Zoisite (character) - pictures, cartoon, "sailor moon", anime, kunsite, jade


Character History

Zoisite is one of the antagonists of the Sailor Moon franchis. Junior Lord of the Dark Kingdom, characterized by fierce and spoil. The long-haired young man in different TV shows based on the original manga visited the sworn enemy of warriors in a sailor pack, and the Jarm fan of Prince Edimion.

History of character creation

Zoisite is one of the generals of the dark kingdom, which was destroyed during the Silver Millennium. But evil survived and reborn in the 20th century to enslave the earth.

The only obstacle on the way to domination was sailor-soldiers who own a silver crystal. Queen Beryl instructed the most young associate to find the artifact.

A character invented by Naoco Tayuti was awarded negative reviews in many countries where the anime series was broadcast. The subject of the censure was unconventional relations between the two Sitanno and Kunsight.

In order to prevent discontent in the dubbing, the dialogues between the heroes were replaced. So, unconventional love began to resemble fraternal relationships. And in a number of European states, including Italy, Portugal and Germany, Zoisite presented at all a girl.

Russia found an equally original way out of the situation. Before his death, the young young man turns to Kunsite, confessing that he loved him as his own father.

Such inconsistencies and discrepancies gave rise to a mass of myths regarding the true nature of the hero. At the same time, the placement of the character in the arts of Manga next to Sailor Mercury demonstrates that Ami Midzuno is his girl.

In lively screening, the Lord of the Dark Kingdom performed by Yosito Endo is trying on the role of a mysterious Pianist, who recognizes Prince Edyimion as a Mr. Devotion to light forces pushes him to sacrifice his own life and fight the queen Beryl.

An ambiguous character became one of the most discussed and mysterious villains of the franchise. In 1993, the Japanese magazine Animage put an attractive antagonist to the Honorary 3rd place in the list of the most popular heroes of metasary. In Anime 1992-1997, the role of Zoisite was voiced by Kagei Namba.

The image and biography of Zoisight

The date of birth of the character is not given in the manga, nor in subsequent screenings. At the time of the events described in the 20th century, Dark Lord about 16-17 years old, and it is considered the youngest of Sitanno (generals).

The appearance of the hero is attractive. This is a young middle-height guy with long reddish hair, which often challenges into the tail. The young man cares about how he looks, and cares for himself.

It is easy to confuse with a woman, and one day he even appeared in the image of Sailor Moon to confuse his inferior. And it turned out of him - even Taxedo Mask did not recognize the enemy. If it were not for Sailor Venus, this story could end for Mamor's crying.

In the comic, the Biography of Lord demonstrates that he was originally the Knights of the Lunar Kingdom, who defended Prince Edyimion. Queen Beryl lured the young man to his side. At that moment, together with other minions, the Dark Forces had already approached the princess Usagi, Sailor Mercury managed to reach him and make it difficult to remember the true purpose.

In the new time, Zoisite was reborn and got the task to find a silver crystal. As the youngest of Sitanno, he wanted to prove his strength and readiness to fight on a par with other, more experienced generals. He fell great dislike for jade, with whom he was constantly quarreling and competed.

The search for the talisman was also not crowned with success. Queen Beryl, seeing the helplessness of Zoisite, turned with this task to jade. The red-haired guy, realizing that he was going to remove him from the bills, came to the Mentor Kunsite for advice. He asked for a friend not to interfere in the natural course of events.

Nephritis almost achieved a goal, but the love of the earthly girl is a note - a friend Usagi - played a foul joke with him. Zoisite found a weak place of a competitor and killed him when he tried to save his beloved.

Metallol Meanwhile, the Queen Beryl reports that there is a loophole, which will help to call for a silver crystal. To do this, find and connect 7 of its fragments - then the talisman will fall into the right hands. Beryl gives a new task, and the young villain goes in search.

The first fragment is in the body of the guy on the nicknamed "Crane Joe", in which Sailor Jupiter is in love. She tries to save a friend, but tolerate defeat. If Seilor Moon had not hurried on time to place the battle, Zoisite could deprive the life of both. Nevertheless, a little later, Dark Lord manages to attack Joe and pick up a red crystal.

The second fragment was in the body of the priest living in Chinata Town. Arriving in place, the minion of Queen Beryl collided with already familiar persons - Sailor Moon and Nar. The latter is still grieving on jade and dreams of revenge. Lord attacks the priest and takes the orange crystal. However, a Top Mask is kept here to the rescue, and the lined talisman again floats from Sitanno's hands.

The third Rainbow Crystal Villain found in the body of Rio Evoca - a guy Ami. It is not surprising that Sailor Warriors hurried to prevent the tragedy and save the young genius from death.

This character, like other generals, wears a gray-blue form. The guy's ability is associated with wind and cold forces. Among his nickname, there are such as the "king of the fire" and "the king of the wind". The first only in part is true, because sometimes Zoisite attacks opponents with a flow of ice flame.

But more often uses small ice crystals and swunerals from Sakura leaf. Another Hero's ability is levitation. He elegantly sits in the air or makes big jumps on the battlefield, using the effect of surprise.

The nature of the villain is cruel, ruthless and cunning. But next to Kunsayt, he turns into an obedient child, ready to follow the mentor at least on the edge of light. Despite the deceptive appearance, Zoisite does not help himself. This is a really dangerous opponent - selfish, evil and capable of betrayal of loved ones.

He manages to deceive the Takeno Mask, having taking the rainbow crystals. I failed to cope with hatred, he tries to kill Mamor, thereby bringing the anger of Queen Beryl.

The scene when the hero dies on Kunsite's hands after an attack Beryl, became one of the brightest pictures of the cartoon. And several versions of the dubbing from different countries do not give the fans of the "Moon in a sailor pack" a clear answer to the question of the true relationship between the characters.


"Yes, as you mumbled to break my precious face!" "What a fool, he fell in love with the earthly girl!" "I always loved you ... as a father."

Interesting Facts

  • Zoisite in the fan stories attributed relations with Minako Aino and even Chibi Moon. In the original manga, there are references to the fact that Lord in the times of the silver millennium was the bridegroom Princess Ami Midzuno.
  • In musicals based on the Sailor Moon franchise, the villain is called Professor Isono.
  • Najo Taheti gave the name of the hero in honor of the cosus - mineral, which is often used in magical purposes.


  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon


  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
  • 2003-2004 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
  • 2014-2016 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal

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