Nikita Mikhalkov: 2020, biography, personal life, in youth, films, children


He knows both a talented director, whose paintings have repeatedly nominated for prestigious foreign awards and won the awards. And as a diverse artist, the verge of acting skill of which is not amenable to a speedy analysis.

October 21, 2020 celebrated the anniversary birthday of Nikita Mikhalkov - "King of Russian Cinema" was 75 years old. On the entertaining facts from the personal life and the motley biographies of celebrities - in the material 24cm.

1. To whom it is written

The desire to replenish the ranks of artistic brethren woke up in small Nikita in childhood. Another visit to the music school, where parents gave the relevant talent of the child at 9 years old, the boy thought about tieting life with a hypocrisy.

Moreover, unlike music, to the exact sciences, the future director of the tendency in the young years did not show - he even had to translate from school with a mathematical bias, where he studied, in an ordinary one.

2. First steps to greatness

All-Union Fame In Youth Mikhalkov brought the film Georgy Deltera "I walk in Moscow", after which the young one, but a bright actor remembered the audience. However, before this picture, the artist appeared on the movie screen.

So, in 1959, Nikita Mikhalkov debuted in the tape Konstantin Warovov "The Sun shines to everyone." In the picture of the future Oscar-axis director "tired by the Sun" and the Creator of the Transmission of "Bessenus TV", an episodic role was obtained - a 14-year-old actor played a schoolboy. Then followed "clouds over the boric" and "Krosh's Adventures", who strengthened the desire of the artist to devote themselves to cinema.

3. Young specksec

They say, the first cinematic successes so much turned the Mikhalkov-teenage head that the parents had to knock down a surgery with the "Sleeping Star". The young man was ashamed that he helped the latter calm down and do not decide more nose. In any case, not as before.

4. Debut on the edge of the foul

The film "His among others, someone else's among their" became the debut work of the young director Mikhalkov in a full-length format. It is noteworthy that during the filming of the picture Nikita Sergeevich almost planted, incriminating bribery.

As it was later it turned out, the accusations turned out to be unreasonable - just local villagers, whom cinematographers attracted to work in the crowd, misunderstood the words addressed to them. They thought that they would not pay for the shooting, and they themselves should bring the tape administrator in the amount of five to ten rubles so that they were allowed to "get into the movies".

5. "He lived a brave captain ..."

Nikita Mikhalkov sometimes recalls during an interview, as after the end of the directorial Faculty of Vgika, where he fell after the deduction from the Schukinsky school for shooting in the cinema (students did not allow the leadership of the university), served in the ranks of the Pacific Fleet.

It is curious that the colleagues of the director do not agree with the words of the latter on participation in marine campaigns. They argue that he gave the duty to the homeland artist mainly on the shore. However, at the same time, they emphasize - already then the ex-famous actor turned out to be the most valuable find for the fleet of amateur. And also notice that in those years, the future "Besgon" was distinguished by narcissism and loved to be photographed and distribute autographs.

6. The second is happy

Now Nikita Mikhalkov is married for the second time - his chosen was Tatyana Solovyov, with which the actor and director were combined by the Uzami marriage in 1973. Favorite woman who took the surname of the spouse, presented Mikhalkov three children: the son of Artem and two daughters - Anna and hope.

They say that on the first date with the future second wife, Nikita Mikhalkov immediately demonstrated his own behalf. A girl who "was injected by the marafet" by the whole house of the models, the young man took the hand, took to the toilet and washed away with the face of cosmetics. And then strictly-setting banned ever to conduct similar experiments over his own appearance. Obviously, the chosen was attracted by the future director and without catching makeup.

Anastasia Vertinskaya, who gave birth to Nikita Sergeyevich Son Stepana became the first wife of the director in the 1966th of the director. True, the first marriage was long. According to Mikhalkov, the reason for parting was that the spouse cope too badly with the role of his wife, preferring to concentrate her attention on the construction of a career.

All children Mikhalkova went at the footsteps of the Father and tied life with cinema. True, the firstborn later switched to another scope of activity and took up the restaurant business.

7. Employed principle

Among the principal rules that Nikita Mikhalkov seeks to never change, do not read. According to the famous Soviet and Russian director, familiarization with the literature, regardless of the genre, requires discipline, while lying a person creates and does not allow to fully absorb read.

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