Lisa Tayig - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Lisa Teig Yuna and beautiful. And the heroines, which the girl plays, to become herself: thoughtful, opening the world, who are experiencing the first serious feelings. Films with the participation of Norwegians can still be counted on the fingers, but the actress has already managed to love to the viewers in their homeland and beyond. Lisa's starting portion of fame gave the popular series "Shame" dedicated to the problems of growing up.

Childhood and youth

The future performer was born on January 19, 1998 in the Norwegian Bergen - the city of her childhood, which was surrounded by 2 sisters and cats. The girl loved to try a new one, but the main passion was dancing. Teigue attended training 5 times a week, and sometimes on the weekend ran into the hall. The young individual was interested in different styles: she practiced in ballet, jazz, but a modern dance became his favorite genre.

To turn passion to the profession, Lisa moved to live in Oslo at the age of 16, where she began to engage in the choreographic department of the Edward Mukka School, specializing in art and aesthetics. The actress admits that only the dances make it really happy, and the body begins to move itself at the first sounds of music.

In his free time, the girl read, traveled, prepared new dishes. And he never thought about the acting career, because she was sure that he had already decided on the vocation. However, the eve of the shooting of the school series "Shame" to the castings began to walk most students. Taiga went just for the company, and at the same time to overcome the fear of auditions. To the big surprise of Lisa, she was not just noticed, but also invited to a major role.

Personal life

The performer does not seek publicity. The girl is Capricorn, and, as the zodiac approves this sign, is modest, focused and hardworking. But "Instagram", like all the human, she is not alien. Here the actress is divided by news, places funny photos in the company of friends, household sketches and their own portraits. There are footsunger in a swimsuit, which, however, are so modest and chasude that they do not allow to see the figure of the actress and find out if she lost weight. It is known that with 73 cm height, it weighed 57 kg.

At the same time, the Lisa account does not shed light to the personal life of Lisa - a photo with a boyfriend, the artist does not place there. It is known that in 2016, Norwegian met with Bernhard Nordin, but these relationships have long over. According to Facebook, now the girl is in relations with Martin Sistad Heran.


In 2015, the Norwegian series "Shame" was released on the screens, illuminating the everyday school students. The focus of the creators hit the whole range of teenage problems: from love relationships to disorders of food behavior. The show spoke about the world of young people in their own language, raising the themes of sexual identity, religious prohibitions, relationships with peers and the oldest generation. Each season was devoted to a certain character, and the main character of the 1st became Eva Kvig Moon, the role of which went to Lisa.

Eva appears in front of the audience in a difficult period of life - she begins to meet with a guy who used to be a boyfriend of her best friend. The loss of friendship and the experience of first love is not easy to experience the heroine, which lives almost alone, experiencing a lack of maternal attention and care. Difficulties in communicating, uncertainty and desire to find a place in life are added to this.

In addition to Lisa "Shame" gave the start of the pleiad of young Norwegian actors - Herman Tommeras, Yusfina Fridet Pettersen, Iman Meskini, Thomas Heesu and others. The series lasted on the air of 4 seasons, but after the 1st character, Teigue went to the shadow, giving the central place to other heroes.

However, the girl's game turned out to be so convincing and professional that in the next project it was called without samples. Maya Lunda, working on the script of the film "Battle", seeing the actress on the screen, immediately realized that she had to play a major role in the screening of her book. The movie is devoted to the young dancer of Amalia, which in the crisis period of life meets a hip-hop dancer, and discovers a new world of feelings and movements.

The performer, since childhood, adores this type of art, turned out to be as if created for the project, the premiere of which took place in 2018. At the same time, the mini-series "In search of a house" came out on the screens, where the actress played in one of the episodes.

Lisa Tayig now

In 2020, the actress is not removed anywhere, focusing on a dance career and study. The girl gets education at the National Academy of Arts in Oslo. Fresh facts biographies Lisa fans are found in social networks - Facebook and Instagram.


  • 2015-2017 - "Shame"
  • 2016 - "Performance"
  • 2018 - "Battle"
  • 2018 - "In search of a house"

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