Alexander Kabakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Writer



The writer Alexander Kabakov published his first story only in 46 years. For the remaining 30 years of life, Prosper twice became a laureate of the Russian Book Prize.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in the fall of 1943 in Novosibirsk in the family of Abraha Yakovlevich and Frida Isaakov Kabakov. The writer has little peers, because by the time of the birth of the boy most men were already in war for 2 years.

The year and place of birth is prosecated due to the fact that Abram Yakovlevich served as an engineer of the 25th railway brigade. After the war, the father of Alexander was developed by Soviet ballistic missiles, and almost all the childhood, the boy spent in the vicinity of Polygon Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region.

In an interview with the magazine "Knowledge - Strength", the writer confessed that he began to read the books late, he liked to listen to the grandmother's reading. Father for days disappeared in service, and with neighboring children, little Sasha had few points of contact. The favorite writer of young kabakov was Jules Verne.

Abram Yakovlevich, who had served before the title of Colonel and awarded 4 Orders of the Red Star, insisted that the Son would tie a life with engineering business. The young man graduated from Mehmat Dnepropetrovsk University. In an interview with Igor Speenno Kabakov argued that the red diploma received thanks to the talent to memorize and retell the textbooks by pages.

Alexander Abramovich's labor biography began in the KB Mikhail Yangel on Yuzhmash. Also in his youth, he managed to work in the All-Union Research Institute of Electromechanics. But engineering activity, the humoristically described in the story of the writer "House of Models", did not like the lover of literature, and in 29 years old man began to work as a journalist in the newspaper Soviet railway workers.

Personal life

The writer preferred to keep his personal life away from prying eyes. Kabakov's wife was the editor of the newspaper "Gudok" Ella Nikolskaya. The first youthful marriage presented to Alexander Abramovich daughter Raisu, whose father was in 22 years.

According to Andrei Kolesnikov's testimony, the author of the "Nobarer" loved animals very much. At the time of acquiring a house in the suburbs, Kabakov had 2 dogs and 8 cats. On one of the most famous photos, the writer is captured with a pet - a smoky color cat.


Back in 1981, the author became the laureate of the Golden Calf Prize from the "Literary Newspaper". However, nobody wanted to publish a collection of humorous stories of young prose.

The story published at the end of the restructuring was made by Alexander Abramovich famous. The writer predicted an attempt to the state coup, undertaken by the ticklers in August 1991, and the "violence" of the upcoming decade. The premiere of the picture of Sergey Sunkin on the anti-nightopia of the writer took place on Leningrad television in the midst of the couch.

The most famous works in the bibliography of Kabakov are also the novel "Everything is fixable" and the collection "Moscow fairy tales". Both books were noted by literary prizes.

ProsisaIk was proud that like Ivan Bunin writes works immediately score. However, the names of the writer's creations were sometimes transformed. For example, the "Crystapovich's approach" was transformed when reproving in the "blow to blow, or the crystabovich approach", and the "fugitive" - ​​in "Buretz". Genre among the works of the author prevailed social fiction and memoir life-making.


Last years of life, the writer suffered from Parkinson's disease and diabetes. He lived in a nursing home, could not read and write and just watched on a TV or a window. The man did not want in a necrologist about him it was written "left of life," because no longer walked.

The cause of the death of the prose, coming on April 18, 2020, was thromboembolia. Obritic articles about the writer Colleagues by Peru were entitled by the names of his works: Maya Kuchekskaya in the "Vedomosti" - "the last hero", and Andrei Kolesnikov in the newspaper "Kommersant" - "non-return".


  • 1989 - "Obviously false fabrications"
  • 1990 - "Non-return"
  • 1990 - "Crystapovich's approach"
  • 1991 - "Writer"
  • 1993 - "The adventures of this man"
  • 1995 - "The Last Hero"
  • 1997 - "Samozhan"
  • 2005 - "Moscow fairy tales"
  • 2006 - "Everything is fixable"
  • 2007 - "Story about people"
  • 2008 - "Fugitive"
  • 2010 - "House of Models"
  • 2010 - "Women's Day of the Middle Ages"
  • 2011 - "Aksenov"
  • 2015 - "Camera Storage: Meshchanskaya Book"
  • 2018 - "Blood Group"

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