Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva: Wedding, Photo, History, Son, Daughter, Biography


Pavel Volya and Layisan Urtyasheva is one of the most optimistic couples of the Russian show business. About the relationship of lovers became known after the birth of the Son. At the same time, it turned out that the wedding was held in a quiet family circle, and the friendship had long rearranged into romantic feelings. Other curious facts from star spouses biography - in material 24cm.

Parent Watch

Career spouses is associated with business trips, and therefore the husband and wife work the "Watch method". Star parents prefer to make a schedule of departures in such a way that either mom or dad were near the children. In one interview, Layisan Utyashev admitted that Paul "straight folder." And the soup is warm not in the microwave organizes, and will make sure that the neck of soda rinse.

Star mother is convinced that motherhood and her benefit. "I have become smoother, without sharp corners ..." - a gymnast is recognized, which gently calls himself "mother".

For children do not choose

In instagram accounts of star spouses are not exhibited for everyone to review the face of the Son Robert and the daughter of Sofia. The couple does not go with the heirs to the secular events, do not boast the achievements and does not lay out the photo, allowing you to see how children have grown over the summer.

Pavel Volya and Layisan Utyashev prefer to raise out the sophists and believe that parents should not choose for a child - to become public or not.

Mentor by dictation

Layisan Utyashev in a relationship with her husband ranked the "Eastern Wife" position. The celebrity refers to the spouse as a mentor and considers a man main in the house. And in his free time, a married couple writes dictations. Or rather, Layisan writes, and Paul dictates. "After all, he is a graduate teacher of the Russian language, and sometimes there are problems with spelling ..." - recognized in an interview with Teediva.

PR - apart, and budget - in half

Star married couple prefers not to piano on stories about children and personal happiness. They do not make joint frames in the "gloss" and do not interview together. Each is invested in its own projects and advertises them.

Nevertheless, the closeness of family life from prying eyes impresses the Russians. Spouses enter the lists of star families with a flawless reputation and confidence. It helps her husband and wife individually receive promotional contracts.

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By the way, Layisan is happy to take gifts from the spouse. However, serious purchases are made from the family budget. "If this is, for example, buying an apartment, I have to invest exactly half. In a different way I can not ... "- recognized Utyashev, who is accustomed to work with sports of youth.

All like people

The star family lives according to the same rules as ordinary families. Somehow the hostess at home admitted that the main thing in life is not to lose heart. "By the way, I don't go to restaurants practically, to buy on the market - this is thousands of 10, if you do not arrange a banquet. Personally, I will quietly live by 50 thousand, "the gymnast admitted.

And in confirmation of the correctness of words in the Instagram-account of celebrities, you can find recipes for cooking dinner or dinner in 30 minutes, as well as phased recipes for eastern cuisine, as pilaf, for example.

"Third child"

Pavel Volya somehow confessed that he always dreamed of "about a big dog with a noble name, and in the end I bought the son of Spitz, whom he called the tan." Later in the family, a dog Elka appeared. And in early October 2020, Layisan Urty admitted that they had another member of the family that they took from the shelter. Baby Spitz called Shanni. Subscribers approved the decision of the pair and admired the act of spouses in the comments.

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Communication is not a reason for jealousy

Pavel Volya and Layisan Utyasheva are building relationships in full understanding, excluding distrust. The scene of jealousy in the family pass in a joking form.

In an interview, the project "People say" Lyisan admitted that her husband is sociable man. He can pass the girl who need help, to tell something in detail and at the end of the conversation to ask her phone number. "He is such a. He is open. I rave and jealous, stand? Another would think that this is a reason for jealousy. I calmly, "the star concluded. And emphasized that confidence in the family is respect.

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