Joachim von Ribbentrop - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, nonsense pact



Joachim von Ribbentrop was Adolf Hitler adviser and played not the last role in the construction of the Third Reich. The surname of the German Foreign Minister remained in history, first of all, thanks to the Covenant on the nonsense of 1939, habitually called the Molotov Pact - Ribbentrop. In Nuremberg for crimes against humanity, a diplomat of Fuhrer was sentenced to the death penalty together with the 11 closest companions of Hitler, and without manifesting special repentance.

Childhood and youth

Despite the fact that Ribbentrop entered the story with the noblest prefix background, the German did not have to a noise relationship. He was born in the family of an officer and a housewife on April 30, 1893 in the city of Vezel. The boy had the elder brother Lothar and the younger sister of Ingeborg. Mother Johanna Sophie died when the Joachim was 9 years old. Children, who remained without maternal caress and care, had to be embarrassed, besides, the father was distinguished by a harsh temper and did not hesitate with penalties for the provinces and bad marks.

Joachim was not the most diligent student: He hardly learned to write and mastered the secondary school program, but showed sports abilities and musical talent. Moving by country allowed the boy to learn several foreign languages, which helped to subsequently build a diplomatic career. Ribbentrop managed to live and learn in France, Switzerland and England.

At the age of 17, together with Brother Ioachim went to Canada, where she took up the business. The mother's inheritance served as a starting capital for a commercial enterprise engaged in the supply of German wines to North America. The affairs of Ribbentropov went to the mountain, which briefed the Germans to the dream of a beautiful and rich life, which he was dreaming from an early age. However, with the beginning of the First World War, the future minister decides to return home to build a military career.

Personal life

Surveying wines, von Ribbentrop met with the largest German winery Otto Henkel, who headed Henkell & Co. The daughter of the industrialist Anneliza in 1920 became the wife of Joachim. The couple settled in the Berlin district of Dalem, where a luxurious mansion with a pool and a tennis court was built later. There was a color of German society, including merchants and politicians. Collectors of art appeared, most of which belonged to Jewish nationality.

Five children were born in marriage - three boys and two girls. Middle Son The faithful companion of Hitler called the name of the Fuhrer. A prosperous marriage helped a man not only to arrange a personal life, but also to advance through the social staircase. A rich, who has ties, introduced a son-in-law in the circle of the German elite, where he soon settled firmly.

To give the weight of the name, Ioachim went on tricks, contacting the fellow relative with the noble title. In 1925, Gertrude von Ribbentrop adopted the future diplomat, and he began to wear her noble last name. The passion for gorgeous life, arrogance and spraying began to manifest itself in the nature of the German, more and more clearly.

Despite the fact that other people's lives adviser Hitler appreciated not very high, he had the most tender feelings to members of his own family. Memories of politics left his son Rudolf, published by the book of memoirs "My Father Joachim Von Ribbentrop. "Never against Russia!". The wife of the diplomat also made strokes to the biography of her husband, publishing in 1946 his preserved unpublished records under the title "between London and Moscow".

Career and politics

Returning to Germany with the beginning of the First World War, von Ribbentrop entered into the ranks of the German army and by the end of the military actions wore the title of Ober Lieutenant and the Iron Cross in the Petweck. Peaceful time forced the German to forget about military career and return to business in which he began to succeed. Combined with the test, Ioachim turned into one of the largest wines in Germany. Despite the difficult post-war times, the background of the ribbentrop flourish.

However, the ambitions of the succeeding entrepreneur were not fully satisfied. The desire for power and influence he decided to realize through acquaintance with Adolf Hitler, whose popularity in the country rapidly gained momentum. In the early 1930s, Ribbentrop becomes a trustee of the future Fuhrer, and he is not appointed by Reichskanzler of Germany without his help.

The Joachim was assigned diplomatic powers to negotiate with European powers to relieve restrictions undergoing Germany as a result of the First World War. The politician was engaged in establishing allied agreements with fascist Italy, as well as by the signing of the Anti-Comintern Covenant with Japan, who was aimed at "Defense from Communism".

In 1938, the von Ribbentrop was headed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, and in August 1939 he arrived in Moscow, where Iosif Stalin was personally met. At the same time, he set the signature on the famous non-aggression agreement, which by the USSR visited the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov. The secret protocol was attached to the Covenant, which regulated the powers of two powers in Europe, if she was subjected to "territorial-political reorganization".

This application has subsequently allowed to evaluate the Molotov - Ribbentrop pact as immoral. Vladimir Putin responded to him, commenting on the situation associated with the tragedy in Katyn. But whoever spoke to, the consequences of the conclusion of the Covenate were deprecated. Own thoughts about this and about Russia as a whole von Ribbentrop outlined in the composition "Alliance and a gap with Stalin".

War crimes

In the Nuremberg process, the background of the ribbentrop, together with other Nazis, accused a number of war crimes, who called the aggressive war against the whole world. During this war, Hitler and like-minded people were planned, prepared, unleashed and carried out concretections that violate international treaties, agreements and obligations.

Von Ribbentropo, among others, the murders and ill-treatment of civilians and prisoners of war, unjustified destruction and devastation of large and small settlements, persecution, repression, torture and extermination against individuals and integers.


In the spring of 1945, the leadership of fascist Germany realized the final collapse of his ambitions. April 30 in the bunker near Reichanceseyaria, Hitler committed suicide with him with her mistress Eve Brown, who became the official wife of the Fuhrera a day to death. The next day, their example was followed by Joseph Goebbels with his wife. A day later, Martin Borman was not, the cause of the death of which is not fully established. After 3 weeks, Henry Himmler who was unsuccessful to run after arrest, he had his own bonds with life.

The remaining Nazis was judged by the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, the final sentence of which was submitted on October 1, 1946. According to the decision, 12 criminals sentenced to death penalty, including Joachim von Ribbentrop. It was he who was the first to be the first to led to the scaffold on October 16, because Herman Gering, who would probably have given a similar "honor", managed to commit suicide on the eve, having a capsule with poison in a prison cell.

By saying a suicide patriotic speech, German Foreign Minister was hanged. According to eyewitnesses, death did not immediately come immediately, and the body in 178 cm had to remain in the loop of 10 minutes. Preserved posthumous photos of the diplomat of the Fuhrer. The remains of the background of the ribbentrop along with other executed were burned, and the dust is dispelled.

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