Group "Pole, Song" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, Decay, Songs



The songs of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Pole, Song" do not cease to charming listeners. The amazing melodiousness of compositions, spiritual texts, the excellent performance of the soloists made a group with a bright phenomenon on the Soviet stage of the 70-80s. And now the team hits do not lose relevance, because they are simple and understandable to everyone.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of the team originates in 1974. Then in the Kemerovo Philharmonic on the basis of the already operating project "Vityaz" a young ensemble was formed. The first art leaders were the musicians Valery Seleznev and Mikhail Plotkin. Since 1976, the management of the ensemble has changed - the project was headed by Mikhail Shufutinsky.

By the end of the 70s, several participants went from the team, to whose place a new leader invited vocalists and musicians Vladimir Efimenko, Yuri Zakharov and others. The soloist Marina schoolboy appeared. Later, these performers, musical critics called the golden composition "Pole, the song".

The musicians were not released on tour abroad, even in Bulgaria, while other Soviet groups went abroad. Mikhail Zakharovich himself gradually increased the conflict with the ruling circles. As later, the singer explained in an interview, "dislike" the higher people to him and his team arose due to the appearance of the artist.

At that time, Shufutinsky had already wore a beard, and only the fathers of Communism Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin could appear according to the unlawful laws of the era on television scrape. The rest of "Borodachi" did not correspond to the images of the builders of a bright communist future. In the early 80s, the singer was forced to immigrate into the States together with his family.

In 1979, the album "Wyry Circle" was released, which had a giant disk format. In the same year, Mikhail Zakharovich's place was taken by the new head of Vitaly Kretyuk, which took the alias of the clashes. By this time, the musician was considered one of the best pianists of Moskoncert, headed the "Muscovite" ensemble, collaborated with Alla Pugacheva - did the original arrangements for the performer.

Together with the arrival of Kretova in the gold composition of the team there were changes. The ensemble was invited to young vocalists, among whom was Nikolai Rastorguev, Valery Kipelov and other artists. Stylistics of compositions have changed.


From the first years of appearance until the end of the 70s, when the project was led by Seleznev and Shufutinsky, the musical stylist was kept in the genre of the Soviet popular song. Via of that period was created as analogs of Western Rock groups. Of course, we were not talking about a large similarity with foreign rock teams - the speeches and the repertoire were consistent with the orders of Soviet ideology.

However, elements of progressive rock gradually turned into musical arrangements. Since rock music was considered in the Union by decomposing phenomenon, the projects began to call vocal-instrumental ensembles. In Oley, Song, as in other similar teams, the main staff included professional musicians and vocalists.

The team quickly gained popularity thanks to the bright hits of the 70s "where you were", "goodbye", "you will see" and others. Vladislav Andrianov and Igor Ivanov were chosen by the leading soloists.

The talented composers of that time collaborated with the team of musicians and vocalists - Vyacheslav Dobrynin, David Tukhmanov and others. For 10 years of concert activity of the group, the company "Melody" produced more than 3 million plates with VIA songs.

In 1978, for the song "Native Earth", created by composer Vyacheslav Dobrynin and Poet Leonid Derbenhev, the ensemble was the winner of the All-Russian Vocal Competition "Sochi-78". Then this hit entered the repertoire of Lion Leshchenko.

Via gave concerts both independently and as the accompanying speech of popular pop singers of that time - Joseph Kobzon, Anna Hermann, Evgenia Martynov and others. Despite the fact that the team collected stadiums in the Union, played with the full palaces of culture, the authorities did not indulge his attention. According to Shufutinsky, during his activities the project has never shown on TV with him in the frame.

In 1980, the discography of the group replenished the song "Wedding Ring", which became a business card of the project. Mikhail Shainsky and Mikhail Ryabinin made the authors of the composition.

The first performers of Hita Vladimir Efimenko and Marina schoolboy recorded him in the audio studio "Tu-Atelier", located in Ostankino. Then the single was released on the vinyl record of the company "Melody". Pretty quickly this work has become an unofficial anthem of Soviet newlyweds.

Since the 80s, the group's musical policy has changed. The performers began working towards the "New Wave", combining the motifs of the disco, rock and roll, folka and other styles. Such a concept more corresponded to the interests of fans - representatives of the new generation of youth.


In 1985, the team ceased to exist. According to one version, this happened due to the fact that the ensemble did not prepare a new program for the artistic council, as required by the order of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, aimed at increasing the ideological and artistic level of VIA repertoires.

According to another source, the Group's activities were completed by the decision of the leadership of the Kemerovo Philharmonic. Perhaps another factor for stopping the creativity of "Pole, the song" was the arrest of Vitaly Kretyuk. The musician fell under the investigation due to illegal trade.

Soon after the collapse of the popular team, numerous VIAs appeared on the world, protruding by all the favorite team. However, the performers had no relation to the "real" legend. After 2000, four musicians from the golden composition of the ensemble decided to revive him to life. Almost two decades Vladimir Efimenko, Vladimir Kalmykov, Yuri Zakharov and Anatoly Mezheev gave concerts.

The regenerate group has an official website, where participants presented information about the history of the project, photo and video materials. At a certain point, a vocalist of Marina schoolboy was connected to the team, but later left. In February 2020 in the transfer "Hello, Andrei!" The legendary musicians gathered to fulfill the song "Wedding Ring".


  • 1976 - "David Tukhmanova songs"
  • 1979 - "Wyry Circle"
  • 1982 - "Dance Hour"
  • 1982 - "Today and yesterday"
  • 1983 - "Radio - best"

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