Sergey Sarkisov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Billionaire 2021



Sergey Sarkisov - a sign figure in the Russian business. He became one of the managers of the Warranty Insurance Company, the famous Oligarch, which is included in the Forbes ratings. Being in adulthood, after 50 years, the businessman decided to try himself as a film producer and director. After graduating courses and removing the film, the entrepreneur proved that it would never be late to realize dreams into reality.

Childhood and youth

Sarkisov was born on May 18, 1959 in Moscow. The father of the boy, Armenian by nationality, worked as the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the USSR, and also held the position of a sales representative abroad. Mother worked as a primary school teacher. Children's years, the future billionaire spent on Cuba, where his father was sent for work. The family was then returned to Moscow, the child continued his studies in a secondary school.

Already in the youth in Sergey, an entrepreneurial veil awoke. The first ruble teenager earned, unloading cars. And the permanent earnings appeared at the guy at the first courses of the institute: he painted posters for the Moscow Association Fur Atelier. In addition, being a MGIMO student, we made technical translations.

Personal life

In privacy, unlike his brother Nikolai Sarkisov, the businessman adheres to the traditions of the "old school". For many years, a man lives in a happy marriage with Rusudan Makhashvili. Wife gave a spouse with five children. The special attention of journalists is riveted to the heirs of the oligarch - the sons of Nikolay and Sergey. The eldest planned to go in the footsteps of the mother and become a physician.

For several years, the young man studied at the Moscow Medical Academy. I. Sechenova, then 2 years practiced in surgery. At one moment, the guy felt that medicine was not a calling. The heir to the businessman decided to become a director. To this end, Nikolai went to Los Angeles, where he entered the elite film school. Today, a young man shoots films in the West.

Sarkisov Jr. began to continue the case of the Father. Already at the age of 18, he was listed as an employee of the company "Reso-Warranty". At the same time, Sergey loves to spend time on metropolitan parties, friendly with the same as he, children of billionaires, as evidenced by the photo in "Instagram". It is known that he calls himself a "black prince" and is an enviable fiance. His lifestyle is far from the perfect.

In the spring of 2019, after the noisy metropolitan party, the young man became ill. Ambulance doctors diagnosed abuse for prohibited drugs. For a few days, the Son of the entrepreneur spent in a coma. Doctors put efforts to return the party to life - thanks to this he came to himself.

Unlike brothers who are not in a hurry to find wives, the daughter of oligarch Iia Sarkisov in 2016 married. For the favorite, his father arranged a luxurious wedding in Tbilisi. The bride shone in the dress from Valentina Yudashkin, and the National Georgian suit for the groom and the bride was sewed aunt girl in museum samples. About two other children there is no information in public domain.


The Success History of the oligarch is a bright page in his biography. After graduating from MGIMO, Sergey worked at Ingosstrakh. At the same time, the young man decided on the second higher education in the specialty "Laws". Later, he received the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Since 1987, Sarkisov received the position of head of the representative office of Ingosstrakh, located in Cuba. In the 1990s, returned to his homeland, took the post of General Representative of the Lloyd's Insurance Corporation.

In the early 90s, the entrepreneur became the owner of the Russian-European Insurance Company. Later, this business was renamed the "reso-guarantee". Soon Sergey invited Nikolai's younger brother for doing business. By 2006, men had 95% of the shares of a private insurance company. During the work of Sarkisov managed to release many scientific publications on the topic of economics and management.

An unexpected refusal of the eldest son from the surgeon's career prompted the oligarch to reconsider his own interests. Sarkisov realized that I would like to try strength in the film industry. For this, the businessman graduated from the highest scriptwriters and directories. In 2016, in Cannes, he presented his debut creation - a short film "afloat." Earlier, the billionaire made the producer of the film "Red", filmed by the Son Nikolai.

In 2017, Sergey Eduardovich began work on filming the full-length film "To Paris". For the painting, star cast was invited - Dmitry Pevtsov, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Renata Litvinova and other brilliant performers. The tape talked about how Soviet tankers in the spring of 1945 decide to celebrate the Victory Day in the capital of France. Cinema, released on screens in 2019, received awards and prizes.

The director of the director was replenished in 2019 by documentary tape "Choice". The basis of the project was an interview with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. In the frame of the politician talks about work, about how the future is the future of the native country.

Sergey Eduardovich not only removes, but also produces movies. One of these pictures - "Negual Architectors" - was selected in the nomination "The Best Documentary Film" of the Oscar premium. Together with the son of Nikolai, the businessman oversaw the film "Show me what you have", telling about the love triangle.

Sergey Sarkisov now

In 2020, the billionaire continues to work in the film industry. Most projects are manufactured in the States, popular American actors and directions are involved in the shooting. Now the new film is being prepared, in which Sergey Eduardovich Sarkisov acts as the author. The script for the tape created David McCen.

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