Irina Swedov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Irina Swedov began to sing before talking about. It is not surprising that her whole life was associated with music. Before the collapse of the USSR, the singer managed to shine on the central television with the dramatic hit "White Waltz", for which she was remembered and loved. Despite the fact that the peak of the popularity of the performer came the beginning of the 1990s, it still works by creativity and finds his listener.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born on April 28, 1959 in the capital of Moldova - Chisinau. The girl's family was creative: Lyudmila Tomashevskaya's mother was an actress of the theater, and Father Vasily Tretyaka knew and appreciated as a opera singer, who served a soloist in the Ukrainian opera, and became the People's Artist of the USSR. From him, Ira was inherited by the vocal talent, but as a relative almost did not know: the parents divorced when she was a small child.

Mother married Writer Igor Swedov, who replaced the baby to his native dad and gave her the name. The family moved to live in Kiev when Irina turned 3 years old. Childhood and youth passed in Ukraine, which became for future artist homeland. Here, her talents were gradually revealed. At first it turned out that the child has excellent hearing and voice. Then the girl began to demonstrate the ability to dance and drawing.

Childhood Ira was filled with extracurricular activities, which included training classic dance, music school for the Piano and the studio of the art. In addition to this, the student attended the school of young speakers on the Republican Radio and took the lessons of the English language. It is not surprising that by 9 years she became a local star, speaking on the radio with their own songs and by performing major parties in children's performances.

At the age of 15, Irina went to ballroom dancing. Having received primary education, Swedov was removed to become an actress and went to Moscow to enter the theater school named after Boris Schukin. The attorient dropped at the 3rd stage of the competition, after which he returned to Kiev. Here she decided not to sit on the neck of his parents, but to go to the independent swimming.

Independence cost expensive: to pay a removable apartment and secure himself, the girl worked a lot. In the professional biography of the Swedio there are positions such as the secretary-typist, concertmester and balletmaster. In parallel, Ira studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Faculty of Ethics and Aesthetics, and then at the Kyiv State Institute of Theatrical Art named after I. K. Karpenko-Karoy. Both plants graduate graduated brilliantly.

Personal life

Irina first married in early youth, while still a student. Such a turn in the personal life of the girl's parents perceived as a tragedy: her chosen one Oleg came from the usual family who lived on the outskirts of Kiev, and the stars had lacking from the sky, unlike their daughter's appropriate. And she just fell in love with a beautiful and talented guy, in addition pregnant from him.

Girl Nadia Singer gave birth in 1978, continuing to learn and work. The grandmother and aunt helped with the child, and the husband was soon tired of family life and "touched". The performer tolerate failed and left with a 2-year-old daughter to parents. Oleg from communication with a little hope abandoned at all. Once he tried to return to the Swedleg, but a former father-in-law descended a guy from the stairs. Since then, former spouses have completely dispersed.

4 years old girl healing heart wounds, and finally succeeded only after meeting Igor Demarin. Despite the fact that both lived in Kiev, young people met in Kamchatka in 1984 where they are as part of Agitbrigada sent to entertain the Far Eastern public. The novel twisted there, which converts into a creative and love alliance.

Igor was not only a talented songwriter, but also by the performer who was popular in Ukraine. Yes, and at the All-Union level, attention was drawn to: at the Crimean Zorya-88 in Yalta, Demarin took the Grand Prix, bypassing the Philip Kirkorov himself. At first he lived hard: the guy was a student, lacked money. At the same time, being a pregnant boy, due to the material difficulties, Swedov decided the decision of the child did not leave, which he subsequently regretted.

By the beginning of the 1990s, glory and money came to a pair: Demarin wrote good songs, which performed by Irina became hits. The lovers moved to Moscow, and there the relationship was given a crack. The artist began to enjoy the high attention of fans, and her partner found consolation in the arms of the young Natalia, who worked in the general team of the costume. The girl subsequently became the wife of the composer.

Put with Demarin, Swedov lived for a long time. After 11 years, a singer and songwriter Stanislav Rodionov appeared in her life. The result of cooperation was the album "Above the City", published in 2006. For several years, they lived together, but, to the disappointment of Irina, the man did not hurry to make an offer. As a result, the performer once again encountered treason, after which parting was followed. However, the relationship with Rodionov is not terminated, since he became the godfather of the grandson of the artist of Nikita, who was born in 2012.


The woman did not differ in high growth (163 cm), but the pressure and confidence it was not to occupy. The role of the town actress and the singer did not suit her, and therefore she used all the possibilities that fate gave. The main blessings of Songs of Igor Demarin, who brought an unknown Ukrainian artist to all-union stars.

By performing the "White Waltz" on the scene "Song of the Year" in 1990, the professional actress Swedov knocked the viewer from the viewer. This composition could get Sophia Rotaru, but Irina literally climbed her at Igor and did his own, six months independently knocking the opportunity to reach the air of the central canal.

"White Waltz" led her to popularity, and America-Relofnie strengthened the glory of the penetrated dramatic singer. The witch's debut plate was published in 1993 and became the top of the career of the performer: neither before, nor after the woman was not so in demand and adored the public.

In the dashing 90th, it was difficult to resist afloat, and Irina gradually switched to work in the theater, although he continued to perform with concerts, ride touring and record albums. She was even filmed in films and television series and wrote songs for them.

Irina Swedov now

Woman continues to engage in creativity. In 2019, the singer has replenished with a discography "Universe of Vysotsky", issued together with the participants of the Starjorod group. Swedov regularly goes to the scene. Most often, these are joint performances with other performers - Vladimir Chernyakov, Mikhail Sheleg, Vladimir Asmolov.

In addition, the actress works in the theater. Until 2019, she collaborated with the theater under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, where he also performed the duties of the concertmaster. On March 8, 2020 in Tuapse, a woman appeared on stage with the program "Crazy Love", as followed by subscribers in "Instagram". Here Irina regularly places fresh photos and is divided by news.

And in November 2020, the artist became a member of the project "Superstar! Return", in which the audience again met with the stars of past years. The show also participated in Vlad Stashevsky, Bogdan Titomir, Alice Mont and other musicians.


  • 1993 - "Witch"
  • 2004 - "Mom said"
  • 2006 - "Above the City"
  • 2009 - "Parisian Harbor"
  • 2019 - "Vysotsky Universe"

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