Alexander Sukhanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Bard, Songs 2021



The song not only helps to build and live, but also to achieve the location of the beloved woman. In mid-February 2020, the widow of Nikolai Starchenkova said that at the first meeting with his future husband he did not like, but fortunately, there were both the second, and the third. Tight communication between them ringed in a youth camp, where the guy has played masterly guitar, sang and conquered Tatyana knowledge of Bardov music, especially Bulat Okudzhava and Alexander Sukhanov.

Childhood and youth

On the day, when all philologists take congratulations on the professional holiday, on May 25, 1952, the son of Sasha's son, Sasha's son, was born from Sukhanov's spouses who lived in Saratov. Unfortunately, after 2 or 3 years after the child appears to the light, a man left a family.

Up to 16 years old, the boy brought up a mother, a native of the Ural city of Guryeva, and helped her her sister Shura along with his wife Nikolai. The nephew came to them every summer on vacation in the village of Maritors. Happy childhood, who passed in these parts, Bard subsequently devoted the Single "Bell" ("Telephone").

Only a couple of laconic facts are known about the person and biography of his father - he played the harmony and possessed good vocal data. Tract for art from him was passed and the heir. He gladly visited a music school on a class of violin in parallel with a secondary educational institution.

Until the 8th grade in the diary, the student was concerned about the five, in addition, Alexander was interested in the queen of science. The teenager was engaged in the physico-technological school in absentia, and then looked at all in the 13th physico-mathematical, graduating from its deadline with deserved silver.

Equations, differentials and parabolas quietly got along with notes, score and essay of poems. The young man, fascinated by writing songs, entered the Moscow State University, completing training with a red diploma. Next followed postgraduate studies and academic degree.

Personal life

The personal life of the talented artist was not immediately. The first time the man married and became the father of the twin daughters in his youth. But the girls married did not bore, and followed a divorce. Subsequently, the children were pleased with Alexander Alekseevich the birth of three granddaughters and one grandson.

The graduate school of Moscow State University presented not only the necessary knowledge, but also acquaintance with the second wife Elizabeth. It is she who is devoted to all romantic compositions in the repertoire of the singer. According to the Women, in the university he was the Edaki Bayron Child Harold, to which everyone was afraid to approach and just speak. And the girl who graduated from the neighboring philfak, communicating with him easily and simply, at first only in a friendly key.

Alexander Sukhanov and the wife of Elizabeth

Then the relationship turned into something more. According to the memories of the Musician, the Japanese and Korean blood flowing in whose veins, on the first dates, the satellite always treated her apples, at that time he was almost a vegetarian.

"In the advice of graduate students, we together prepared concerts and actively participated in the cultural life of Moscow State University. And, of course, absolutely all girls were in love with Sasha. But we did not have a novel. So the fate was formed that we met late, and during the years of study, each of us had their own personal life, "she told.

The proposal of the hand and heart occurred at the poet prosaic - in the cinema. In 2013, Timur Kizyakov visited Sukhanov as part of the author's program "While all at home". In addition to the couple, they met the lead and daughter of Lisa from the previous marriage Victoria, and her granddaughter of Catherine, who inherited a humanitarian warehouse of the mind from her grandmother.

During the transfer, it turned out that the real head of the family is the spouse of the artist, and it is not completely adapted to everyday life.

Career and creativity

Communication with the native university did not stop at the end of graduate school. Sukhanov, who received the experience of teaching in VVA named after Yuri Gagarin, entered the service in the laboratory of computational methods of the Main University of Moscow.

From 1969, Alexander began to make the first steps in creating their own works. In addition, he shifted the poem of Alexander Pushkin ("Mad Years Falling Fun ..."), Vladimir Nabokova ("Where would have running ..."), Nikolay Rubtsova ("Star of Fields"), Yunny Moritz ("My Circuit Guests"), Arsenia Tarkovsky ("That summer has passed") to music. A gradually gifted singer, accompanied by a guitar, became in need to invite to the kits, concerts and festivals (including the famous Huinhasky), accepted in the PCP.

In the 1981st "Melody" released the first plate of Bard "I and the guitar" containing only five compositions. In the future, the artist's discography was replenished with the Albums "Stork flying to the clouds", "Green Care" (with the hits "My Star" and "Romance of Olderity"), "Waltz expectations" - the full list is indicated on its official website in a separate section.

Sukhanov treated his colleagues very reverent and did not regret the warm words for them.

"Bulat Okudzhava died, even earlier, Yuri Vizbor. And from those who stayed now, the most solid bards are Alexander Gorodnitsky, Yuri Kukin, Alexander Dulov. I am not familiar with Julia Kim, but I think that he is a wonderful singer, a strong composer and a poet. Also, I like Alexander Dolsky and Oleg Mityaev, "he admitted in 2002.

Alexander Sukhanov now

The musician continues to live a full creative life and delight fans with new programs. For example, in Nikola Winter December 19, 2019 he presented "My love, Snow Maiden!" In the "Gluhahar's nest" on color boulevard. Each month of the 2020 winner of the Theater Award named after the Roland Bykov and the Tsarskoye Art Prize invited listeners to solo concerts.

A detailed poster of the speeches of Alexander Alekseevich can be found both on the official website of the club and under the photographs in the "Instagram" and "Facebook" of the institution.


  • 1981 - "I and Guitar"
  • 1992 - "Green Care"
  • 1993 - "My Home"
  • 1996 - "Stork flies into the clouds"
  • 1996 - "Ah, the cart you are mine ..."
  • 1996 - "Waltz Expectations"
  • 1998 - "The time of our songs"
  • 2000 - "Romance of Old Town"
  • 2001 - "Favorites"
  • 2010 - "Russian bards. Alexander Sukhanov "

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