The series "Forgetting about everything" (2019): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


The release date of the series "Forgetting about everything" - September 28, 2019 on the TV channel "Russia-1", re-show took place on October 182020. Alexey Butchestnikov became the director of the project, who is familiar to the audience for the film "Snowball", "at dawn", "so that love has not passed" and others. The 4-serial melodrama tells the audience about the tests that fate prepared for an ordinary woman named Lyudmila.

In material 24cmi - the plot, the actors and the roles they executed.


The main heroine of the series "Forgetting about everything" Lyudmila Belyaeva receives a SMS message on the phone that her spouse was kidnapped. The attackers demand a huge amount of money as a ransom. Lyudmila is unsuccessfully looking for funds and exit and is forced to go for a desperate step - to sell an apartment and property, but in the end loses its work and remains in debt. But this is not all the tests that the heroine has prepared the heroine. She not only overnight lost housing, her beloved spouse and family happiness, but also lost faith in love. Now under threat and her freedom.

It also turns out that the spouse of Lyudmila, Vitaly, personally organized his own abduction to deprive the wife of the apartment and property and hide in an unknown direction. Ironically, the collision of cars is happening, in one of which is a man behind the wheel, as well as Lyudmila who has lost hope for happiness. However, it is not known than for these two people a rock meeting will be wrapped.


The main roles in the series "Forgetting about everything" played the actors:

  • Alexandra Nikiforova - Lyudmila Belyaeva, who is trying to save the stolen husband, but in the end loses everything that he had. The actress also performed the main roles in the films and TV shows "Anna-Detective", "Toned Melody", "Sultan of my heart", "Komdiva Bride" and others. In 2020, Nikiforov appeared in 2 filmmakers, and also involved in the shooting of another 3 projects;
  • Alexander McOn - Sergey Karelin, lawyer. The actor played the main roles in the paintings of the "Murder on Troy", "Three Lans on a diamond trail", "Mousetrap for three persons" and others. In 2020, Alexander McOn appeared in 3 films and participates in the creation of two more;
  • Vladimir Peplars - Test Sergey, Pavel Valentinovich. The actor also starred in the series and films "Shock therapy", "Brother for Brother 3", "Light and Lighthouse shadow", "Godunov" and others. In 2020, Vladimir Peparov starred in 2 films and is involved in the shooting of another 5 film;
  • Irina Barinova - Galina Vladimirovna Voznesenskaya, psychologist-defectologist;
  • Ilya Ilya - Vitaly Belyaev, Lyudmila's husband;
  • Anastasia Akatova - Olyana's chain;
  • Maria Malinovskaya - Elizabeth Nikitina, Igor's wife, head of the company;
  • Egor Barinov - Igor Nikitin, a criminal businessman.

Also in the series were filmed : Andrei Levin (investigator), Andrei Grinev (guard Nikitina Valera), Elena Isaeva (accountant), Julia Paramanova and other actors.

The series "Forgetting about everything" - Trailer:

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