Irakli Andronikov - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Irakli Andronikov is an outstanding Soviet literary man, as well as a master of oral artistic recovery. Received popularity as a TV presenter, author of exciting programs and films. Created a number of books about Russian writers. Central place in the works of Irakli Loussabovich was given to creativity and biographies Mikhail Lermontov. Artistry and charm made a writer with a favorite of the Soviet public.

Childhood and youth

The philologist was born 15 (28) September 1908 in St. Petersburg. National Father's roots, Loussab Nikolayevich, lead to the ancient nobility Georgian family Andronikashvili. Mother, Ekaterina Gurevich, took place from the Yakov family Gurevich, Russian historian and teacher.

In 1918, the writers of the writer together with him moved from the city on Neva to Tula, as Father Irakli was invited to read lectures on philosophy at the local institute. Then in 1921, Andronikov returned to Moscow, and after they went to Tiflis. In a new place, the teenager discovered the wealth of Georgian national culture.

The creative atmosphere reigned in the house - writers, painters, musicians, researchers who came from different cities of the Union were often located here. In 1925, after graduation, the young man became a student of the History and Philosophical Faculty at the University of Leningrad. Also, the future literary critic in parallel studied on the verbal branch of the Institute of Art History.

Personal life

Creativity organically entered the personal life of the philologist - the wife, Vivian Robinson, served in the Moscow Theater Studio, whose head was Ruben Nikolaevich Simonov.

In 1936, the pair had a daughter of Manan, who later became a famous art historian, a teacher of Vgika. In 1948, the spouse gave her husband 2 daughter Catherine, who had chosen later the profession of a journalist.


While still a student, Andronikov seriously became interested in the work of Mikhail Lermontov. In 1936, the first article of literary critic, dedicated to the biography of the Russian classic, was published. In 1939, there was a surround work "Life Lermontov". In the same year, Irakli Louarsabovich entered the Writers of the USSR.

Studying the details of the artwork of the poet, the philologist had spent many years in the Leningrad Public Library, the Leninist Library in Moscow, but also specially traveled to Georgia, repeating Mikhail Yurevich's routes.

Using the drawings made by the classic during the period of stay in the Caucasus, the Soviet literary critic did a lot of interesting discoveries. In particular, it has established that the motives of Lermontov works are inspired by the Caucasian flavor, and are not the result of borrowing from the English poets-romantics (George Bairon, Thomas Mura), as it was considered in literary criticism for a long time.

As evidence, the scientist leads dozens of facts based on the letters of the Russian poet and other documents. Written by Andronicon's monograph "Lermontov in Georgia in 1837" counted as a doctoral dissertation in 1956.

In the same year, the story "Tagil Nakhodka" came out in the press, which replenished the author's bibliography. In Him, Irakli Louarsabovich shared with readers an amazing case - the discovery of previously unknown materials about the death of Alexander Pushkin. An engineer from Nizhny Tagil Nikolai Botashev was sent to the editorial office of the found historical documents.

Together with other journalists, literary critic went on a business trip to get acquainted with the letters of Pushkin contemporaries. In the center of the story - bright and colorful descriptions of the originality of Tagil culture. In particular, the writer brought the local local lore museum to delight, which stores unique exhibits, photos telling about the region and his role in the history of Russia.

He saw the model of the first locomotive designed by the Turtle, the world's first two-wheeled bike, which was the author of which became fortress artamon, and the other. Letters reported by Botashev were dated 1836-1837 and represented cultural value.

This literary and detective investigation conducted a scientist, finding out who was one of the beloved Mikhail Lermontov. This was written about this book "Riddle N.F.I.", creating a philologist did a long and fascinating journey through libraries, archives and old places in Moscow.

As a result of the search, the literary critic was able to unravel the threads leading to the full name of the girl who captured the heart of the Russian classic. It turned out that Natalia Fedorovna O Obressov is hidden under the initials, in Maiden Ivanova: a woman whose image lay down the poems poems, and also discharged in the drama "strange man."

Popular readers enjoy the work of the author called "and now about it." In the book of Andronikov, it is divided by the memories of the cultural figures with whom he was familiar. These are memories of Samuel Marshak, Rasule Gamzatov, Nikolae Zabolotsky, Yuri Tynanov and others. The writing includes exciting details about the life of the creators, previously unknown to the public.

Estrada and television

Possessing artistry and ability to imitate the voices of others, the writer often performed on stage, working in the genre of oral story. For the first time in front of the public, the author spoke in February 1935 on the stage of the club of the Writers of Moscow. At meetings with the audience, the philologist created "portraits" of classics and contemporaries, skillfully transmitting the speech to Maneru of the latter.

Later on the Soviet television, a project was created, which included the transfer, the title "Irakli Andronikov tells". About how he learned to stay freely before the public, the writer said in the monologue "First time on the stage". The center of the room is the plot of how the young author debuted on the stage of the Leningrad Philharmonic.

The narrative is filled with a thin irony, jokes. Television has retained the video recording of the researcher with this and other stories. In addition, in 1959, the research and cognitive film "Riddle N.F.", where the author acted in the lead role.


The scientist died in June 1990. The cause of death was the complications of Parkinson's disease, which the writer suffered for a long time. Irakli Louarsabovich is buried at the introduced cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1936 - "To biographies M. Yu. Lermontov"
  • 1939 - "Life Lermontov"
  • 1948 - "Middle N. F. I."
  • 1956 - Tagil Nakhodka
  • 1958 - "Lermontov in Georgia in 1837"
  • 1962 - "I want to tell you ...: stories, portraits, essays, articles"
  • 1975 - "To music"

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