Mackenzie Crook - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mackenzie Crook, who is the subject of the Kingdom of Great Britain, is known to the Russian and foreign public as an actor, director and author of books. Roles in feature films and serials, awarded BAFTA awards, indicate that an extraordinary man found a common language with the audience.

Childhood and youth

The boy who was famous for the name of Paul James McCenzie Kurka, was born in September 1971 in the East-English County of Kent. His ancestors from the city of Maidston were representatives of ordinary professions and did not know that their surname would fall into a number of Kinolegrand.

The father of the future actor worked in the British Airways Airlines, and the mother who received medical education was the administrator of one of the hospitals. In addition to the Son, the family was brought up 2 funny lovely girls who were among the school years in the number of talented student.

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Paul James with the filing of intelligent parents sought to master academic knowledge, so he entered the gymnasium aged 6.5 years. Communication with classmates and teachers contributed to the formation of personality, and a gradually curious child for hundreds of questions found answers.

In childhood, due to health problems, the boy passed a course of hormonal therapy, because the disease slowed down the development of such parameters as height and weight. Doctors recommended a warm climate, and for the summer McCenzie traveled to Uncle in Zimbabwe, where he carried away the painting of local landscapes, full of mysteries and miracles.

In adolescence, Krok began to participate in theatrical productions, and over time the surroundings noticed that a talent was manifested with a British student. By the time of the end of the educational institution, located in the city of Dartforth, Paul James became known to the local public as a young actor and musician.

Deciding not to continue his studies, the guy went through a dozen professions before getting into the professional troupe and debut into the movies. He worked as a pizza pedestal and Sanitar in a provincial hospital, and then began to play comedy sketches, thereby reunion into the world of art window.

In the middle of the 1990s, a young man who had an extraordinary appearance and with a height of 175 cm weighed about 70 kg, got into the picture "The man who fell in love with the road cone." It became a chance to join British creative circles.

Personal life

In "Instagram", which publishes photos from foreign ceremonies and events, a popular actor from the UK can sometimes be seen with his wife and children. Lindsay Kruk, as well as a boy and a girl who is called Jude and Elizabeth, according to friends and acquaintances Mackenzie, make birthday days.Embed from getty images

In an interview with journalists, the native Maidston says that is happy in his personal life thanks to the family that shared with him most creative ideas. But the details of romantic relationships, as well as the existence outside the filming, a funny "Pirate of the Caribbean" prefers to hide from people.


In 1998, Crook got a job in the Barking Skoff show, where such actors like Catherine Tate and Marcus Briggstock participated. Having played a teacher of natural science with a wrinkled unquestion, a young man has gained experience and received a valuable lesson.

Then he appeared in the parody called Eleven O'Clock Show, which was broadcast in the evening and attracted the attention of hundreds of people. Thanks to the episodes where the main characters were journalists and reporters, the Crook fell into the field of view of producers and received a number of interesting roles.

In the early 2000s, continuing a successful career on television, the Briton visited dozens of castings in search of a scenario. At one of the auditions, he was inspired by the story about the department of the paper company and during the week there was continuously thinking about the type of type.

The authors of the comedic project "Office" Ricky Jerwiece and Stephen Merchant decided that Mackenzie perfectly fit into the fictional simple plot. The role of the sales representative of Gareth Kinen - Men, deprived of the sense of humor, was remembered by the British audience for the next 10 years.

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Unfortunately, only 2 seasons of 6 episodes appeared at the box office, and then for unknown reasons, the comedy series was closed. The actor who was nominated to the prestigious Bafta Prize twice, once woke up and realized that Burene was happy and famous.

After a pair of secondary roles in the films of British producers and directories, Kruk, driven by acting ambitions, went to conquer Hollywood. There he made his debut in the adventure saga "Pirates of the Caribbean", and the character named Rajetti faced the public from the first minutes.

In the mid-2000s, the great filmography of the artist was replenished with the paintings by the paintings "Grimm Man", "Brothers Grimm" and "Venetian merchant". In the same period, the screens came out the film of the writer James Barry, where the Crook, who starred in an episodic role conquered hundreds of hearts.

Then the audience again saw the sea robber without eyes in the direction of the director Mount Verbinski "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea: Dead Man's Chest." Mackenzie hoped that the image contrasting with the Pytel performed by Lee permanent, will allow you to remain with the shooting group of the popular epic to the end.

However, after the adventures "On the edge of the World", the producers dispersed in opinions with the actor, and the 4th and 5th part of the film were made without it. A little upset performer tried not to fall in spirit and soon found interesting scenarios in American and British cinema.

In parallel with the filming, he voiced the cartoon "Rolly and Elf: incredible adventures", and also participated in the performance of the English theater Royal Court. The Tony Prize for the role of Constantine in the formulation of Ian Rixon "Chaika" brought a new productive turn to the actor's career.

In 2010, McCenzie spoke at a charitable event, where the stars of music and cinema presented the prose and poems. At the same time, on the London scene of the famous Covent Garden Theater "Warehouse Donmar", the performer in the play The Recruiting officer played a middle hand recruiter.

The television works of that time treated the popular TV series "Dorriton", "Molokososy", "Merlin" and "Love Soup". And the appearance in the famous project of the HBO channel "Game of Thrones" allowed the British from Kent Maidston to get into the elite spectator club.

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In 2014, Kruce created his own fantastic comedy, which called "treasure seekers" was shown on the BBC Four. Speaking as the author, director and artist leading, the actor mastered the alien professions in the production of cinema.

The series has gained positive feedback from English and American critics and was awarded the prestigious British Academy Television Awards Awards. History with love, intrigue and adventure, as well as talented actors, judging by the ratings and comments, the public appreciated the same highly.

After the loud success, Mackenzie appeared in the children's film "Christopher Robin" and television projects "Britain" and "Hills inhabitants". Change the management of the process and comply with the camera's director during this period cost a British considerable effort and work.

Mackenzie Crook now

Now the actor is busy in creating a movie "Caesar", which may appear in Pock in 2020. Judging by the news from the filming of the painting based on the works of William Shakespeare, Mackenzie got the opportunity to fulfill a youthful dream.


  • 2001-2003 - "Office"
  • 2003 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl"
  • 2004 - "Venetian merchant"
  • 2005 - "Brothers Grimm"
  • 2006 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Chest"
  • 2007 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on the edge of the world"
  • 2008 - "City of Amber: Escape"
  • 2009 - "Solomon Kane"
  • 2009 - "Merlin"
  • 2011 - "Iron Knight"
  • 2011 - "Adventures of Tintin: The Mystery of the Unicorn"
  • 2013 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2014-2017 - "Treasure seekers"
  • 2017 - "Welcome to Purgatory"
  • 2018 - "Christopher Robin"
  • 2019 - "Welcome to Purgatory 2: Journey to hell"

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