Arthur Clark - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death, Books, Films



Arthur Clark, together with the writers Aizek Azimov and Robert Highin, was part of the "big three" science fiction as a owner of a number of literary prizes. The author of art and journalistic works was a futurologist and inventor who tried to get ahead of history and predict the events of new centuries.

Childhood and youth

Arthur Charlez Clark biography began in December 1917 in the British city called Mainhead, located within the borders of County Somerset. Then parents rented a farm in the village, rich in attractions, and the boy grew at freedom, not knowing the needs, deprivation and trouble.

From morning to night, the future writer walked around the picturesque surroundings, examining the stones on the roads, trees, shrubs and flowers. His ideas about the world around the world before entering school from the point of view of educated adults were unpleasant and simple.

The favorite class of young Clark was the study of the night sky, which was well viewed from the roof of the house where he lived in childhood. In clear weather, the inquisitive boy recalculated the brightest stars or watched the chaotic movement not yet open unnamed shums.

In addition, the child collected the cards depicting extinct dinosaurs, and then began collecting fossils found in the surrounding fields and forests. Because of the objects, regularly replenished piggy bank, Arthur used an authority in peers and at an early age did not have a shortage of friends.

Additional points of popularity brought a passion for scientific fiction, because the boy knew how to color colorfully retell what he read the day before. Seeing this, parents began to write out the Amazing Stories magazine, where the authors such as Herbert Wells and Austin Hall were printed.

After the novel, Olaf Staplendon "The Last and First People" appeared the books of David Lasser, popular in the 1930s. The boy swept away with the fictional events created by talented Americans, and reasoned about flights to other galaxies on superstrates spacecraft.

A sudden death of the head of the family returned Arthur from Heaven to Earth, and he decided to finish school to perfectly support his mother in the future. But when the bitterness of the loss disappeared, he joined the astronomical society and, becoming his active member, continued to fantasize and dream.

Unfortunately, the earthly life required the mastery of any practical profession, and Clark went to the capital of Great Britain to join the society of adults. But, working as an auditor in a financial firm, he became a member of the national interplanetary society, which was an active propaganda of advanced scientific ideas.

Personal life

Having become an adult independent person, Clark did not think about his personal life at first, because all the attention of society attracted the Second World War. But in the 1950s, the Englishman met a woman whose name later learned all the wisdom of the country.

American Marilyn Mayfield was an attractive young special, so a stormy romance began between her and Arthur. 3 weeks after the first date in New York, a modest wedding was played, and the news about the new status of the writer immediately crossed the ocean.

The greatest time for the newlyweds was a honeymoon in Pennsylvania, where Clark worked on the next book, and the chosen was enjoyed the views of the mountains. But then the author of science fiction was so deepened in the literary creativity, which ceased to exercise the former feelings and provoked a family discord.

Familiar argued that Arthur wanted to become a parent after marriage, but it turned out to be impossible due to the specific Marylin disease. Spouses broke up by mutual agreement without scandals and proceedings, and the writer was in a circle of lonely men until the end of the life.


Literary creativity Along with science was an integral part of Clark's life. He became the author of more than two dozen works that brought recognition and prizes. Reviews about the debut story "Lazeke", published in a science fiction magazine, became the first and most valuable reward for honestly embedded works.

In subsequent works acquired by the editors of the publication of Astounding Science Fiction, Arthur decided on the style and began to be cleaned by skill. Achieve the tops turned out in the novels "Earth Light", "End of Childhood", "Moon Dust", "City and Stars", as well as "Big Depth".

In the scientific book "The features of the future" fiction formulated the laws of Clark, who adhered to their own activities for a decade. They were used in the creation of novels, in the shooting of the show and documentaries and the formulation of vital issues, which was subsequently the answer.

In the 50s, the science fiction with his friend settled on the territory of Sri Lanka, where he was professionally engaged in diving and research underwater depths. Subsequently, describing the voids in the usual fascinating and understandable form, Clark painted several dozen bright paintings for readers.

In the late 1960s, the whole world spoke about the British after the Cosmic Odyssey's filmcenery, embodied Stanley Kubrik to life. The success of the adaptation, which was acquired by the director, the philosophical tint, inspired the author to faith in creativity, hopes for the future and optimism.

In the 1980s, the work that reflected the history of mankind was based on a literary cycle consisting of four volumes. And then the novels of the new series "Date with the frame" and "Garden of Rama" appeared, whose writing the Englishman gave hundreds of restless sleepless hours.

For a decade to death, due to violation of the functions of the body, Arthur resorted to the help of other writers when creating a number of works. His bibliography was replenished with the books of the "Solar Storm" and "Eyes of Time", released in the UK and America in the mid-2000s.


In the 1960s, Clark fell polio, so it was chained to a wheelchair during the remainder of the years. Despite this, the scientist and writer actively communicated with numerous colleagues and how the child was happy when people finally thought of creating the Internet.

In the 2000s, the network also appeared a photo and video illustration of Arthur, dedicated to significant events and publishing new works. In the last entry, a man said goodbye to fans and like-minded people, because he felt that a sad outcome would come soon.

On March 19, 2008, the cause of death Arthur Clark was the defeat of the respiratory system, which caused post-polious syndrome. Family members, friends and relatives flew to the territory of Sri Lanka to honor the memory of the Great Englishman and participate in the funeral ceremony.


  • 1951 - "Prelude to Space"
  • 1953 - "End of Childhood"
  • 1975 - Earth Empire "
  • 1986 - "Long Earth songs"
  • 1990 - "Ghost of Goligan"
  • 1993 - "Hammer of the Lord"

Cycle "Space Odyssey"

  • 1968 - "2001: Space Odyssey"
  • 1982 - "2010: Odyssey two"
  • 1987 - "2061: Odyssey three"
  • 1997 - "3001: Last Odyssey"

Cycle "Rama"

  • 1973 - "Date with the frame"
  • 1989 - "Rama-2"
  • 1991 - "Frame Garden"
  • 1993 - "Rama Yellow"

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