Sailor Neptune (Character) - pictures, cartoon, "Sailor Moon", anime, costume, Michiru Kayo


Character History

Sailor Neptune is an external warrior, designed to protect the solar system from the invasion of the dark forces. Fragile violinist with a thin soulful organization is capable of brutal things. And this duality of nature makes it one of the most controversial heroines of the methacer "Sailor Moon."

History of character creation

The girl, like other external guards, made his debut only in the 3rd manga plot arch. Moreover, unlike the rest, the history of its reincarnation and awakening is not disclosed. The readers of the comics and the audience anime series demonstrated Sailor Neptune already as a warrior in the sailor.

The first appearance happened in 1 series of 3 seasons. Her biography is inextricably linked with another warrior - Sailor Uranus. Together they entered into an alliance, promising each other by all means to achieve a great mission.

So, the audience, having time to get acquainted with the inner guards, learn about the existence of several more key characters. Haruka Tanno, Michiru Kayo and Satsun Mao - three newly new soldiers of the solar system, which were reborn in the present time.

In addition to protection, these girls have one more task - to prevent the appearance of Sailor Saturn. This is stated in the manga and mentioned in anime. The main goal is related to the advent of Holy Grail. The artifact will be decisive in the confrontation of good and evil.

The inclusion in the history of new characters allowed to expand the franchise and increase the already record ratings of the views. Najo Taheti observed the rule to bind the names of the heroine with the planets.

Michiru Kayo - the name of the girl, translated from the Japanese language means "waterway". In the franchise there is already a girl with similar amplua - Sailor Mercury. But if Ami Midzuno controls the magic of water, then the warrior Neptune in the Arsenal the power of the ocean itself.

Squeezing to mythological legends did not bypass the Michiru side. Her planet is named after one of the main gods, which became the lord of the seas and the oceans. Stern character, incredible power and the army made a character with a trident to the brightest example of the great ruler.

Kayo demonstrates absolutely other qualities in ordinary life. But, trying on the shape of a warrior, becomes a dangerous opponent for evil forces.

The birthday of the heroine is March 6, on the sign of the zodiac she is a fish. On astrological information, the patron saint of this zodiac sector is considered to be Planet Neptune. The appearance of the schoolgirl is partly associated with the characteristic of the celestial object. This bluish-green planet gave a Michiru unusual hair color, something like a sea wave.

Incredible beauty Deep-blue eyes, thin features, femininity and sensuality of the girl are little combined with her military destination. Nevertheless, appearing in the cartoon, she became a strongest wrestler with evil together with Sailor Uranus.

Najo Taheti, the project author, when writing manga on warriors in the sailorka took the character from the previous comic CodeName: Sailor V. The Michiru image is completely original. And in all products, the franchise remains unchanged.

In Anime 1992-1997, Kayo voiced Masaco Katsuki. In the series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal, based on the original history, the voice of the warranty under the auspices of a bluish-green planet became Sayak Ohara.

Image and biography Sailor Neptune

The heroine of talented and incredibly feminine. She masterfully performs musical compositions on the violin and writes pictures. And he is engaged in sports and is a professional swimmer. Her inner world is filled with kindness and compassion. Nevertheless, the school girl is alone, because she tries not to be attached to people and prefers to remain in the shadows.

At the time of the events described by the student of 17 years, like Haruk. The series has references to the fact that Michiru became a warrior in the sailor earlier than Usagi. For a long time, the girl opposed the dark forces alone, until he met Sailor Uranus.

The meeting took place in the 17th series 3 of the season. Haruka and her partner are filled with complete antipodes of each other. The first seeks to overcome the earthly attraction, wears men's clothing, a short hairstyle and externally resembles a young man. Kayo, on the contrary, only dresses and even in school uniform literally radiates femininity.

Opposite in ordinary life, the girls are absolutely consonant in the trop of war. And if Haruka goes half, not bending any methods of struggle, the violinist prefers sacrifice. And when she has to make brutal things against others, it leads to internal conflicts and experiences.

Nevertheless, students quickly find a common language and even come into romantic relationships. Their love is unconquisitive, but each is ready to forget about affection if it is necessary to achieve the goal.

Until the last season of explicit confirmation about the fact of unconventional communication between heroines there is no kisses, nor quotation, at least indirectly it is demonstrating. But the viewer immediately understands that they are born more than just friendship.

About biography Michiru little information. She lives along with Haruki in an elite apartment, although they will do any housing for rent not by pocket. Obviously, girlfriends have benefactor. True, information about such a "generous" patron Nor in comics, nor in anime.

Being a princess during the Silver Millennium times, the girl lived on her planet in the castle called Triton. She, together with Sailor Pluto and Uranus, was designed to defend the entire solar system from the invaders.

When the moon became a barrier to the Dark Kingdom in the conquest of the Earth, all the warriors united their strength. But, unfortunately, turned out to be defeated by stronger opponents. Breeding, the princesses became ordinary schoolgirls, not remembering the past life.

Michiru, as it becomes clear from the manga, earlier than others realized its role in the new world. After transformation into the Sailor-warrior, it received the abilities based on the power of the ocean. In addition, it turned out to be the keeper of the crystal of a pure heart - a deep-sea mirror.

Having received this mascot weapon, the girl in his attacks was able to not only manage the marine element, but also to reflect the attacks of opponents, as well as disperse the illusions created by them.

Character Woven from contradictions. A kind and even fragile student, writing paintings and a violin playing, has a strong inland rod. In the soul, she is a strong warrior capable of crossing through friends and love for good and light. But this does not at all reduce its suffering and internal experiences due to war.

Pretty high (growth - 165 cm), but an elegant beauty, preferring feminine clothes and shoes on heels, after turning becomes similar to Haruka. As soon as unshakable in his decisions, she forces the audience to surprise her actions.

Such a discrepancy between the picture and the role of the heroine is also demonstrated in the series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal. The plot repeats the description of the original manga. The emphasis is done on external warriors that unite their talismans for the revival of Sailor Saturn. Subsequently, Michiru becomes the receptionive mother of the future warrior of chaos and destruction.


"The waves lost peace, and the ocean became wild." "Friendship needs to be earned, otherwise we will remain enemies forever." "With you I will go anywhere, I will not be afraid to burn even in hell."

Interesting Facts

  • Sailor Neptune became the only heroine of the franchise, which was awakened on his own.
  • In the series Kayo - a talented artist, participates in exhibitions and is interested in art. In the manga, its main passion is called collecting cosmetics.
  • Character suit performed in a greenish blue color scheme.
  • Little Hotarom Tomoe refers to the mothers of Michiru-Mom.


  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon


  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
  • 1993 - Sailor Moon R: The Movie
  • 1994 - Sailor Moon S: The Movie
  • 1995 - Sailor Moon Superse: The Movie
  • 2014-2016 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal

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