Masha Vasnetsova (character) - photos, series, actress Miroslava Karpovich, "Daddy's daughters"


Character History

Masha Vasnetsova is the most eldest of the sisters in the Russian television series "Daddy's daughter". The fan of Sergey Lazareva, who follows the fashion trends, the girl dreams of an actress career. But life is preparing big surprises for her.

History of character creation

The project "Daddy's daughter" became one of the first original sitcoms based on the realities of Russian life. When the comedy genre of the provisions in the United States has already gained momentum, everything in Russia just began - "happy together", "my beautiful nanny", etc.

The multi-sieuled project "Papina daughter", published on the CTC television channel in 2007, took an honorable place in this list, because, unlike most comedies, his plot was not an adaptation of the American series. Project producers - Alexander Rodnyansky and Vyacheslav Murugov - searched for fresh ideas to imagine a completely new product on the screens.

Shooting the film was carried out without breaks, one episode was preparing for 1 day and immediately retracted. Some actors could not combine work and studies, so by the middle of the series began to appear in the frame much less often as, for example, Daria Melnikov (Zhenya) and Ekaterina Starshov (Button).

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"Daddy's daughter" won the audience naturalness, humor, coverage of topical topics. The film was cleared of quotations, and the sisters had fan groups. According to surveys, each third schoolboy in Russia followed the development of the plot.

According to the idea, sisters, though relatives, absolutely do not look like each other. Each of them demonstrates certain problems faced by teens on a thom or another life stage.

Everything is here: and transitional age, and first love, and conflicts at school. And if you add to this that the girls are forced to put together with each other, then the plot turns into something unimaginably funny and at the same time instructive.

Lyudmila's mother ran away from her husband a few years ago in the USA along with a hockey player. The head of the family remained one on one with all the problems, but was able to maintain trust relationships with daughters. Antonina Semenovna was substituted his shoulder, granny girls living in the same entrance.

After the escape of the mother, women's duties fell on Maria, as she is the most eldest in the family. The role of beauty suspended in fashion, got Miroslav Karpovich. At the time of starting shooting, the actress was 21 years old, and she played a 17-year-old girl. But given her miniature figure, it was completely not rush to the audience.

Miroslav himself admitted that Mary had a completely different character and goals. Karpovich, working on the way the heroine, leaned a lot from his own mother, as well as girlfriends. The audience believed in the game, having loved a frivolous and charming schoolgirl. And for the actress, this role has become a springboard in a big movie.

The image and biography of Masha Vasnetsova

The date of birth of the character - May 8, 1990. In the plot of her 17 years old, the girl is already finishing the school. Among classmates I will hear the most attractive, so the guys are watching the packages. Masha in love, so often changes preferences, breaking the hearts with unlucky cavaliers.

In the apartment she divides the room with Dasha Vasnetsova. Native sisters are so similar to each other that each of them is such a neighborhood delivers some inconveniences. Dasha refers herself to the Gothic subculture, so walks throughout the black, listens to the relevant music and despises fashion attributes.

But she has to put up with a poster of Sergei Lazarev, whose fan has become Masha. In addition, the room is a fine amount of soft toys donated by numerous fans of the older sister.

A pink lover has a model figure. High height, slender legs, well-kept face and hairstyle - such see the surrounding girl when she leaves home. True, in pajamas, a schoolgirl looks charming and cute.

She closely monitors fashion trends and often repainting hair. In the first series, the heroine appears brunette, then it becomes blonde, by the end of the Sitkom, it is in honor of the dark chestnut color. Masha also changes hairstyle - with long curls on a square.

Vasnetsova style feminine. More often she goes in dresses, skirts, puts on heels, preferring bright colors. Of course, in priority, pink items, but with the age of the heroine becomes more elegant.

Character character direct and sincere. Modesta can learn and, even if it looks ridiculous, stands on its position to the last. Very good and compassionate, and the failures cause her sincere emotions, so the girl often cries.

Left behind the elder in the family, Maria takes responsibility for sisters. However, more often this means shifting responsibilities for younger - Galina Sergeevna, butt and Zhenya. With Dasha, she tries to preserve neutrality, otherwise the conflict is inevitable.

The cherished dream Vasnetovova is to become a famous actress. And she can even get a few episodic movie roles. So, she played the maid in a military film and participated in a soapy opera as a minor character.

Once the future celebrity found a vocal talent. She herself wrote and performed the song "Dandelions", trying to taste the star's life. At the received fee removed the apartment and lived separately from the family. True, the performing career ended, and the girl no longer sang.

Wanting to catch the dream for the tail, after graduation Maria tries to enter the theater Institute. However, judges do not notice special talents and sift the applicant at the 1st stage of selection. For fashionable, this is a real tragedy. But there is no way out - you have to come to terms with such a position of things and act according to Plan B.

To the surprise of the audience (and not without the help of Galina Sergeyevna - she gives the exam for his sister), the girl enters the "Baumanka", Technical University. Now Masha is studying in one of the most prestigious Institutes of Moscow at the Faculty of Energy Installations of the Closed Cycle.

Here Vasnetsova changes the image under the student. It goes with glasses and diligently produces an impression of erudite. On the faculty only boys who are surprised by the presence in the group of the girl.

Masha understands what needs to be supported. Therefore, it is trying to charm the smartest odnogura - Veniamine. And he does not understand how he falls in love.

But for the first time in the life, the younger sister passes the Beauty. The broom sees in the Gothic schoolgirl "that very". For Mary, it becomes shock, because even Andrei Malakhov was among her guys. And the Botany student looks at the heartlessness without any emotion.

After graduating from the University of Vasnetsov, another unexpected alder in biography is becoming a physics teacher at his own school. She starts a strong friendship with Lyudmila Mikhailovna, the former class manager of Galina Sergeyevna, Dasha and Ilya Polekin. Love finds Masha and here. Poland becomes Pavel Sergeevich, Informatik.

In the last seasons, the heroine recalls the cherished dream. She dismisses from school and removed in the comedy TV series. However, such changes in life are no longer surprised by the audience. Pissile, frivolous, but a stubborn girl proved that he would achieve everything that wishes.


You can change guys, but not principles. "Yesterday I was not as good as I feel bad today." "Do not pay attention, Dad just remembered that he dad, but it will pass." "I became smart as ... Cork" .

Interesting Facts

  • According to the legend, the name of his granddaughter was given by Antonina Semenovna, calling the firstborn daughter in honor of the heroine of the series "Just Maria".
  • The cost of renting an apartment, which was removed by Vasnetsov - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Despite the fact that Games Games give preference to Galina Sergeyevna, the series is full of hints that Masha's beloved granddaughter was and remains.


  • 2007-2013 - "Daddy's Daughters"

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