Marianna Eliseeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger, Stylist 2021



Marianna Eliseeva is a popular stylist and blogger telling subscribers about fashion and beauty. The woman works perfectly in topical fashion trends, knows everything about brands of clothing. The lady makes "raids" to the stores to show where it is better to dress, which wearing in a particular season, find your own unique style.

Childhood and youth

About children's and adolescent years in the biography of leading little information. It is known that Marianna was born in the city of Ozersk. Parents of girls, professional lawyers, wanted daughter to receive higher education. At a young age, a girl who was passionate about the art moved to St. Petersburg. However, the rhythm of life in the cultural capital, as well as the climate turned out to be unsuitable for Eliseeva.

Then the young beauty decided to move to Moscow and immediately realized that it was her city. The future stylist has become a student of the Humanitarian University by choosing the Linguistic Faculty. This step in his daughter's life was a gift for his father - he wanted the heiress to learn on a military translator or explosion. However, Marianna herself felt that linguistics were not her path.

Nevertheless, the student graduated from the university, received a diploma of higher education. Then, to the surprise of relatives, instead of getting to work in the specialty, he entered the Moscow State University, where began to study at the department "Fashion theory". By the time Eliseeva experimented with appearance, followed fashion trends, painted her hair in different colors and even swank their eyebrows.

Personal life

Personal life of the blogger is no less interesting than work. The stylist is not divided into details with journalists, but does not hide what is married. For acquaintance with her husband, Evgeny Marianna told in an interview. It turned out that on the first date, the guy told her that the girl would be his wife, and they would have a son named Misha.

At that time, Eliseeva thought that further meetings with such a strange young man should stop. But nevertheless, the next meeting took place, followed by others, after which the wedding took place. A few years later the baby Mikhail appeared. The boy was outwardly similar to the mother, and the character went to his father.


A busy journalized by the world of podiums, glossy magazines, stylish things, the girl studied a year in Moscow State University, studying the theory of fashion. Then he continued to education in New York, in Fashion Institute of Technology. Here Marianna chose the direction Fashion Styling for himself. Later, returning to Moscow, the student came to the internship on the first channel.

Eliseeva was lucky to get to the group of stylists in the popular show "Fashion sentence." According to the plot of transmission, the viewers unfolds "the court session", on which the participant "the plaintiff" accuses a friend or relative in the inability to dress. "Judicial Commission" considers the positions of the other parties.

Then in the 2 stage there is a transformation of the accused. He picks up on the first clothes himself with the plaintiff, on the second, the image creates professional stylists. When Marianna came to work in the program, the state "Burning" was small - 8 people. Employees were divided into pairs, 2 specialists for one participating. Over time, workers have become more.

But the process of "fashionable rebirth" was complicated. Clothing for the exit to the participant on the podium at the second stage began to be purchased in the showrooms of Moscow. To choose suitable things, Eliseeva, along with colleagues, carefully studied the range of fashionable metropolitan boutiques, found the author's things during shopping.

The work itself in the studio show was a conveyor - 4 shooting were held a day. At first, the first part of the program was filmed, where the "accused" was shared by their own stories, and then part of the work of the stylists.

In addition, the girl created an account in "Instagram", and later - its own Youtyub-Channel. With subscribers, beauty shared tips on the competent choice of clothing, a combination of color, material texture, form and other parameters. For example, Marianna reports that 70% of the fashion hall should be basic things, and the rest is the original design.

From 2018, Eliseeva began working on the Friday channel in the Twin Project. Twin sisters became participants in the program, for which stylists came up with different images. The transfer received high ratings, the audience noted the usefulness of the advice of professionals.

Rollers filmed by Marianne for Youtyuba received popularity. In the video blogger makes reviews of brand collections, collects Luke, says how to create an original feshene-image, spending at least funds. For example, it shows on its own example, that on Aliexpress you can find clothes looking worthy to enter the light.

High attention Eliseeva draws to the selection of the basic wardrobe - on the channel there are video devoted to this topic. Also, the stylist gives advice on the choice of seasonal trends, reveals the secrets of the sale, makes the reviews of the modes from other cities. Sometimes in the releases participates colleague girls on the show "Fashion sentence", Olga Sokolenko.

Together with the other, the stylist Alexander Rogovne, the host supplemented the blog of the bright and cognitive series on the topic "How to look expensive." People went to the Moscow Shopping Center and in the Mass Market stores they tried to choose clothes for various occasions.

Also from the rollers, you can learn how to place housing and what your own apartment of the blogger looks like. In 2019, the girl bought an apartment in a new building and created an exciting Room-Tour on it. Here, the audience saw what Furniture and Accessories Marianna had chosen for home, where she ordered things and more.

Marianna Eliseeva now

In 2020, Eliseeva continues to work as a stylist, lay out new posts in "Instagram". Blider appeared on the screen not only in his own video, but also in advertising. So, the girl starred in the roller of MegaFon. Here, Marianna acted as a singer, fulfilling a song about the bonuses on the music of the composition of the "Beasts" group "Everything that concerns you. Spectators this version fell more than the previously released video with singer Charlot.

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