R2D2 (Character) - Pictures, Star Wars, Robot, Droid, Sounds


Character History

R2D2 - a fictional character from the fantastic movie epopsychie "Star Wars". Astromechanical droid - a real barrel with miracles, because there had many useful gadgets and fixtures in the case. Together with a light adventureness, it made it the greatest mechanic capable of repairing cosmic ships and complex devices.

History of character creation

The robot has a prototype - a peasant Matasiti from the film "Three Rounds in the Hidden Fortress". The tape became the source of inspiration for George Lucas when creating "Star Wars". Of course, it is about similarity in history, but some cinema facilities transformed into the characters of the Space Opera.

Matasiti and his friend Tahi (prototype C-3PO) - the central characters of the paintings that make a complete adventure march with a valuable cargo in the territory of the enemy. George Lucas reworked acting persons, as well as their plot lines under their idea.

The process of creating a droid behalf is no less interesting. It appeared even at the time of working on the film "American Graffiti". The sound unit turned to Lucas with a request to transfer Reel 2 Dialog 2 using a reduction. George liked this combination of sounds, and he lossed the abbreviation into a notebook in which the sketches of the future Skyopopie were kept.

In the original scenario, Astrodroid had the same self-partition, as well as his mechanized comrade, and lost the ability to express only on Aquila due to shock. In the future work, R2D2 has gained the role of the rebel and published only electron sounds, understandable to robots.

After the completion of the second version of the script, Ralph Mcquorry was presented to the director the first visual image of the character. This picture resembled robots from the film "Silent flight", but the hero had a rounded shape, not a square. A year later, a beacon required to search for princesses Lei was placed in Astromechanics.

Image and biography R2D2

The droid has a barrel shape, on the site of the head - a rotating dome. In the film in R2D2, three limbs with wheels. He does not know how to talk, give out only the sisks and trill. True, his friend C-3PO is able to translate these signals to people. And at the moments when the robot is connected to the fighter, can print the desired quotes on the monitor for the pilot.

The character showed himself a brave and decisive servant, unlike a friend who panicked at the first danger. For example, on the ship "Death Star" R2D2, without hesitation, rushed to the revenue to people who were in the garbage collector, while C-3PO remained not from the affairs due to panic.

Internal composure mysteriously reflected in its health. Almost any battle of the astromechanical hero came out without visible damage. An incredible luck has led the character only in the Endor battle and battle in Javin.

R2D2 is a key acting person because he participated in all episodes of the history of the Galaxy. Not only dedication is played in its characteristic, not only dedication, but also a considerable number of various tools hidden in the case.

The Hero's biography is connected with the service on board "Nubian" while the trading federation blocked the Planet Nabu. After the flight of Queen Padme, her ship was shelling and was practically disabled. Astrododroids were called to the repair, including R2D2. In the course of subsequent attacks, it was possible to survive only to him, but alone the character managed to eliminate defects and restore the operability of the cosmic object.

In the next ten years, the hero continued to serve in the queen. And after Padme went to the post of senator, the bodyguard Anakin Skywalker was put to her. The robot, along with C-3PO, was accompanied by Jedi Padawan on Jenozis. There they stood in the ranks of the struggling against the confederation of independent systems.

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When Skywalker was raised to the knight, Padme gave the Jedi R2D2. Since then, the astrodroid has accompanied the new owner everywhere, entering into battle, as well as taking on the role of the second pilot of the ship. Both robots moved to the Alderavan cruiser Tantiv IV after the end of the war, where they served another 19 years.

Soon the Civil War began, and Princess Leia, who was in captivity, gave an order to transfer the SOS signal and the plans of his ship Obi-Vani Kenobi. Droids, fulfilling the task, met with Lyuk Skywalker and Khan Solo, and then with the Chubakka. The team managed to save leu from captivity, and in the future these heroes played a crucial role in the uprising and liberation of the Galaxy.

R2D2 broke up with a hatch after the last left in exile due to events at the Jedi Temple. The robot continued to service the resistance of the General Lei organs. The unstable situation and signs of the nucleation of a new conflict led to the decision to find the elderly Jedi. This also engaged members of resistance.

To do this, the preserved archives have downloaded in the memory of astrodroid. R2D2 moved to energy-saving mode to handle information. However, the process stopped because there was not enough of another map fragment. The missing item found and delivered another astromechanics, BB-8.

As a result, it turned out an accurate map-description. R2D2 Together with the Chubakka and the young Rey Skywalker went to search for the old owner. Droid began to learn the subtleties of the Crafts of the Jedi. And after completion, training joined the "falcon" and, together with other members of the crew, participated in the battle on Cree.

The further fate of the bold astromechanics remained unknown.

R2D2 in films

Played a robot in the original trilogy and covers Actor Kenny Baker. However, in some scenes used the mechanical model that ILM has developed. The shooting of episodes with the participation of the droid turned out to be complex. Details were often faced with the participation of a live actor led to the fact that the tools often fell out.

When there was a possible computer animation, the process was simplified. It is known that 15 models of the robot used in the "attack of clones", 8 of them - radio-controlled, the actor was located in them (the growth of Baker 112 cm). Other copies performed tricks, and movement was performed using puppet threads.

R2D2 sound signals were recreated by Ben Berth. Ben used to voice the character ARP 2600 synthesizer, as well as its own recycled voice.

Unlike the C-3PO colleague, the droid retains the appearance and manner of behavior, including the conversation, throughout all films. He never lost memory regardless of the nature of damage. Fans develop a hypothesis that this robot is the main character that tells the story of "Star Wars". George Lucas himself called R2D2 the legendary hero, who comes to the rescue without delay.

Interesting Facts

  • The character participated in several series "Sesame Streets".
  • The name of the robot called the navigation system in the SR-71 aircraft.
  • Both Astrodroids from "Star Wars" divided second place in the list of "the most robots" of the magazine "The World of Fiction".


  • 1977 - "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope »
  • 1980 - "Star Wars. Episode V: Empire Deals Returning "
  • 1983 - "Star Wars. Episode VI: Jedi Return »
  • 1999 - "Star Wars. Episode I: Hidden Threat "
  • 2002 - "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack »
  • 2005 - "Star Wars. Episode III: Sitness Revenge »
  • 2015 - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • 2017 - "Star Wars: Last Jedies"
  • 2019 - "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise"

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