TV series "Sister Ratched" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, NetFlix


The release date of the first season of the series "Sister Ratched" - September 18, 2020. The premiere took place on the Netflix Stregnation Video Service. The 9-serial dramatic thriller director Ryan Murphy positions himself as the book of Ken Kizi "over the Cukushkina Nest" and the film Milos of Forman, who came out in 1975 and became the owner of Oscar. However, to find common features in these works, the viewer is unlikely to succeed, except, perhaps, the name of the main character. In the material 24cm - the plot, the actors and the roles they executed, as well as a selection of interesting facts about the multi-sized film.


The main heroine of the film Nurse Mildred Ratched, who arrives at work in the hospital in Northern California in 1947. Here, modern methods of treating mental people are practiced. However, it turns out that terrible torture and experiments on people occur in this psychiatric clinic, and the hospital is not really what it seems. In addition, nice, polite and pretty at first glance, the nurse is also not the one for whom it gives out.


  • Sarah Poleson - Nurse Mildred Ratched;
  • John John Brons - Dr. Richard Hanovener;
  • Finn Wittrok - Edmund Tweast;
  • Charlie Carver - Huck Finnigan's Medbrat;
  • Judy Davis - Nurse Betsy Backet.

Also in the series "Sister Ratched" starred : Cynthia Nixon (Gwendolin Briggs), Alice Englert (Dolly Nurse), Amanda Plammer (Louise), Corey Table (Charles Weineite), Sharon Stone (Lenor Osgood) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. In September 2017, it was announced that Netflix ordered the production of at the same time two seasons of the series "Sister Ratched". The Hulu service and Apple Corporation were also interested in the project, but Netflix lost.

2. Evan Polanski became the creator of the script and the developer. Director Ryan Murphy studied the scenario and settled the issue with the rights to the decreement of the character of the Nurse Ratched, who belong to the company The Saul Zaentz and Michael Douglas. The latter, together with Ryan Murphy, Alin Keshishian, Margaret Riley and Jacob Epstein became the executive producer of the series.

3. The series "Sister Ratched" was announced in September 2017, then the name of the leading role of Sarah Poleson became known. In January 2019, a list of actors who would fulfill other major roles, and after another month, the cast was fully recruited and approved.

4. The author of the book "Over the Cuccushkina Nest" Ken Kizie conceived the name Ratched as a consonant word to the English epithet Wretched, which is translated as "vile". There is also an option pronunciation of the name rat-shed character, which hints at the similarity of the nurse with the rat. Another version of the interpretation: the name ratched in English is consonant with another word - Ratchet, which is translated as "ratchet."

5. In the series, countless plot lines, each of which immerses the viewer into a specific genre: Noir, melodrama about the same-sex love, family drama, political thriller and horror movie. Here you can find similarities with the "American horror story", as well as some common features with the TV series "Twin-Pix".

6. Some critics also found that the new screen version echoes the previous works of the author and the classics of horror genre.

7. The color solutions used in the series, the audience were considered too intrusive: in the tense moments, the frames are poured with shades of green or red.

Series "Sister Ratched" - Trailer:

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