Series "Michelle" (2018): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


The release date of the TV series "Michel" on the TV channel "Russia-1" - June 23, 2018. Repeated show took place on October 102020. The author of 4-serial melodramas - director Olga Purunovskaya. The authors of the scenario made Natalia Marfin and Kira Sudolai, producers - Alexander Kusheev and Egor Yuzbashev.

In the center of the plot of the paintings - the story of a naive provincial girl, who inherited from his father got an unusual name Michel. The heroine will have to find a way out of a difficult life situation to gain his love. In the material 24cm - about the plot, actors and roles that they performed.


The girl from the province has never seen his father, but thanks to him wearing a rare name - Michelle. It is known that before the wedding he was arrested for a crime whom he did not commit. Mother raised daughter one and all the time worried that the girl should not repeat the fate of the father.

Michelle matured and married Alexei's classmate. However, the wedding is not destined to take place: at first the girl cares of the groom for treason, but decides to forgive him. And then the beloved girl accuses the murder of a friend, and the mother sends the daughter to Moscow to his long-standing familiar Emma, ​​who meets Michelle warmly and welcome.

Heroine is waiting for a dizzying career and new love. However, Soon Michel begins to understand that it turned out to be involved in a carefully thoughtful tricky game and became the victim of intrigue.


The main roles in the TV series "Michel" played:

  • Arina Postnikova - Michelle Tabelin, a naive provincial girl who falls into the capital and turns out to be confused in a hit-flying intrigue. The actress is familiar with the audience on the films and TV shows: "Almond Takusa Love", "Eighties", "on the threshold of love." In 2020, 3 projects ("pain threshold", "War of Families" and "Holiday War") came out with the participation of the Postnikoye) and 6 more filmed.
  • Olga Sizova - Emma Kulchitskaya, Mother's friend Michel, owner of a network of beauty salons. The actress was also starred in films and serials: "Law", "Kamenskaya 2", "Station", "Swing" and others.
  • Alexander Davydov - Kirill Kulchitsky, Son Emma and Peter. The actor remembered the audience in the picture: "Sea Patrol 2", "Ranetki", "such a common life", "rage", "faith" and others. In 2020, with the participation of Alexander Davydov, 3 filmmakers are removed.
  • Alexey Demidov - lawyer Igor Polyakov. The actor owns the main roles in such films and TV shows: "Comrades Police", "Fifth floor without elevator", "Alien among their", "Last Frontier". In 2020, Demidov is involved in 8 film projects.
  • Valentina Losovskaya - Elena Tabelina, Mom Michel. The actress was filmed in such paintings: "Kamenskaya", "Insight", "Mukhtar. New trace "and others.
  • Igor Sigov - Father Michelle. The actor is familiar to the audience on the roles in films: "Three in one", "temptation inheritance", "Punch of the zodiac" and others. In 2020, 5 projects are being shot with Igor Sigov.
  • Alexander Pashkevich - Peter Kulchitsky, Emma's husband.

Also in the TV series "Michel" starred : Evgenia Nohrina, Andrei Senkin, Alexander Tkacchok, Veronica Plashkevich and other actors.

The series "Michelle" - Trailer:

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