Yuri Longo - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, illusionist



Yuri Longo is known as Master of White Practical Magic, author of books and documentary projects, healer, telepath and hypnotist. Along with speeches on television in programs dedicated to the unknown, he starred in films.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Longo was born on September 23, 1950 and before the beginning of a professional career wore the surname head. Parents worked in a village school by teachers of classical items, so in childhood a gifted boy was not easy to live.

At a young age, the future white magician was fond of visual art and with the filing of the father and mother read hundreds of books. He painted portraits and landscapes and talented writings, in which the maturity of thought and a rich metaphorical language was attended.

The paintings were regularly exhibited in the corridors and classes of the village school, and many thought that the mature Yury would continue the creative way. He entered the art school at the end of nine classes, but then threw classes under the pretext, which wants to rest.

During the break in the creative biography of Longo, there was a rethinking of values, and in order to complete education, he decided to move to Moscow. In search of an interesting prestigious profession, the young man joined the theater studio and for some time he studied culture and acting skills.

Then, obeying the behest of the heart, Yuri went to the Northern Capital and, being a stupid man, entered the Leningrad State University. Of all possible directions of training, he chose applied medicine and at the young age he graduated from the psychological faculty.

In the 1970s, without setting around to work in a specialty, the future sorcerer served as a waiter in company Moscow trains. Difference to passengers, he understood that he was worthy of the best, and began to dream of popularity and highly paid positions.

Fate, who favored the young man, brought him with a magician Lviv Korneev, who at the beginning of the 1980s arranged a new acquaintance in the circus. After the first entry into the arena, Yuri took the alias of Longo in honor of the famous Pakir of the past, which reached a lot.

According to legend, the artist accounted for grandson of the pre-revolutionary star of magic and inherited from him the ability to telepathy and witchcraft. Growth, appearance, as well as a tendency to novels with extravagant women were used as a confirmation of this dubious relationship.

Then the novice illusionist was lucky to get acquainted with Gennady Goncharov, who led the Ginnosa School, located in Moscow. The head of the tour with elements of miracles and magic gave a ticket to a person popular in a multinational country.

Personal life

According to rumors, in the personal life of Yuri Longo there were more than 50 women, but judging by official information, he married three times. Making a millionth state, the sorcerer and the TV host did not think about the future and did not notice how the next relationship enveloped the irresponsible darkness.

The wives performed as assistants and assistants when shooting tricks, trying to divide the fame and a thousand dollar fee with her husband. However, with each divorce, the illusionist left them without money, and women had intended to withstand this unpleasant blow.

Maga had daughter Julia, grandchildren Ilya and Ksenia, who lived without well, until "healed" the people. After the death of Longo, the girl was left without a roof above his head and a penny in his pocket, and the former spouse Elena took the main income to his hands.

According to unverified data, the legoralness of the LONGO was calculated by millions in foreign currency, besides this, he belonged to apartments, cottages and country houses. Familiar said that the native children were the goal of the life of Yuri, and because of their absence in relations with chosenses every time the wall grew up.

Career and books

In the 90s, Longo began to organize healing sessions among people depressed by the crisis of early perestroika times. It demonstrated the ability of psychic, telepath and clairvoyant in such a way that each of those present was shocked.

During this period, the incredible tricks "Levitation", "coin spoken" and "revival of the dead" used greatly popularity. Also in the press and on television penetrated prophetic predictions, drowned by different signs of the zodiac collapse of created worlds.

Being a bright and unique person, Longo knew how to seize attention and therefore became famous as a writer throughout the country. The theory of supernatural arts, he set out in the press editions of the "big book of magic and witchcraft" and "under the light of the full moon".

Other manuals for students of Longo have become journalistic works "Monastic recipes from any kival", "third eye" and "confession of a sorcerer". They contained practical instructions for all occasions, as well as amulets and conspiracies that existed in ancient times.

Based on the content of horoscopes, Longo did astrological forecasts and eventually became the author and the leading special program on TV. Psychic teachers in one voice stated that he had reached the vertex of perfection in magic and acting.

For the audience, Yuri remained a mysterious closed harsh hermit, able to make a miracle or make a truthful forecast. People who came for advice and help, the manipulation of psychics either were made happy or brought to tears.

For decades, Longo career carefully watched the image, invariably carrying the chain and free monastic balahon. The image of a person exhausted from life and worldly existence caused contradictory opinions and conversations from all sides.

It is such a Longo that appeared in the documentary and artistic films "Body Lenin", "Wizard", "Day Watch" and "MiG of Witchcraft". Thanks to friends-producers, he expanded the audience and introduced the audience with the secrets of his own skill.


Judging by the photographs published in the press in early 2006, Longo looked a healthy person, full energy and strength. The aortic infarction and aneurysm, which became the causes of sustainable death, were a tragic surprise for those who respected him and loved.

The latter who talked to the magician before he died, was the artist Nikas Safronov, a passionate fan and a close friend. The author of the works of contemporary art in private collections took up drugs to Moscow preventing diseases to Moscow.

In anticipation of help, Yuri survived the hardest heart attack, but refused hospitalization, and the doctors released him home. After a couple of days, the man felt ailment again, but decided that he was poisoned by a deficient black caviar with a deficient fan.

The death of the sorcerer became a reason for numerous rumors and conversations. Some colleagues argued that the real Longo is still alive. The newspapers wrote that a man hides in Australia, and a grated actor participated in the fizz and farewell ceremony.

Anyway, the White Maga buried in the grave in the Vostryakovsky cemetery, where a monument from fans and devotees appeared over time. A man who was considered in the life of the guru of hypnosis and white magic, for a long time remained in the memory of millions of Russian people.

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