The film "The Last Bogatyr. Evil root "(2020): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia


The release date of the film "The Last Bogatyr. Evil's root "Directed by Dmitry Dyachenko in Russia's cinemas was scheduled for January 1, 2021. Ribbon in the genre of adventure and family cinema, shot by the TV channel "Russia" together with Disney and Yellow companies, Black and White will be a continuation of the painting "Last Bogatyr" 2017.

Spectators will see the second part of the loved fabulous story and will again meet with familiar heroes. New characters will also appear, the creators promise to expand the fabulous universe. In material 24cm - interesting facts about the filming of the film, the actors and the roles they executed.


In Belogorier, peace and calm came, evil defeated and Ivan found is enjoying deserved glory. Next to him, the father and bride of Vasilisa, as well as Bug Yaga and Water. The Keystroke sword allowed to provide and comfortable life - Vanya cuts windows between the worlds and runs behind household appliances and other essentials. At the same time, he lacks his native world, and in the fabulous it is planned the beginning of the warrior games, where young people have to show themselves.

Ivan everyone is considered to be "richren" and the heir of Ilya Muromets, although he himself disagrees with this opinion and does not feel the right strength. However, I don't want to disgrace in front of your father and the bride. In the midst of playing, the ancient evil awakens, and Ivan will have to save Belogorye once again.


The main roles in the film "The Last Bogatyr. Evil root "Played:

  • Victor Horinyak - Ivan found, which is considered to be the son of Ilya Muromets. Ivan falls into the fabulous country and is looking for the origins of evil, participates in the battles and battles of heroes to return home;
  • Elena Yakovleva - Baba Yaga, Savark and Sordrug;
  • Mila Sivatskaya - Vasilisa Revinda;
  • Sergey Burunov - Water;
  • Evgeny Dyatlov - Dobrynya Nikitich;
  • Konstantin Lavronenko - Koschey Immortal;
  • Timofey Tribunesev - White Mag;
  • Sophia Boroditskaya - Firebird.

Also in the picture were filmed: Elena Valcoskina, Alexander Sechhev, Yuri Tsurilo, Vladislav Vetrov, Alice Suprun and other famous actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Shooting at once 2 parts (second and third) film "The Last Bogatyr. Evil root "began in the summer of 2019 and held in Sochi, Perm and Karelia. Also on the screens, the audience will see the locations of the previations of the Urals and the Krasnodar Territory.

2. In the suburbs for filming, the real fabulous city of Belogorier was built, in which the main part of the workflow was held.

3. In addition to familiar heroes - Koshiya, Baba-Yagi and Snake Gorynych, the audience will get acquainted with the new negative character Rogolab - a man-root. Also in the main composition of the actors of the fairy tale will be an evil robber ball, the finistist is clear falcon and other fantastic heroes.

4. The film uses complex make-up: to create the images of fabulous characters, Baba Yagi and the Koschey of the Immortal Make-uprigations left 3 to 5 hours.

5. The emphasis in the picture The creators did on entertainment: they used the mass of modern computer special effects. Producers promised to strengthen "and action, and a visual component."

6. Actor Sergey Burunov, who played the role of Water, "presented" to his character Mimico and gestures, and did not need makeups at the same time. The remaining processing was made using computer graphics. However, during filming, the actor had to sit in cold water for a long time.

7. The creation of a swamp took 200 tons of water and three weeks of working time. And the construction of the chambers for Dobryni Nikitich took three months.

8. During filming in the vicinity of Sochi, the director of the Tape Dmitry Dyachenko suffered twice from tick bites, despite the fact that the entire team was processed by protective means before shooting.

9. It is known that in the third part of the film, with the name of which the creators have not yet decided yet, the "King of Russian Pop Music" will appear Philip Kirkorov, who will be the embodiment of fabulous firebird.

The film "The Last Bogatyr. Evil root "- Trailer:

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