Tina Fay - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The actress and screenwriter Tina Fei is little known in Russia and the CIS countries, but in the United States and the UK, it is a nationwide favorite. For 9 years, a comedian wrote the scoring episodes of the Saturday Night Live show (SNL, "Saturday evening live"), also created the series "Studio 30" and "Unbendable Kimmi Schmidt". Now Tina is a multiple laureate of the "Golden Globe" and "Emmy", frequenter of shooting sites on both sides of the process.

Childhood and youth

Celebrities in the understanding of the majority are ideal people who have no right to flaw. But Tina has one, and in the most prominent place. The first thing that rushes into the eyes on her portrait photos is a thick uneven scar under the bottom lip. Little Elizabeth was only 5 years old when the attacker closed her with a knife in the face. Reasons for aggression The girl did not give: calmly played in the sandbox in his native apper-Dairby. The identity of the attacker never installed.

The full name of the actress - Elizabeth Statina Fay. She was born on May 18, 1970 in Appper-Darby, Pennsylvania, in the family of a veteran of the Korean War of Donald Henry Fairy and Zenobia Xenaches, an insurance agent. The artist was brought up with the elder brother Peter.

The interest in the comedy in the child woke up at 11 years, when the school project had to read the book Joe Franklin "Seventy-year-old, great comedy actors." Since then, the girl has often spent time from the TV, gladly watched the "Saturday evening live" and the transfer from Monti Paiton.

The basic formation of fairies received in local schools APPER-DARBI: Initial Cardington-Stonehurst, Middle Beverly Hills and senior age. She was equally interesting and studied, and extracurricular activities. So, after classes, the feature sang in the choir, participated in the productions of the theater circle or improved his skill of the game of tennis.

In 1988, the artist entered the University of Virginia, and after 4 years he became a bachelor of dramatic arts.

Personal life

The performer met its fate in 1994 in the TEECD City Troupe - the Improvisation Theater, located in Chicago, Illinois. Here Jeff Richmond worked as a pianist. He was 10 years older, and it was for him the actress shouted herself in an intimate plan.

Absorbed by creativity, fairies and Richmond were no hurried to legalize relationships and personal life. Only on June 3, 2011, the lovers were married in the face of the Eldelle Orthodox Church in Greek rites.

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They raise 2 children: Alice Zenobia was born on September 10, 2005, Penelope Athena - August 10, 2011. The family lives in the Upper West Side in New York.

At the presentation of the Tony Award in 2019, the actor Jake Jillenhol called Tina Fay his bride. The statement did not cause anything from the audience, except for laughter: near the professional comedian, anyone will plead talent to jokes.


Having received a higher education, the girl moved to Chicago. Spring for the future star show "Saturday in the evening live" has become improvisation theaters Improv Olympic and The Second City.

At the request of the former colleague from The Second City, the main scenario of SNL Adam McKea, in 1997, the artist composed several sketches. Without fierce debate, an American took into the state of the authors, sometimes she had to try on the role of the actress.

In his youth, the girl was complexed due to appearance. Seeing himself once on TV, the performer sat on a tough diet. It seemed that after weight loss, her would be more willing to invite to the scene. Not satisfied with the comedian and growth - only 164 cm, too low to watch people in the eyes. Below Tina has not yet become, its weight is 55 kg.

In 1999, Adam McCay went from his post. The main screenwriter SNL was appointed fairies. She became the first woman-author in the history of the show. In the early 2000s, her acute humor and the exact syllable brought the team of the show "Saturday night in the lone of air" to the US Writer Guild Prize and Emmy.

In 2015, Rolling Stone magazine called Tina Fay 3rd to significance among 141 SNL actors. It was overtaken by John Belushi and Eddie Murphy.

The time spent in the chair of the main scenario of the transfer "Saturday night in the lone of air", inspired a woman to create a series "Studio 30". He went out on the NBC channel from 2006 to 2013. The film platform with the performer was shared by Alec Baldwin and SNL Stars.

Studio 30 brought 6 "Emmy", 3 "Golden Globes", as well as awards from a variety of guilds. But much more than more than another figure - television series 112 times nominated on "Emmy"! After its closure, the film critics were announced "Studio 30" the greatest telenotes of all time.

The next significant project, Fay became a Sitter "Unbending Kimmi Schmidt". His premiere took place in 2015 on Netflix. From the first episodes, the viewer became interested in an unusual plot. In his center - a 29-year-old girl, which is freed from the 15-year-old captivity underground, and she has to learn to live again.

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Woman writing scripts not only to serials, but also to films. So, when her assistance was created by the Libery Girls Tape 2004. The comedian also joined Cast along with a colleague on SNL Amy Pole.

Even in the youth of the Tina Fay and Amy Pole, friendship was established and, more importantly, humorous harmony. Chemistry saw both producers, and therefore from the project to the project actresses were nomaded together. They can be seen in the comedies "Oh, Mamulls" (2008), "TV presenter: and hello again" (2013), "sisters" (2015).

Military biography "Reporters" (2016) stands out in the filmography of the performer. A comedian plays the role of journalist Kim Baker, which is sent to Afghanistan to a short task. The actress devoted his participation in the film Father.

In the summer of 2020, the cartoon "Soul" came to the large screens. Tina not only voiced the character under mystical name 22, but also acted as a scriptwriter.

Tina Fei now

Fay and a half have to show eloquence and humor on the 78th Gold Globe awards ceremony in 2021. Such news in January 2020 told the NBC channel. The duet has already led the event three times - in 2013, 2014 and 2015.

What a comedian is engaged in real time, it is impossible to know. A woman does not lead an "instagram", so fans stay without photographs of their favorite with pets, friends or on vacation in a swimsuit.


  • 1998-2016 - "Saturday night in the literal air"
  • 2004 - "Dried Girls"
  • 2006 - "Man of the Year"
  • 2006-2013 - "Studio 30"
  • 2008 - "Oh, moms"
  • 2009 - "FIELD OF LIA"
  • 2010 - "Mad Date"
  • 2013 - "Exam for Two"
  • 2013 - "TV presenter: and hello again"
  • 2014 - "Live yourself"
  • 2015 - "Sisters"
  • 2016 - "Reporter"
  • 2019 - "Wine Country"
  • 2020 - "Soul"

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