Natalia Senchukova: 2020, biography, personal life, songs, rise, son


In his youth, she did not plan to be a singer, wanting to tie life with dancing. But thanks to the persuasion of the future, the husband changed the decision and took up vocals. And not in vain - the clips on the song "Sky No. 7" written under her gentle voice, "Babye Summer" song, "I'm not calling" anymore ", the Russian estrad stood up and they love to the audience.

On October 25, 2020, Natalia Senchukova celebrated the 50th anniversary. On the entertaining details of the personal life and the creative biography of the artist - in the material 24cmi.

1. Tourism

Natalia Senchukova from five years went to school of dances. Also in children's and youth years, the future singer was engaged in tourism. As the performer itself is joking, in order to be called a tourist now, it is enough to buy a ticket to Turkey, and earlier I had to stall in the forests, mountains and off-road with a laughing backpack on the back.

Tie with healthy hobby accounted for income into the choreographic school. For a light "ballet" step on the mountain paths, the instructors in the campaign swore - dangerous, it is necessary to step up the entire surface of the foot. And after the summer crashes, the cries were raised already teachers in choreography, outraged that the student "drags" legs. As a result, Natalia made a choice in favor of dancing.

2. Spore

At the age of 14, Natalia, inspired by viewing popular in those years of the Indian film "Dancer Disco", argued with the elder brother Igor, that sixteen will become a popular artist. The prize served as a scarce Japanese tape recorder. Unfortunately, the gathering girl lost, since Glory came to her a little later - only in the 91st, the debut of the hatching at the concert in the Olympic Village took place.

3. Always in the form

During the years of life, the actress tried the mass of the ways to follow her body. Visited Pilates and Aquaaerobics, was engaged in yoga. I even managed to walk in the 90s in the rocking chair together with the future spouse Viktor Fishkin. Now the artist chose to stay on a simple gymnastics, including the alternation of running with walking, as well as exercises in the fresh air.

By the way, the singer is the owner of a youthful discharge on tourism and black belt on karate. Natalia Senchukova headed the Karate-to-Sito-Ryu federation, being president before the elimination of a public organization, whose work was aimed at promoting sports among children and adults, in 2018.

4. Culinary amateur

Natalia Senchukova likes to cook. Especially attracting the singer to create complex, sophisticated dishes. True, it admits that the time for such experiments goes away. So the spouse even begins to hint what is easier to go to some restaurant, because "Hunger is not aunt and wait does not want." However, the results of such culinary surveys, as a rule, turn out to be above all silence.

It is also worth noting that for more than 20 years, the spouses prefer to limit themselves in nutrition and not consuming meat.

5. All hands

Senchukova managed to try himself not only as a dancer and vocalist. The artist showed itself and as an actress, appearing in the episode of the series "Real boys" and embodying the image of a resident of Rublevka on the screen.

6. Disease

In 2018, the performer became the guest of the Secret on Million program. From this release of the show, the viewers became known that Natalia Senchukova, like her husband Victor Rybin, suffers from cancer - skin basalomas. In order to cope with the disease, the spouses had to resort to radiation therapy, and subsequently limit the hit of the sunlight.

So artists fall on the hot summer months to relax at home, and not to be selected for distant resorts. However, in this state of affairs, the singer was able to find his advantages - Natalia Senchukov was fascinated by the care of the garden, in which fruit trees and all sorts of flowers grow abundant.

7. Sin on the soul

For a long time since the acquaintance, Natalia and Victor, who immediately felt mutual interest in each other, were forced to hide relations. Rybin did not dare to leave the family and burst between two women.

It was during this period of uncertainty Natalia decided to act about which years he regrets. Singer, despite the risk of losing the chance to re-get pregnant, took an abortion, because it was afraid that the beloved would still remain with the legal spouse. And they will have to raise the child alone. Fortunately, disappointing projections of doctors were not justified - Years, Natalia Senchukov, still been able to become a mother, who boring the son of Vasily in February 1999.

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