Michael Yang Friedman)
  • 2012 - Prometheus (Joe Spayz, Damon Lindelof)
  • 2017 - "Alien: Covenant (Alan Dean Foster)
  • 2019 - "Alien: Echo" (Grant World)

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