Series "Hussar" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, TNT


In October 2020, the TNT channel prepared a new TV show for the permanent audience a new television - the humorous series "Hussar" from Rustam Mosafira, whose release date came to the 5th month. The director of the project has already managed to remember the Russians after the "Fugitives" and "Skiff" paintings. On the plot of the new Master Series Comedy from Comedy Club Production, actors and their roles, as well as about the involvement-related facts - in the material 24cm.


Since the time of the Wells traveler and Bulgakovsky Ivan Vasilyevich - if not earlier - the writers, and later the cinematographers have repeatedly reported to humanity that all sorts of flirting do not lead to good. For a violation of the continuous flow of this intangible, but quite a tangible element of the court can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. And well, if at the same time no victims will cost.

The series "Hussar" tells about how one scientist who did not listen to the predecessors' warnings, albeit literary and cinemas, built the device capable of "pierce the space-time fabric." After a decade of financial injections, this unit, the very invisible matter later pierced and even seems to break through. And from the spatial cutter in the century, the currently soldered natural hussar from the century by last. Yes, and the ancestor's spouse inventor.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series performed the following actors:

Garik Harlamov - Lieutenant Grigory Savelievich Rylsky, Liya Gusar, Kutil and Half, who knows if not in wine, then in its use - for sure. Which is not averse to warm up the beauty of the other in the arms during, free from the dedicated service to the Native Fatherland.

Posted to Kutuzov with a package containing intelligence in the dispensation of the French, the lieutenant, however, not coming to the destination. For because of the car time, the scientist Zhuravleva gets in the XXI century - the time of the celebration of information technology, shamelessness, ease of morals and dubious morality. Now Gusaru will have to get acquainted with modern gadgets and fresh concepts of honor, while the temporary unit, failed, will not be fixed by the creator.

Pavel Comiromakhin - Dmitry Zhuravlev, a young scientist, who spent ten years to create a real time car. Strive and long-term work eventually gave the result, although somewhat unforeseen. During the next experiment from the XIX century, the creation of an unrecognized genius moved the lieutenant of the Life Guard of the Gusar Regiment of the Rylsky, after which he was sustained giving his digital soul.

Now Zhuravlev has to make a lot of effort to fix the car time, and return the guest from the past in his era.

Ekaterina Kovalchuk - Katya, Zhuravleva's wife, recent years, who has dragged on his shoulders, because the spouse preferred all the time to spend on the congument of his own invention. Tired of such a relationship from Dmitry Heroine decides to break the vicious circle and declare her husband about the desire to divorce. And on this very day that I almost put a point in the existence of a family, a hussar appears in the apartment from the past, coming in addition to the ancestor of Kati.

Also in the series were filmed: Svetlana Frolova, Sergey Belov, Mikhail Konovalov, Ekaterina Evseeva and Ekaterina Radchenko as Svetlana.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Hussar" became the first multi-artistic project in which Garik Harlamov played one character. The previous television experience in the artist is associated with the show, built on the principle of the sketch, so that the actor sometimes managed to update the makeup several times, appearing several times, appearing at each appearance in a new image.

2. When creating historical clothes, cinematographers as an example used real suits of that era, from which hero Garik Harlamov arrived in our time, and also resorted to the services of reconstruction consultants. As a result, artists prepared outfits, not only repeating vintage dresses outwardly, but also made from the same accurate materials as the originals.

3. The series "Hussar" mostly starred in the capital, both in kind and in the pavilions. But for the sake of recording events of the historical part of the project, cinematographers had to be selected in nature - in the suburbs. In total, the film crew visited about 200 different locations in Moscow and its surroundings.

Series "Hussar" - Trailer:

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