Yegor Anashkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



After the release of the TV series, shot along the resonant novel, the Guzel Yakhina "Zuulikha opens his eyes," a flurry of negative comments fell on his creators. A performer of the leading role of Chulpan Khamatova had to fight back from curses, curses and even threats. The director of kinocarthines silently did not look at what was happening. Egor Anashkin stood up for his brainchild and informed critics the main thing - his work on people, and it has nothing to do with politics.

Childhood and youth

In the 5th day of the new 1979, the Son Yegor was born in the 5th of Anashnaya. So joyful event occurred in the German city of Magdeburg. Spouses were military personnel and turned out to be there, on work. Unfortunately, in addition to these facts, practically no information on the early biography of the creator of the series "Zulikha opens eyes" is not provided. In frequent interviews, the master does not indulge, regularly in all sorts of television programs does not go, the soul does not expose the soul in front of the whole country.

Thrust for knowledge lived in the young man always, so behind his shoulders at once two higher educational institutions. In 2001, a graduate was spreading with the Moscow State University of Service, where he acquired a legal specialty. And after 4 years with a red diploma graduated from Vgik named after Sergei Gerasimov.

In the last university, he was under the wing Vadim Abdrashiteov, who starred the film "servant", "Plumbum, or a dangerous game" and "Magnetic storms".

It is known that, still studying in MGU, the young man decided to try the forces at the competition of student debut films "Holy Anna" and did not lose. His project "Stop the train!" Having been awarded the favorable relationship of the harsh jury and a separate diploma of the festival. Painted success, the guy actively took up the creation of subsequent artwork.

Personal life

Anashnaya's personal life is a mystery for seven seals. No information and even the slightest mention of the lady of the heart, a possible wife and about whether he was knowing the joy of fatherhood, no. Judging by the photos on the pages of "Instagram" of his friends and colleagues, a wedding ring a cute man on a ring finger of his right hand to the beginning of the 2020th did not wear.

Thanks to the shot and comment, Dmitry Dankova, who spent the author of the music in the already mentioned screening of the novel Gusel Yakhina, it is known that Egor Mikhailovich is a virtuoso culinary. From the post published August 24, 2019 should have been that the director was not confused and with the help of a pair of baked braffinies two quacks than a pretty surprised a colleague and a friend.


Before moving to the shooting of multi-sieves and full-length films, Egor was shot at a short meter, removing three works on military people ("I wish the health!", "Subsidious economy" and "Infections of figs").

In 2006, he worked on one of the episodes of "Two of the Lartz", and soon I revealed the world lyrical comedy "good girlfriend for everyone" and the drama "Life", speaking in the latter and as a screenwriter. Anashkin put his hand to the "Chief of Spots", a few converting the famous story O. Henry and placing the main characters in modern Russian realities.

On April 25, 2016, the TV channel "Russia-1" introduced the audience with the criminal series "Money", where there was a place for the real facts of the biography of the Soviet inventor Viktor Baranova (in Kinolent - Alexey Baranniki).

"It seems to me that as a character Alexei Barannikov, of course, is worth love. But an unambiguous assessment of this person - hero he was either a villain - I would not give. The world is not divided into black and white: there are many shades. The man is also not a single paint. Therefore, insulating shortcuts on people incorrectly, "Anashkin shared in an interview.

In February 2018, the director turned to the life-in-law of Daria Saltykov's landowners and embodied on the screen "Bloody Baryn". Reincarnation in Saltychikhu got Yulia Snigir, which at first categorically refused the proposed role.

Yegor Anashkin now

On April 13, 2020, the long-awaited premiere of the dramatic television series "Zulikha opens his eyes" about the difficult life and the incredible strength of the spirit of the Tatar peasant of Zulechi. The acting staff of the film was truly starred - Chulpan Hamatov, Sergey Makovetsky, Julia Peresilde, Rosa Khairullina and others.

Despite all the advantages, after the release of the first episodes, the creators were subjected to this shelling of negative reviews. For example, Zakhar Prilepin saw in people involved in the screening, Russophobia, and the brass assembly of the Muslims of Russia was insulted at all, demanding apologies from them. The Communist Party of the Russian Communists advocated the termination of the further show due to the outlines of the past.

As a worker of art and just a real man, Egor Mikhailovich took the floor and on April 16 told TASS:

"Our history has nothing to do with the policy, she is about people. Our story about forgiveness, about how a simple Tatar woman found the strength to forgive his enemy and continue to live on. I believe that you need to be able to let go of the past and live by the present. And now I urge the opponents now. "

However, not everyone was so categorical in judgment. The member of the Academy of Russian Television, Edward Sagalayev, believed that the project was unfair to criticize, and those who did that did simply hate the truth.

As for the author of the novel, the Gusel Shamilela stated that she was bitterly watching conflicts arising around the tape. The work of the director The writer appreciated very high, calling the film "Great, with completely stunning scenes in a large movie format."


  • 2001 - "I wish you" toast! "
  • 2003 - "Subsidity Economy"
  • 2003 - "Travel Travel"
  • 2006 - "Two of the Lartz"
  • 2009 - "Life loan"
  • 2010 - "Promotion"
  • 2011 - "Kamenskaya-6"
  • 2012 - "Chief of Spots"
  • 2012 - "Immigrant"
  • 2013 - "Perfect marriage"
  • 2014 - "Go away to return"
  • 2015 - "Moscow Borzaya"
  • 2016 - "Money"
  • 2018 - Bloody Baryna
  • 2020 - "Zuuleika opens his eyes"

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