Forgive the insult: ways to do, how to understand, methods, accurate


An insult consider groundless expectations that are transformed into psychosomatic diseases or turn around conflict. It turns out, forgiveness is part of the work on the preservation of health and relationships. How to forgive the offense and not lose contact with those who are expensive - in the material 24cmi.

1. Talk

Forgive the offense will help a frank conversation with a close man. Take offended in the concept of "I-Message", telling about what you feel after the current situation. At the same time, do not go to the personality and refrain from the insults of the opponent. Drive the dialog until the situation is clearing and feel relief.

2. Search plus

What to do when the insult blocked oxygen? Psychologists advise to turn the minuses in the pros. It is better to do in writing.

Divide the sheet into two columns and decompose the situation on the negative and positive sides. As the advantages, you can consider the changes that occurred in life. Threw husband? Then, probably, after the property section, the amount will appear that it will be invested in self-development. Fired? Look for prospects for professional growth in adjacent areas.

And if you did not find positive arguments, then think about the fact that fate presented a lesson from which accurate and useful conclusions are made.

3. Letter

The "Letter" method is used in many psychotherapeutic techniques. It is better to start the practice of forgiveness before bedtime. It is important to list the thoughts and feelings that appeared in connection with the current situation. It is recommended to practice for 3 days. And in conclusion, do not forget to thank the offender for life experience. The main thing is not to send a letter with resentment, but burn.

4. Revenge

Unfortunately, sometimes the feelings of offended affected are so serious that only revenge will help preserve the relationship. For our psyche there is no difference between real and mental experience. Therefore, it will be about mental ignition.

Distribute penalty for the offender. Think out those actions from the opponent to help forgive the insult. At the end of practice, relief will come.

5. Accepting responsibility

To answer the question of how to understand the offender, it is required to take the position of a third-party observer looking at the conflict with a fresh look.

The non-resident act may have a hidden motive. It may be an unconscious desire to defend. A popular method of protection, as you know, is an attack. Or you involuntarily provoked a deed, which the offender probably regrets.

Analyze the situation as an extraneous person, it will be easier to figure out the exact causal relationships. And if they found out that they themselves are not without sin, then remember your uniqueness, accept the unique experience and also forgive yourself.

6. Recall that everything will pass

A person who is offended, lives in anticipation of justice in any manifestation, ranging from faith in higher strength and ending with the properties of the 3D-world. And while the wizards and magicians consider the situation in the Supreme Court, the man saves offense, thereby undermining his health.

Therefore, admit that everything in this life passes. Realize this helps mental erasing of negativity by the ordinary eraser or a visit to the cemetery. This reassures emotions and reduces the importance of the problem. And wake up a desire to take care of yourself, and at the same time to forgive until the heart beats in the chest.

7. Dance

The most pleasant way to forgive the offense is the dance. Movement for your favorite music or, as psychologists recommend, under the African drums will give a negative feelings. Imagine how the negative is leaving. Allow yourself to jump, scream, cry, scatter things. Move in the rhythm of music until you feel pleasant fatigue.

As an alternative method, beating a boxing pear or general cleaning. Lay out, and then offense will not have the strength.

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