Carrie Symonds - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Boris Johnson 2021



British Carrie Symonds causes the public at no less interest than the members of the royal family. Now a young woman attracts public attention not only as an adviser to ecology, but also as a lady, who managed to conquer the heart of British British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Childhood and youth

Carrie was born on March 17, 1988 in London. Father, Matthew Symonds, made one of the founders of the Essay of The Independent. Mother, Josephine, worked as a lawyer in the newspaper. Parents did not officially married. The grandfather of the child in the father's line, John Biven, Baron Arvik, was also attributed to the press - he was the editor of the newspaper. Grandma, Ann Simonds, was a journalist.

In 1999, Josephine gave a daughter for training in a private school for girls. In 2006, graduating from an educational institution, the graduate became a student of Warwick University. Here, young British chose the direction of drama and art history.

Personal life

In 2018, the English media appeared information that Carrie was the new beloved Boris Johnson. About personal life to relationships with the Prime Minister knows little. Of course, the temperamental and attractive girl had partners. One of the fans, Oliver Hast, in an interview with the Sun newspaper shared the details of the novel with Symonds, which lasted 3 years.

About whom there was still a beauty previously met, the press could not find out. The focus of journalists focused on romantic history with a politician. Before acquaintance with Carrie, Boris was married twice. The first spouse became Allegr Mostin-Owen, with which Johnson lived in marriage from 1987 to 1993. After the man concluded marriage with Marina Willer. The couple had 4 children - 2 daughters and 2 sons.

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In 2018, former lovers reported that they ceased to live together and prepare for the broken-produced process. At the same time, rumors were spread that the cause of parting Politics with Marina was the passion of Syomonds. At first, the girl hid a relationship with a married man: repainted her hair, removed the account in "Instagram".

When the novel became known to the public, the new beloved Prime Minister settled with him to Downing Street, 10. This news was overwhelmed by the British: since the opening of the residence in the XVIII century there was still a non-native couple.

According to the law, Carri could accompany Boris during state visits not even being a legitimate wife. The only ban is a joint appearance in front of the queen. Being chosen in a new position, a man appeared on the audience before Elizabeth II alone, observing traditions and not disturbing state etiquette.


Political career in the biography of the girl began since 2009. Then she began to work as an employee of the press service at the UK conservative party. Simonds served as the headquarters of the party, and the next year he participated in the campaign company for the election of Johnson at the election of the mayor of London.

Then Carri collaborated with high-ranking conservatives. He was engaged in PR as part of the team of Finance Minister Sadzhid Javid, was a press secretary of the Minister of Culture John Whittinga.

In 2018, against the background of rumors about the novel with Boris, the girl left the conservative party. In the same year, being a major public relations specialist, organized the Environmental Project "Living Oceans" on the basis of the PR-Service Bloomberg.

Carrie Symonds now

On February 29, 2020, Johnson and his girlfriend announced the engagement. In addition, the press became aware that the couple expects a child.

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