Series "Alien" (2019): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


In the last decade of October 2020, the Russia-1 channel presented his permanent audience a new multi-melting melodrama of Ukrainian production - the series "Alien", filmed by the director Alexander Parhomenko. The date of release of the film on domestic television fell on the 24th number of the second autumn month. The summary of the paintings, information about the actors involved and their roles, as well as entertaining facts associated with the mini-serial - in the material 24cm.


The wisdom coming from the depths of centuries advises without excessive enthusiasm to approach the process of digging a pit for her neighbor. After all, the perfect once dirtyness may well be years later, and even decades, return to the offender itself, to deliver inconceivable pain and grief, showing for the deed. However, despite the covenants of the ancestors, people continue to build a goat, once again proving that his own shirt towards the body closer, even when it comes to a person's man.

Pregnant Irina, mother of three girls, put a spouse millionaire before the condition - the fourth child is obliged to become the heir. Or not transfer a divorce. With such a layout that depriving it and the daughter of access to financial benefits is not ready to accept the mother of heroine. Woman changes after childbirth granddaughter on someone else's boy, and daughters reports the death of the baby. But the consequences of such a non-resident act are still waiting for the family ahead - what the series "Alien" will lead about.

Actors and roles

The series has performed the following actors in the series:

  • Svetlana Timofeeva-Letunovskaya - Irina Sazonova, the mother of three daughters, who, on the eve of the fourth birth, the oligarch husband put an ultimatum - only a boy should appear on the light to inherit the financial empire. Another version of the millionaire does not suit. However, in the hospital, an upset statement of a wife was upset - there will be a girl. The Mother, who went to the rescue, who was in a stupor, hurries to help her mother, who went to the insidious adventure.
  • Lyudmila Nilskaya - Claudia Ivanovna, the mother of Irina, who did not wish to let the divorce of his daughter with a wealthy husband and decided to take care of their hands. In order to protect your and Irina financial well-being, the woman secretly replaced the kids in the maternity hospital, having placed someone else's baby in the place of his native granddaughter, and his daughter reported the death of a newborn. In the current circumstances of the child who lost the child, it remained only to agree to keep the flagship in the secret.
  • Alexander Naumov - Vladimir Sazonov, Husband Irina, oligarch, distinguished by the authority and a fair sharing of Samoram. Not knowing what tricks the wife and mother-in-law went to, in order to satisfy the requirements of them, the man was engaged in the upbringing of a boy called Mikhail, considering his relatives. And even planned to marry his business partner's daughter. However, flashed in his son's love for another girl jeopardized the Matrimonial parental plans.
  • Kirill Kuznetsov - Mikhail, the Sound Sound of the Sazonov family, replaced in the maternity hospital. After years after the incident, a young man is preparing for a wedding with Karina, a daughter of a father's partner in business. However, a sudden meeting with charming Nastya changes the intentions of a guy who fell into love.
  • Anna Andrzrenko - Anastasia, his native daughter Sazonov, who grown in another family. A random meeting with Mikhail became fateful - a guy and a girl fell in love with each other. This situation destroys the plans of Vladimir to the merger of his and business partner of assets, inevitable after the wedding of the Son and Karina. And the man decides any available ways to get rid of Nastya, not suspecting that he raises his hand to his own daughter.

Also, the series was filmed: Alexander Popov, Tatyana Yukov, Timur Ibraimov, Ksenia Lukyanchikova and Anatoly Kothens in the role of Alexei Larina.

Interesting Facts

1. In Russia, the series "Alien" is broadcast for the first time. The project premiere on Ukrainian television took place in August 2019.

2. Alexander Parhomenko, when creating the series, acted as an operator.

3. Ukrainian director Alexander Parkhomenko, who shot the series "Alien", the Russian viewer is familiar primarily on the mystical TV show "Dreams", which was published in 2016 on TV-3 TV channel. Also in the piggy bank of the filmmaker, the series "Senior Investigator", the premiere of which on the fifth canal was held in June 2020, and work on the 3rd season of the "female doctor", broadcasting in 2017 on the "home".

The series "Alien" - Trailer:

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