Film "Young Wine" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


Despite the newly strengthened "Passion on COVID-19", domestic rollers did not leave Russian lovers to meloders with a tense and complete psychology of the plot without "sweet", offering in the approaching seal of November 2020 to watch the movie "Young Wine". The release date of the picture is scheduled for the 19th.

On the plot of ribbons involved in the filming process of actors and filled with them, as well as about the project of entertaining facts - in the material 24cm.


Life, if you trust the folk wisdom accumulated in the century, it is not difficult to imagine that very, leisurely carrier waves by the river, in some waters of which can not be repeated. But it is possible to observe how the trail from the pebble abandoned to the azure smooth surface or the careless movement of the palm for many years "below for the flow" suddenly refers to an unprecedented height of the shaft or a rapid whirlpool, which is ready to dive in the bunch of the life of their person.

Here is the heroine of the story that the viewers will tell the film "Young Wine", and could not think that the perfect thing once was able to subsequently affect their fate. Casual meeting of the two girlfriends with two young people in the Primorsky provincial town. Whispering of the waves in the lodge darkness of the warm night. And hasty decisions inspired by gentle wind, which will divorce two pairs for 20 years so that decades will again be again in already other conditions.

Actors and roles

The film "Young Wine" will tell the audience about four characters whose roles performed the following actors:

  • Katerina Spitza - Mila, the main heroine, liberated and popular with the opposite sex. A visit to the seaside city along with the girlfriend ended for the girl unexpectedly. After the incomprehensible and abundant events of the night, began from flight from local lovers to "sit on the courts" and ended in the seashore, Mila remains in the province, going married to a man in love with her, although herself is not sure about this choice.
  • Valery Burduja - Lyuba, a quiet and modest girlfriend of Mila, who is trying not only to patronize, but also to bring with someone from the guys, a shy girl is not spoiled. However, truly weighing the person turns out in a person who should not be in this resort town. The former boyfriend of Mila, with whom she broke up a year ago, who was an apartment of the manor shelter who was sheltered by an apartment, took possession of a trembling modest.
  • Danila Callomahin is glory, a young man from a provincial city, in the house of which two girls saving from the pursuers are refuge. For a long time in love in love and unsuccessfully trying to draw attention to myself a windy beauty guy gets another chance to achieve a cherished goal. However, he can not imagine, to what spiritual suffering is circumscribed by themselves, seeking the location of the girls you like.
  • Neil Kropalov - Kohl, Guest from the capital, lover of parties and women who had a relationship with cute in the past. Falling from the girl on the eve of the wedding, the former groom caused the last many pain - the abandoned, confused and waiting for the child, that as a result is solved on an abortion. But such details of the past girlfriend and who conquered her heart of Cavaller are not at all interested in anyone, which suddenly answers himself to courting a new acquaintance.

Also, the film was filmed: Ekaterina Volkov, Anna Lyubimno, Denis Svistun, Alexander Yatsenko and Anastasia Stitch in the role of Ani.

Interesting Facts

1. To scheduled for November 19, 2020, the premiere "Young Wine" film has already been demonstrated. First, in March 2019 at the festival "Spirit of Fire", where the picture was awarded at once two awards - for the best female role, who left Ekaterina Volkova, and the best acting duet, which was awarded the performer of major roles - Katerina Spitz and Valery Burduja. Then there were other film festivals - the 41st Moscow International, Baltic Debuts and "Literature and Cinema".

2. Despite the awards that took actors, a number of spectators who had the opportunity to get acquainted with the ribbon as part of a particular show, noted that the work of Elena Isaiet "Apricot Paradise" was based on the basis, suffers from the insufficient study of the actors, their "planes" . And it could be combined for theatrical scene and then under a number of conditions. But on the movie screen, the flaws of the primary source are protruding - and it is not to fix it, even talented artists.

3. For the director of Peter Olevsky, the "Young Wine" film became debut in a full-meter format. Formerly, cinematographer worked on short films and a multiserial project "Piranha Trail".

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