Film "Charge Price" (2016): Released, Actors, Roles, Russia-1


On October 25, 2020, the date of release on the TV channel "Russia-1" of the recent Russian melodrama, filmed by the director Marat Kim in 2016. The film "Charge Price" will lead to the audience another story of love and jealousy, painted in a dark tone of a close tragedy.

About the brief content of the paintings participating in the process of creating actors and their roles, as well as related to tape entertaining facts - in material 24cm.


Jealousy is a bad adviser. No matter how much you wanted to trust the partner, this unpleasant feeling is invariably in treason, even if not the slightest hints of this in reality. And grieve resentment and pain. Tears pour and ram incessantly scandals. Families are crumbling, the burial under the wreckage of the unresolved union is not only plans for a joint future themselves who did not walk with each other, but often the fate at all in the death of feelings are not guilty - children.

Heroes of the story that the film "The price of treason" tells, love each other. So, as if there were no ten years of living together. However, family idyll spoil the sickness of a small daughter and the pathological propensity of the spouse suspect a soul mate in the treasures. The heroine's familiar to attacks from the jealous husband for a long time does not pay attention to them. But an unpleasant chance hidden from the spouse turns around the trouble and threatens to destroy not only the family, but also the life of his daughter.

Actors and roles

In the picture, the main roles performed the following actors:

  • Ekaterina Ryabova - Olga Antonova, for ten years already living with his husband Sergey and suffering from His attacks of jealousy, expressed in permanent groundless suspicions and scandals. One day, hooligans are attacked on Olya, but the woman helps out of the trouble a casual passerby named Gleb. At first glance, the incident of the heroine decides to hide from her husband in order not to give new reasons for jealousy. However, such a choice is erroneous.
  • Pavel Crhven - Gleb, a man who has successfully turned out to be near Olga when the hooligans attacked. A random acquaintance with a pretty young woman seems to have grown to him in sympathy, as Gleb began to actually chase the rescued, in every way to seek respond. However, perhaps, the hero's bravely dispersed night robbers is available for such behavior their own motives.
  • Sergey Mukhin - Sergey Antonov, Olga's spouse and part-time Pathological jealous, in any act of his beloved woman seeing a hint of her interest in other men. And once his constant suspicion of his wife is "rewarded" - the courier brings photos to the house, in which Olya is captured with a stranger.
  • Diana Enakayeva - Lisa, Daughter Sergey and Olga, suffering from heart disease. The girl, to help which only expensive operation is capable, is strictly forbidden to be nervous. So the situation in the family, where he does not pass without a scandal, can negatively affect the health of the child. And parents have to hold back in their own passions, in order not to aggravate the state of his beloved daughter.
  • Violetta Davydovskaya - Svetlana, the girlfriend of the Antonov family and the godfather Lisa. A woman knows perfectly about the situation in the family and in every way to help Ole's advice in the field of relations with her husband. However, she has its own secrets that she tries until time not to issue.

Also in the film starred : Sergey Karyakin, Sergey Badichkin, Tamara Akulova, Valery Gromovikov and Kirill Dubrovitsky as a cardiologist Lion Alekseevich.

Interesting Facts

1. The film "The price of treason" has repeatedly demonstrated on domestic television. The premiere of the picture took place in 2017 on the channel "Russia-1".

2. The performer of the main female role Ekaterina Ryabova is familiar with lovers of the Russian television product. The actress was filmed in such projects as the "National Security Agent", "the right to truth", Prince Siberia, "Sea Devils. Tornado 2 "and" Immediate response ".

3. Marat Kim, who shot the film "The price of treason", managed to work out not only as a director. Also, the cinematographer, which is the nephew of the poet songwriter and playwright Julia Kima, managed to "light up" as an actor, playing in the "Kamenskaya" and "Turkish march" series. As well as the director's artist - it is a kim by its visual style and the atmosphere such projects such as "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces" of Nikolay Lebedev or "Karamazov Brothers" Yuri Claus.

The film "Charge Price" - Trailer:

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