Star novels on the "Ice Age": 2020, Relationship, Show, Love Story


Since 2007, the audience of the First Channel One is watching passages of passions on the "Ice Age" project, the 10th, jubilee, whose season started on October 3, 2020. The show is remembered by the audience not only expressive rooms, where celebrities conquer ice, but also romantic stories between the project participants. Star novels on the "Ice Period" - in the material 24cm.

Tatiana Navka and Marat Basharov

The duet of Tatiana Navka and Marat Basharov is considered the most loud history of love on the project. The spark between partners flashed unexpectedly - both were married at the time of participation in the show. The novel turned out to be so bright that the lovers divorced and openly declared feelings to each other. Relationships lasted long. What caused parting is unknown.

Later, Tatiana Navka's personal life was safely and she came out for Dmitry Peskov. But Marat Basharov was in the center of scandals, accused of Abyuza towards his beloved women.

Oksana Domnina and Vladimir Yaglych

Suddenly flooded feelings in the Duet of the Oksana Dominnoy and Vladimir Yaglycha in the press were often called the service novel. He was in a marriage process with Svetlana Khodchenkova, she was in a civil marriage with the Roman Kostomarov, from which his daughter gave birth, but did not wait for the proposal to legalize the relationship.

Kostomarov jealously, tried to keep his beloved, but she stubbed and remained in the arms of the charismatic actor. However, the spark helped in love to hold out in a pair of six months, and then fade. Domnin returned to the father of the child, the novel forgave and took the beloved to the registry office.

Margarita Drobizko and Alexander Dyachenko

Some star novels on the "Ice Age" remained a mystery. A couple of Margarita Drobyzko and Alexander Dyachenko began to suspect the spectators on the ice, when young people spent their free time outside the show. The official confirmation of the novel did not follow.

Later, Margarita confessed in an interview that she had business relations with Alexander. However, the audience was confident that bronze in the project helped win warm feelings between partners. By the way, the passion on the air went goodbye and Vanagas, who soon reunited after the breaking.

Margarita Däroybko and Alexander Dyachenko

Alexandra Savelyev and Alexey Yagudin

Alexandra Savelyeva and Alexey Yagudin pleased the fans of Roman novel on the ether of the show. He gave her bouquets with touching messages and plush toys. Then followed the stormy SMS correspondence and a hot kiss on the cold ice. The audience was waiting for the development of events and were confident in the joint future of stars, but did not work out.

Savelyev, who soon married the actor Kirill Safonov, called the reason for the separation in the fact that Yagudin is "single" in life. And Alexey, despite the attributed affair from Victoria Daineko, saw his destiny in Tatiana Tutmianin.

Sasha Savelyev and Alexey Yagudin

Irina Lobacheva and Dmitry Maryanov

Contrary to the established tradition of the ice show, in the pair of Irina Lobacheva and Dmitry Mariananov turned out to be more serious than just a service novel. At the time of the "Ice period", the relations with Ilya Averbukh have ended with Irina, and Dmitry Maryanov became an outstand, which helped survive a difficult period. Friendship between the stars quickly turned into love that existed for 3.5 years. The cause of parting, according to rumors, was not only the infidelity of the artist, but also the impossibility of starting a common child.

Later, Irina Lobacheva married Ivan Tretyakov. And after the tragic news of the death of Dmitry Maryanova, the figure skater remembered the ex-beloved.

Irina Lobacheva and Dmitry Maryanov

Ekaterina Gordeva and Egor Beroev

The feelings between Catherine Gordeva and Egor Bourieov went beyond the project completely unexpectedly. Ksenia Alferova, the spouse of Egor, was also a party to television issues and could not stay aside a love line of her husband's speeches. The scenes of jealousy broke out behind the scenes of the show. However, the acting pair managed to keep marriage and comment on the events with irony.

Ekaterina Gordeva and Egor Beroev

Lisa Arzamasov and Ilya Averbukh

In 2020, on the eve of the 10th season, it became known that star novels on the "Ice Period" were not completed on this. Lisa Arzamasov and Ilya Averbukh, who are not first hiding relationships in their feelings. It is rumored that the love story began when Lisa turned 17 years old, and a wedding awaits ahead ahead.

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