Ammos Lapkin-Tipkin (Character) - Photo, Nikolay Gogol, "Auditor", position, characteristic, quotes


Character History

Ammos Lapkin-Tipkin - Character of the Comedy of the Great Russian Writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Auditor". The county judge with the talking surname is fond of hunting, ignores direct duties and prefers bribes in physical terms - in the form of greyhound puppies.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​creating a play on a top-length theme spinning in the head of Nicholas Gogol for a long time. But with the plot of the work arose problems. According to one of the versions, the source of inspiration for the author was the story told by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.

So, the Russian classic told about the funny situation that happened in Bessarabia. Some Pavel Svignin, traveling, betrayed himself for an official from St. Petersburg. Using this situation, he felt quite freely until the deception was revealed.

Researchers believe that Pushkin himself became the prototype of Ivan Khlezkov, which was confused with the official in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

There are several hypotheses regarding the history of the creation of a work. They are built on the fact that a similar topic was spread in literary circles. The similar essay was published a year before the "auditor" - "frantic Roland" Alexander Fomich Welfman.

Nikolay Gogol began to write a comedy in the fall of the 1835th. A year later, the first setting of the play, which was attended by Nikolai I. Despite the fact that there was a satirical image of officials, the reviews were positive. However, it was not without criticism, but the detention of the king turned out to be decisive.

Place of action in the work - a certain county city. Rumor about the imminent arrival of the auditor from St. Petersburg enters the city, judge, landowners and other high-ranking persons. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that no one knows what the name of the mysterious checking and what he looks like.

Therefore, when an unknown person arrives in the city, he is mistaken for the auditor. And then everything that happens becomes comedy. Everyone is trying to bump a bribe, in order to heal in front of the St. Petersburg official and avoid the total test.

Histakov, realizing that he was confused with someone, does not rush to reveal the cards. He takes money, positioning it as a favor, and even woven to the daughter of Governing, Marie Antonovna. His servant, Ostap, sees that the situation is shaky, and advises the owner to immediately leave, until the truth emerged to the surface.

Nikolay Gogol pointed out in his immortal creation to everything bad in Russia. Bribery, uneducation, hypocrisy, injustice and other defects of society were reflected in the comedy and do not lose their relevance even today.

The writer sought to excellence, so 6 times edited the book. The author carefully prescribed the images and characteristics of the heroes. Therefore, Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin with a rare name and an interesting surname at the first description of Gogol instantly causes a feeling of rejection.

The official performs official duties after the sleeve, for a tick, on the crayfish. The rank of college assessor allows him to be easily returned. Since the position of the county judge is elected, the character does not bother with obtaining the approval of Governing. However, all the sleep instantly disappears when Ammos Fedorovich learns about the arrival of the auditor.

Image and Biography Ammos Lyapkin-Tipkin

In the preface to the play, Gogol in several words gives the characteristic of the hero. The reader understands that a local judge - a man is uneducated, because in life it bothered not more than 6 books.

Ordinary people he tries not to notice. And when he bring a report, he only waves his hand, believing that even "Solomon would not allow that it was true and that it was not true."

The author's characteristic is confirmed by the further replicas of the characters. The reader finds out that the judge not only pays attention to direct duties, but does not even follow the place of service. Where visitors come to appeal, a man breeds geese with geese. And at the notice of Governing in relation to this violation of Ammos responds with overweights of guilt on the watchdis.

A solvent portrait is absent as such in the work. But the appearance of Lapkin-Tipkin described Gogol himself in the figure to the last scene. Middle-aged man, handy, wondered, unpleasant face. Not burdened with excess brainwriters and life goals. Feels comfortable, not even trying to portray labor activity.

Profession and the service is not very interesting. The only passion of the hero is hunting. Even in the workplace above the cabinet with the papers at Ammos Fedorovich hangs the arapnik. And if any of the visitors make it possible to bribe the county judge, Lyapkin-Tipkin will support the gifts in the form of greyhound puppies. And not because loves dogs, and purely from hunting interests. The character holy believes that such a bribe is legally, so does not even hide this fact.

On the biography of the hero, it is known that he was in office for at least 15 years, literally sprinkling with a judicial chair. Arapge (whip) above his head can be interpreted as the fact that a man is more engaged in hunting than resolving disputes of residents of the city. The subject is also reference to the use of corporal punishment directly in the meeting room.

Among other actors in the play, there is a similar character - Artemia Strawberry, which is engaged in providing gaggative institutions. He is clumsy and bad, prock and heter. The service of both people relate equally negligently. The state of hospitals from Artemia Filippovich is crying. Like Ammos Fedorovich, he thinks little about patients, caring exclusively about his own well-being.

A description of the further deeds of Lyapkin-Tipkin is expected. Like the rest of the characters of the play, the hero is trying to deviate Ivan Khlezlekova. It can be seen that the man does not know how to give bribes, because it is used to be on the other side in corruption ties.

Ammos Fedorovich's courage only enough to hold 300 rubles in his hand and inadvertently to raise offering. And then sigh relieved when the imaginary auditor himself suggested to take a "homing". The judge's confined speech is filled with a humble adherence to the St. Petersburg official, because this is the only person who is able to influence its preservation.

Ammos Lapkin-Tipkin in films

The first shielding of the play Gogol was the Czechoslovak film of 1933. The plot conveyed the essence of the work, demonstrating the era described by the Russian writer. In the film, the role of the judge was performed by the actor Theodore Pishtek.

The "Mosfilm" studio in 1952 came out the second film, clearly corresponding to the original comedy text. Director Vladimir Petrov carefully followed the accuracy of the arrangement of the images of heroes on the screen. Lyapkin-Tipkina played Soviet winner 2 Stalinist awards Sergey Blinnikov.

Ammos Lapkin-Tipkin performed by Oleg Yankovsky (Frame from the film

The next film is the work of Leonid Gaidai called "Incognito from St. Petersburg". The film-comedy in the proper director of the manner and with whiten quotes turns inside out the power of the power of the property. The role of an amateur hunting and greyhound puppies performed Anatoly Kuznetsov.

The Russian film Sergey Gazarov 1996 can also be called a free interpretation of the work of the Russian classic. Podkhalima, spreading geese in the courthouse, played Oleg Yankovsky.


"What do you think Anton Antonovich, sins? Sinwhis sins - Maine. I say to everyone openly, I take a bribe, but what bribes? Kick puppies. This is quite another thing. "" Well, no, Anton Antonovich. But, for example, if someone has a fur coat costs five hundred rubles, but the spouse shawl ... "" Yes, what do you fear? The caps were clean on the sick, and the ends in the water. "


  • 1836 - "Auditor"


  • 1933 - "Auditor" (USSR)
  • 1952 - "Auditor" (USSR)
  • 1977 - "Incognito from St. Petersburg" (USSR)
  • 1982 - "Auditor" (USSR)
  • 1996 - "Auditor" (Russia)

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