Lyon Feichtvanger - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books



Lyon Feichtvanger is the most influential writer of the time of the Weimar Republic. Explaced from Germany, he created about 20 novels, dozens of plays, essays and stories on the topic of combating Nazism and ideological enslavement. At one time, Lyon Feichtvanger influenced the formation of Bercht's playwright. He also inspires young taking into account, remaining among the most readable German-speaking authors of the 20th century.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born on July 7, 1884 in Munich in the family of a deeply believer orthodox Jew Sigmund Feichtvanger and his wife Johanna (in Major Bodenheim).

In those years, most Jewish families, especially noble (Sigmund Feakhtvanger, inherited Margarine production from his father), the genealogical tree was expanded. The writer, for example, was brought up with eight younger brothers and sisters. Over time, life scattered them in the world.

According to the example of the older brother, Ludwig and Martin Feikhthanger dedicated themselves to literature. The first spent the main years of life in the UK, the second - in Israel. The United States has become a refuge for the third brother of the writer. Fourth were frustrated in concentration camps. He influenced the change of government of 1933 and on the lives of two sisters of Lyon Feichthanger - from oppression of the Nazis, they hid in Palestine.

Lyon Faychtwanger's basic knowledge took WilhelmsgyMnasium in Munich's luxury lyceum. In the diary he described his studies as follows: "... Pedantic and sober, conservative and patriotic, without sports; In a word that is not related to real life. "

After graduating from a lyceum in 1903, Lyon Feichtvanger dedicated himself to humanitarian sciences. He studied literature and philosophy in Munich, and philology and ancient languages ​​- in Berlin, away from home and parents.

Personal life

Lyon Fehtwanger met Marta Lefefler, native Munich, at a party in 1909. Against the background of the remaining representatives of the beautiful gender, she highlighted the Copper Hair Color of the Voronov Wing, and the writer liked the blonde. They say he did not miss the opportunity to remind about it. Despite the hairpins, Marta Lefefler was interested in thin features of Lyon Feikhthanger, his miniature growth and bohemian lifestyle.

In 1912, Lefefler became not just a faithful companion, defender and muse of Lyon Fehtwanger, but also his wife. Having wrapped around, lovers lived for each other, for the sake of truth and creativity, without having children.

When Lyon Feikhthanger was placed in a concentration camp, Martha Lefeler was not afraid to turn to the strong world of this. She wrote a dozen letters to the most influential people in Europe and America, even overwhelmed Eleonora Roosevelt, the spouse of the 32nd US President Franklin Roosevelt.

Lyon Feakhthangeru managed to free themselves from slavery, to arrange documents and escape in the United States not without the help of Martha Lefefler. In Los Angeles, California, the family led a modest and quiet personal life.

Martha Leffler survived his spouse for 29 years. She died in their house on October 25, 1987 in deep old age - at the 96th year of life.

In the 1930s, Lyon Feakhtvanger twisted Roman with the artist Eva Herrman. She accompanied the writer to the Soviet Union.


Lyon Feakhtvanger began as a journalist and publisher. On April 30, 1908, the light saw the first release of his magazine Der Spiegel, which published reviews about literary works and dramatic productions. For half a year and 15 issues later, financial difficulties forced Faychtwanger to unite with Die Schaubühne - Journal of Siegfried Jacobson.

In the First World War, Lyon Feichtvanger went to the front in November 1914. There was no month, as it was removed by the state of health. For the same reason, the writer and the November revolution of 1918.

After successful as a playwright, Lyon Feichtvanger, the spouses at the advice, switched to historical novels. Its attention was paid as events - wars, civil coup, epidemic and personality. For example, in the novel "Goya, or a grave path of knowledge" (1951) reflected the life of the artist Francisco Goya. By the way, this is one of the few works of Lyon Feikhthanger, which has received a decree.

In the bibliography of the writer there are two cycles - "waiting room" and "Joseph Flavius". The first is dedicated to the "brown chum" - so in pre-war Germany called young followers of Adolf Hitler, who were brown. The second cycle is wider widespread in world culture. Separate novels - "Jewish War" (1932), "Sons" (1935) and "day will come" (1945) - about the life of the commander of Joseph Flavia is included in the general and higher education program.

In his works, Lyon Feikhtvanger performed by Providenz: Previously, many, he saw a threat to Adolf Hitler and the politics of the National Socialist German Workers Party. The writer drew satirical portraits of the Fuhrer, Hoolil Nazism. It is not surprising that after the seizure of power in 1933 he was in disfavor.

The books of Lyon Feikhthanger, along with 312 authors, were among the "undermining German Spirit" and the burned burned. In the Writer's House, they spent searches, seized all manuscripts and notes that could resemble a romance sketched plot. Writer deprived citizenship. If he wished to return to Germany, he would be waiting for a terrible, right up to the shooting.

If the expulsion and influenced Lyon Feikhthanger, then only morally. In 1933, he settled in France with his wife, where his novels were popular and regularly brought money. With the help of the word, the writer continued to customize the masses against Nazism, but those, in his opinion, was not solid enough. Then Lyon Feichtvanger went to the USSR.

Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, took the writer as a high-ranking guest. Their dialogues (up to the quotation) are reflected in the book "Moscow-1937" (1937). In the USSR, she was separated by a circulation of 200 thousand copies, and the preface Joseph Stalin wrote his own hand.

In 1940, Lyon Feichtvanger and other Germans living in France received stigmaless foreigners. They were exiled to the camp for the interned in Le Mille, then under it. "Prisoner" daily had to endure hunger and cold, disrespectful relationship, hard work. The captain of the writer was short-lived - his disguised as a woman, six months later brought to the United States.

The experience, experienced in Le-Mill and Nimea, is based on MEMOOS LIONA FAYHTVANGER "Chert in France" (1941).

Fees from the "Jew Zyuss" (1934) and Oppenheim Family (1938) allowed the writer to live on a wide foot on a villa in Los Angeles until the end of his days. At the dawn of the creative path, he created several memorable novels - "Spanish Ballad" (1954) and "Ifafay and his daughter" (1957), wrote journalism.


In 1957, Lyon Feakhtrangeru diagnosed gastric cancer. The disease has quickly progressed, so there was a surgical intervention. Internal bleeding occurred during the operation and caused death.

The biography of Lyon Feikhthanger ended December 21, 1958, on the 74th year of life. His body rests on Woodlon Cemetery in Santa Monica, California. Judging by the photographs from the place, the grave decorates a simple stone. Next to the writer rests his wife.


  • 1923 - "Ugly Duchess Margarita Mural"
  • 1925 - "Jew Zyuss"
  • 1930-1939 - "Waiting Room"
  • 1932-1945 - "Joseph Flavius!
  • 1936 - "False Neron"
  • 1943 - "Brothers Lauthenzak"
  • 1943 - "Simon"
  • 1946 - "Foxes in the vineyard"
  • 1951 - "Goya, or a grave path of knowledge"
  • 1952 - "The wisdom of the crank, or the death and transformation of Jean-Jacques Rousseau"
  • 1954 - "Spanish Ballad"
  • 1957 - "Ifafay and his daughter"

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