Kunsite (character) - pictures, cartoon, "sailor moon", anime, zoisite, stone


Character History

Kunsite is the strongest and older rank of 4 generals of the dark kingdom. Antagonist Franchise "Sailor Moon" survived the death of his friends, desperately trying to resurrect them with the help of a silver crystal.

History of character creation

Like other dark lords - Zoisite, Jediite and Nephritis, - Kunsite got a name in honor of the stone. Naoco Taketi used the name of a translucent kangcite, a mineral with a purple tide.

The history of each of the metasary generals started from the times of the silver millennium. Kunsite was the bodyguard of Prince Edimion, until he became a puppet in the hands of the queen of metal. With the help of dark forces, she forced a man to forget about the past and sent his power against the former Mr.

Thanks to Princess Serenity, all the knights and warriors of the silver kingdom were reborn in a new time, in the 20th century. Each of them did not remember anything about the majestic past. So Kunsite completely forgot about the service on the side of the world and again fell under the influence of evil.

The birthday of the character Naoco Taheti did not indicate either the comic, nor in the manga. At the sight of a man about 25 years old, he is a senior in age and the most experienced general of the Dark Kingdom. The creator of the franchise admitted that she sympathizes this hero. After all, despite the fact that it is ranked towards the villains, the concept of honor and friendship remains for him in the first place.

The image of the antagonist has undergone changes in various metharsia products. In Manga, he could not remember his biography before the final, serving Beryl. And only in the end he found out in Usagi Tsukino Princess Serenity, and in Mamoru - his Mr. Eddimion.

In Anime 1992-1997, it remains behind the scenes, if Kunsite understood that all the time was under hypnosis of dark forces. In battle with Sailor Moon, he takes death from his own attack, reflected by Usagi with the help of lunar sticks. But the fans believe that Lord realized who he really was, and it was easier for him to die than to recognize the mistakes made.

In a different opinion, the role of the hero is revealed in Anime 2014-2016. Here, relations with Sailor Venus are coming to the fore, after all, in the past Minako Aino was his bride. Interestingly, Naoco Tayti, a similar storyline spent in Manga Codename: Sailor V.

But consider Kaito Eyso from this comics prototype kunsite will be incorrect. Rather, the author of the franchise postponed a love story to a new graphic romance, dividing the former bride and groom and putting them on different sides of the barricades.

In lively screening, the character gets a new name - syn. He almost from the first episodes begins to resist the influence of evil. But nevertheless, continues to cooperate with the queen Beryl, pursuing its own interests.

Actor Kadzujuki Sogabe voiced the Dark Lord in the original 1992 Multi-Series Cartoon. In a television series with alive actors, the role of Sina fulfilled Akira Cuboder.

Image and Biography Kunsight

Kunsite is a cool and unshakable character who has not lost self-control in any situation. Impulsive deeds and rapid decisions are not his path. He prefers in a relaxing situation to make decisions on further actions.

Excessive pride - another bright feature of his character. Senior Sitanno does not know how to give up, and the defeat perceives as a challenge. Excellent tactics and strategist, despite the cruel and cold image, merciful. In one of the episodes, he proves this by offering Sailor Moon to surrender without a fight and give him a silver crystal.

No wonder the character was nicknamed with an ice lord. He erected around himself an impregnable wall, not allowing anyone to know what actually happens in his soul. True, for Zoisite made an exception. With the youngest of Sitanno, Kunsite had a special relationship. In different versions of the dubbing, they were interpreted both both friendly, and even as unconventional.

During the Silver Millennium, the hero was experiencing a romantic feelings for the Princess of the Moon Kingdom - Sailor Venus. And Zoisite was his student.

Naoco Taheti created an attractive appearance for a character. Athletic physique, high height, snow-white hair and dark skin - it appeared in the pictures of the comic. The author compared the villain with the Arab king, giving him the eastern features, and the eyes of steel and cold shine.

His military uniform also differs from the costumes of other Sitanno. The man wears a dark gray cuitel and pants, and on top throws a long white cloak.

The character of the hero under the appearance. The gloomy and thoughtful minion of the dark forces is not smiling and not laughing. It is hidden and prefers to spend time alone, reflecting on future plans.

After Kunsite accepted the darkness, there was no way back for him. And even when he recalled the past, he moved further, despite the inner thumbnails between good and evil. The destruction of sailor warriors becomes the first task of Lord on Earth. Three his friends have already folded their heads, trying to get a silver crystal for Queen Beryl, so he had no right to make a mistake.

The character has several powerful attacks: allowed into the course of acute boomerangs, the absorption of the enemy's energy with the help of a chaos shield, the ability to transfer the enemy to any point of time and space. Being an ice lord, he knows how to create the strongest blizzards or to conjure a wave of sharp fragments on an opponent.

To help the last survival General Berill gives the dark endimion. It sits the convictions of Kunsite, who considers Prince the enemy. In addition, the death of friends becomes a reason for personal revenge on brave wizards.

Step by step, competently building the strategy, Kunsite was selected to the team of warrior. He managed to send Sailor Moon along with Satsuna Mayo, Ami Midzuno and Minako Aino to the chaotic world, through which they fell on the debris of the silver millennium.

Usagi with the help of the talisman returned them back. Dark Lord, surprised by this, created 2 boomerang from energy and attacked opponents. Four magicians combined the magical forces to defend themselves, but they felt that they lose the powerful villain.

Usagi tries with a silver crystal to clean his soul, but the antagonist does not want to remember the past. Or has already remembered, but did not wish to retreat back and change its decisions.

At the last moment, the villain threw into Usagi Blade, which he managed to beat off. As a result, Kunsite was struck by his own weapon. His last words were treated to Zoisite. The man asked a devoted student to specify the right path.


"I am very sorry, Zoisite. I wanted to ask the queen Beryl to spare you. "" I am the most important of the chiefs of the dark kingdom! I am too proud to seek cleansing. "" Can't be! How could my own weapon attack me? "

Interesting Facts

  • Russian fans of the Sailor Moon fans mounted a clip dedicated to the unconventional relations of Kunsite and Zoisite, on the musical composition "Kiss in the eternity" singer Vitas.
  • In the American dubbing, the hero was called Malachite.
  • Being a sworn enemy of Sailor-warriors, the Dark Lord became the only one of 4 Sitanno, who was honored to die in battle with them.


  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon


  • 1992-1997 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
  • 2003-2004 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
  • 2014-2016 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal

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