Devon Murray - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In the early 2000s, a series of films about Harry Potter came out, where the young Irishman Devon Murray performed one of the secondary roles. The image of a honeycomb wizard, raised with a boy who survived, like thousands of teenagers and attracted the attention of adults.

Childhood and youth

The Biography of the Irish Devon Murray began in October 1988 from the birth of Kildar's city hospital in people who became husband and wife. Parents who named Michael and Fedelma were never engaged in creativity, considering cooperation with producers and film studios by the work of highly paid, but empty.

However, the children's passion for the son of the cinema caused a sense of lunizing, and the parents recognized that the child is useful to expand the horizon in this way. Devon watched the militants and comedies, melodramas and "horrorists", not forgetting about the animation and the classic national folklore.

Together with the neighbors on the street, Devon was played by the memorized scenes and presented himself in the images of brave and attractive heroes of paintings. Musketeers, Robin Hood and beautiful fabulous princes, he looked at the most charming and outstanding men.

At the 6th age, Murray with friends entered the Billiebarry school, specializing in scenic art, director and acting skills. In the past, the institution graduated from people who became idols of millions and bringing the loud glory to a small Western European country.

Combining rehearsals with study in a general education institution, a teenager with an extraordinary appearance played a lot of remembered roles. He appeared in academic productions on the works of famous writers and deserved the approval of the audience and the praise of teachers.

In his free time, the guy with his parents engaged in equestrian sports and quickly realized how interesting races and care for horses. In an interview, he said that he really missed this hobby on the set, as I realized that it was pleasant to communicate with animals with some people.

The desire to become a professional actor forced Devon to say goodbye to habits and leave the family and Ireland aged 13.5 years. The boy was invited to work in America for an expensive contract, and the surrounding thought it was a real happy ticket.

In childhood, a new unusual creative atmosphere has occupied all the imagination of Devon, but when the novelty came, he realized that Beschenone was alone. Heavy days of depression came, which many young and talented forced to poison, cut the veins or press the pistol trigger.

A similar state at Murray came when he, abandoned and not needed, noted on the next shooting in Hollywood, noted the 16th anniversary. The longing house was aggravated by a lack of visual attention, as well as rumors about non-traditional orientation and relationships with a number of friends.

Fortunately, at that moment the intuition suggested the father and mother that the child is in danger, and they needed a long time of conversations on how wonderful to live. Devon left suicide attempts and gradually restored the psyche, acquired the ability to clearly think, believe in the future and love.

Personal life

Despite the growth of 158 cm and the weight of about 56 kg, the attractive Irish appearance of the actor won hundreds of hearts. However, for a long time in a personal life, hidden from strangers, only school comrades, film colleagues, mother and father attended.

The reason for this was a perennial severe depressive state, from which Devon managed to get rid of non-indifferent people. After that, next to the Irish, a girl named Shannon appeared next to the Irish, who may become his wife and with the time they give birth to children.

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In the "Instagram" a boy from Harry Potter appeared romantic photos, testifying to the one hundred percent pregnancy and abundance of gentle feelings. In the comments, it was said that a dark-haired beauty, like an actor, was fond of equestrian sports and had nothing to do with the world of cinematographic arts.

The girl happily shared a variety of devone's hobbies, shopping for clothing, dancing and irish rap and folk. The couple traveled the world in search of new impressions, but a significant part of the time lived in his homeland, where the actor performed his son's duty.


At the 9th age, Devon Murray made his debut in cinema, while playing a secondary role in the film called "All about my father." The director Paul Quinn, who took the young unprofessional, noted in an interview with journals that it was not in the scenic experience, but in a colorful outdoor person.

As the shooting took place in Ireland, the boy shared his impressions with his parents, and then I had to leave the familiar setting and the father's home for a while. The process of working on the painting "Prahi Angela" directed by Alan Parker Little talented boy suffered with great difficulty.

Daniel Radcliffe and Devon Murray in the role of Simus Finnigan (Frame from the film "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone")

The touching drama, partially based on real events, received a nomination for the Oscar, "Golden Globe" and BAFTA. In the history of an ordinary Irish family, who collided with the loss of loved ones, the authors showed that life without affection was dying, meaningless and empty.

Devon, despite the young age, seriously thought over the plot and, according to cinematographers, because of this, an adult look acquired. Young Irishman did not fail to take advantage of the unexpectedly emerging advantage and with the consent of the parents went to the samples, which was not invited to all in a row.

In the early 2000s, Murray became the wizard of Simus Finnigan, which in the films about Harry Potter, together with his friends struggled with evil. Since the release of the "philosophical stone", who became the first screening of Sagi Joan Rowling, the Irishman turned into a full-fledged actor making money difficult labor.

Hogwarts student organically fit into the company colleagues in the project and made friends with Daniel Redcliffe, Alfred Enochom and Bonni Wright. The secondary hero was loved by the fans of works about the world of magic, and the fictional biography of Irish-half-beflares came to a specialized site.

By 2011, the young actor filmography has two Irish paintings and eight full-fledged American works. Stories about the secret room, the Order of Phoenix and Prince-half-breed conquered and fascinated the audience.

Unfortunately, unlike the main roles in the cult cycle, Murray did not acquire broadly fame among the children grew in Ptterian. The young man gradually turning into a man often wandered around the house and lived in distant America waiting for letters and news.

As soon as the opportunity was given, Devon went to Ireland, and it saved him from depression and in the literal sense of the word retained life. Shattered with the shooting sites after the last film about the wizards, the actor looked at the future in a new way.

Devon Murray now

After Devon Murray decided to leave the cinema, the main place in the renovated life was taken by family and equestrian sports. Now the former actor participates in competitions held in the territory of Ireland, as evidenced by the records in Twitter for 2020.


  • 1998 - "All about my father"
  • 1999 - "Affairs Angela"
  • 2000 - "yesterday's children"
  • 2001 - "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2008 - "Fish Play"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince »
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1"
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2"

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