Series "Queen's Structure" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, NetFlix


The Netflix Stregnation Service in the fall of 2020 was pleased with the fans of the Drama with a new premiere, presenting the series "King's move", filmed by the director Scott Frank on the novel of the American writer Walter Tevis. The release date of the project telling about the fate of a talented chess player girl, fell on October 23.

On the plot of the show, who played the main roles of actors and the most curious facts related to the multi-sealer film - in the material 24cm.


Fate - the lady is unpredictable. Therefore, it is impossible to know in advance where in the coming one or another incident on the life path. It is likely that the seemingly a poor event will suddenly entail a mass of troubles that can lead to the most disastrous result. On the other hand, an unexpected tragedy will result in the determinant being a point in which the existence of human people will turn onto the road leading to a happy future.

Hardly the heroine of the story, which tells the series "Queen's move," could even assume that after the death of his mother in a children's shelter could be able to find something capable of changing her fate. For a girl, you're ready to accept the prepared fraction, the chance appeared thanks to the capturing of her childhood passion to chess. And even ahead there are still a lot of difficulties, the main thing is that it is now available to choose your way.

Actors and roles

In the series, the main roles were performed by the following actors:

Anya Taylor-Joy - Beth Harmon, the main heroine, in the eight of the age that fell into the children's shelter after her mother died in a car accident. A closed, removed, who considers himself a "pale moth" girl, albeit the difference in the fairness of the mind, turned out to be a bandwidth, with which few people seek to communicate. Salvation from night fears that interfere with Beth to fall asleep are tranquilizers that children are stitching "to calm" the shelter workers.

However, the case introduces the girl with the "game of kings" - chess, which become a new passion for Young Harmon, able to argue even with the bliss of narcotic dope. Thanks to the passion in the life of Bet, new goals arise, to which she is ready to go, despite the obstacles. Even if you fight with yourself, overpowing flavors and detrimental habits. And who wakes up in this confrontation, depends only on the determination of the heroine.

Moses ingram - Jolin, the pupil of the shelter, in which Beth Harmon got. Despite the difference in age and upbringing, as well as some difficulties in communicating at first, the girls eventually found the points of contact and became friendly. Like fascination with chess, friendship with Jolin, albeit quite specific because of the nature of the latter, has become the foundation that helped the main character to withstand the sorrow fell on her head.

Bill Camp - Mr. Sheybel, watchman and cleaner in the shelter, in their free hours preferring to industice to indulge in his favorite occupation - to drive time for the party-other in chess with himself. It is thanks to this person that a little Beth has discovered a new amazing world of complex strategies and multi-way combinations, with a striking gracefulness that fit on the blackboard in a black and white cell.

Also in the series were filmed: Rebecca Ruth, Thomas Brody Sangster, Milli Brady, John Schwab and Mariel Heller as Mrs. Whitley.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Queen's move" for the performer of the leading role of Ani Taylor-Joy has become far from the first cinematographic experience, despite the youth of the actress. Behind the shoulders of 24-year-old artists who began his career in 2014, over two dozen diverse filmmakers - from superhero "new mutants" and a mystical "witch" to comedy-dramatic "Emma".

2. It is curious that the time to earn a number of prestigious Awards Taylor-Joy as a child did not seem to be at all in the actresses, but dreamed of becoming a ballerina.

3. Director Scott Frank, who worked on the project, is primarily known for scenario. Thus, his author's talent of cinematographer put on the creation of such famous films as "special opinion", "Translator", "Wolverine: Immortal" and "Logan". By the way, by creating the series "Queen's move", Frank worked on the plot, making a pair of Scripture Allan Scott.

Series "Queen's Structure" - Trailer:

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