Fun Putyitshnna (character) - pictures, cartoon, father, epics, Vasilisa Mikulishna


Character History

Fun Putyitshnna - the epic character, the niece of Prince Vladimir, freed by the good one from the paw Snake Gorynych. The image of Russian beauty came out of folklore and was popularized in other genres of culture, including modern cartoons.

History of character creation

Russian epics were an exciting way to know the world. More often they reflected real, but embellished events. The change in the description of historical facts was pursued by the purpose of the praise of heroes, heroes, the whole Russian people.

Another reason for the introduction of fairy tale elements is the creation of archetypes. Images of a bold warrior, a disinterested Russian girl, a cunning ingenic invader helped transmit from generation to generation of ideas about good and honor.

The memory of the people keeps history, describing life at the courtyard of Prince Vladimir. About the adventures of the Bogatiyuri Alesh Popovich, Dobryni Nikitich and Ilya Muromman today is known to each of the school program, as well as through the popularization of these characters in cinema.

There are in epics and frankly fabulous characters, most often villain. This is a snake-Gorynych, the nightingale-robber, Baba Yaga. It was not without threats in the form of invaders - for example, Tatar-Mongolian yoke. But it is impossible to talk about Slavic legends as a political myth. This is the recreation of the image of a whole people, his mains, customs, mentality.

As for women, they ended up high morality. Meek and obedient, Virgin often showed sacrifice, devotion and courage, thereby drawing the appearance of the faithful friend of the warrior.

Fun Putyish in the eponymies appears the niece of Prince Vladimir. Not only humility, meekness predominate in the heroine, but also tovil and courage. Such discrepancies in the characterization of the character may be caused by the fact that it was confused with another Russian beauty - Vasilisa Mikulishnaya.

The earliest story about the fun tells about the release of her from the captivity of the Snake Gorynych. In the tale appears another colorful frequenter of the epic - Dobrynya Nikitich.

Some sources provide evidence that the heroine has a real prototype from Kievan Rus. Her father was Voivoda Putita Extras. But the presence of related ties with the prince Vladimir in the biography of the girl is disputed.

Perhaps the Russian beauty became the niece of the great sovereign due to the fact that the Snove Gorynych was to abduct only noble. According to another hypothesis, one of the sisters of Vladimir probably could not marry a thousand. There was no confirmation such information.

Image and biography of fun Putyish

The prince's niece becomes known from the epics of "Dobryny Nikitich and Snake Gorynych". According to legend, the Russian Bogatyr volunteered to save the Great Soviet niece of the great sovereign. Snake locked beauty in the cave.

They feared the warriors to approach the terrible villain with three heads, but Dobrynya was not frightened and defeated Gorynych in an honest battle. I planted the warrior, the liberated captive to the horse and was brought back to Kiev-Grad. The girl offered the Savior to become his wife. Dobrynya did not agree to engage in prince, since he himself was an ordinary peasant.

Another eponymous tells about how Solovy Budimirovich woven the princess. I arrived a remote merchant to Kiev, when I had the news about the beautiful Russian. Many boyars gave a niece of the sovereign with gold and decorations, but to anyone the fun gave the consent to become his wife.

The nightingale built by the terrace opposite the rest of the enviable bride. Every day the girl went to the balcony and looked at the work of the merchant. She saw, as a man builds houses and cuts out out of wood, and decided to get acquainted with a foreign guest.

The word for the word - I understood the princess that the nightingale Budimirovich a worthy contendent on his hand and the heart, because she was doing business, and did not bribe the girl with gold. Prince Vladimir was delighted by a future wedding and made a day for 12 days. Husband and wife went on the roaster to the parents of the nightingale.

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A heroine appears and in the epics about Vasilis Mikulich. The wife of Stavcher Godinovich cut the braids and changed the ambassador of Vasily from the Golden Horde to appear to the prince of Kiev and free from the captivity of the narrowed.

The village of Godinovic boasted the smart and cunning wife on a feast than the anger of Vladimir. Vasilisa managed to circle noble boyars around the finger and even achieved the prince to marry his niece for her.

The relative of the sovereign was the only one who immediately realized that the ambassador was a woman, but only the prince did not believe. When Vasilis managed to rescue the captive, she changed into a dress and appeared before boyars. Vladimir admitted a mistake and let go with the world of staving.

Fun Putyishna - True Russian beauty, faithful and meek spouse Stolovy Budimirovich. Despite the situation in society, she did not estimate the grooms by their state, being another bride. The characteristic character of the heroine has become the main one for the further popularization of its image in cartoons.

Fun Putyish in Culture

The episoda was based on the comic opera of the Russian composer Mikhail Mikhailovich Ivanova. The first statement dated 1899. The work is built on the fact that the fun falls in love with Korivic, who actually turns out to be a Vasilisa mikulic. Solovy Budimirovich is trying to figure out the rivalr. At the end of the opera, everything falls into place, and the fun marries the Venetian hero.

Russian folk fairy tale "Flying ship" tells about the peasant son, built a magical ship from the tree, and after the famous princess married. In the same name, the Soviet cartoon features a self-wired and stubborn fun. A kind film filled with wise quotes, bright pictures and wonderful songs, "sheltered" mythological characters - water and grandmothers.

The king's daughter does not want to marry the rich. But the father dreams to see as a son-in-law Boyarin Polkana. The raining bride is locked in the chambers and holds days, sadly looking over the horizon.

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One day, the rich heiress sees the Poultryist Ivan and immediately falls in love. The young man builds a flying ship and brings him as a gift to the king, so that he gave permission to marry.

In the cartoon fun - a circular rosy beauty with long blond hair. Dressed in lush outfits, the girl sadness and feels like a bird in a golden cage. When it is possible to escape with a chickenure system, royal clothes and decorations fly from it. So, barefoot and without expensive dresses, the young princess acquires long-awaited happiness. He voiced the role of the bride of Ivan Tatyana Shabelnikov.

In the "Dobryn Nikitich and Snake Gorynych" from the cycle of cartoons about the three heroine heroes is depicted with dark hair braided into two braids, and blue eyes. Notable princess falls in love with a poor mantle. Prince Vladimir, trying to get rid of a noncainting Uchager, sends that faithful death. And the favorite niece loses the merchant Kolyvan.

Good, but knowing how to stand up for myself, the spouse Elisha shows a militant character when her husband is put in the dungeon in Tsargrad. The Emperor of the Zamorskaya Country wants to execute the race to marry the Son on the heir of the Kiev state. The tricky and, as it turned out, far from a fragile girl upsets these plans.


"I agree ... only you know, let's check more feelings." "In words, all the characters, and you in practice prove." Well, where is the handsome one? He is a curve! And this one is generally old! And his nose is potatoes! "

Interesting Facts

  • The name of fun means fun and joy.
  • In Ryazan for the New Year (in 2020), the residence of the epic character was opened.
  • Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya, who voiced the role of the niece of Prince in the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych," became the performer of his heroine songs.


  • "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych"
  • "About the beautiful Vasilis Mikulishna"
  • "Fun Putyathyshn and Solovyi Budimirovich"


  • 1975 - "Vasilisa Mikulishna"
  • 1979 - "Flying Ship"
  • 2006 - "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych"
  • 2010 - "Three heroes and Shamakhan Queen"
  • 2016 - "Three heroes and sea king"
  • 2017 - "Three heroes and princess of Egypt"
  • 2018 - "Three heroes and heirs of the throne"

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